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This study explores the role that social media plays in Delta State University Abraka’s PR approach. Public relations professionals’ approach to public interaction has evolved since the introduction of social media into the field.

The uses and gratifications theory of mass communication was used in the study. 180 copies of the questionnaires were distributed in total. The role of social media in public relations is to improve connectivity and coverage tactics to successfully include the public.

The study came to the conclusion that using social media for public relations can help with image creation, news feed analysis, response evaluation, and dispelling false information.

Students should receive academic updates from Delta State University constantly, and comments and likes from students should be answered often.

Section I


1.1 Introduction of the Research

A significant part of human existence has been interpersonal relations. Owing to disparities in behaviour, it became necessary to build mutual understanding.

In any civilization, public relations serves this purpose. In general communication, social responsibility initiatives, and image management, Olalekan (2003:19) defines public relations as “the art and science of studying societal behaviour

environment want, and culture capable of influencing one’s undertakings with a view to reaching mutual understanding with the people and organisations.” Understanding on both a personal and a communal level is essential to human existence.

In order to improve the performance of corporate institutions or government and to further the social and economic development of a society, Ogunsanya (1991:77) states that “public relations is a scientific management function which involves the creation, building, and maintenance of mutual understanding and respect between an organisation or government and its publics, based on truth, using an effective two-way communication process within the framework of a credible strategic management agenda

Public relations, according to Jefkins (1978), is a collection of communication strategies intended to establish and preserve positive relationships between an organisation and its audiences.

According to Burnett and Moriarty (2003), public relations is a management function that is used by a variety of institutions, including businesses, governments, labour unions, political parties, educational institutions, organised sports, and the media.

In order to properly manage the organization’s image and reputation, their objective is to establish favourable relationships with a variety of publics. Every organisation aspires to keep a positive public perception.

Organisations’ corporate communication focuses on managing public opinion relating to issues. This is accomplished via controlling the organization’s image. According to Sandin and Simlin (2006), corporate relations programmes should be centred around an organization’s reputation and image.

The intention is to influence the public’s perception of the company to be positive. You can utilise this to handle emergencies. One proven tactic for resolving conflicts is public relations.

Since people differ in their attitudes and levels of comprehension, public relations efforts are necessary to create a communication channel that allows for respect for one another’s viewpoints and mutual understanding.

No one is self-sufficient or completely independent in the strict sense of the word in human society. The disputes in society govern every man. “Criticism originates from everyman, so all men have to learn to manage the conflicts as members of the interdependent human society,” claims Olalekan (2003:11).

It is crucial to remember that conflict, or disagreement, is a part of almost every human encounter and relationship. According to Ezeukwu (1998:328), interpersonal disputes “show differences in personalities, values, and opinions at a level.”

Individuals become significantly more conflictual when they are in groups. Interpersonal communication errors are likely to occur during this divisive and contentious time.

Group members are more likely to draw snap decisions, lose their cool, or take other people’s remarks personally when there is a strong emotional component to the conversation. ”

Public relations is a scientific management function which involves the creation, building and maintenances of mutual understanding and respect between an organisation or government and its publics, based on truth, using an effective two-way communication process within the framework of a credible strategic management agenda with a view to improving the social and economic development of a society,” according to Ogunsanya (1991:17).

The goal of public relations is to project a positive image. Public relations is defined as “a management function, of a continuing and planned character through which public and private organisation and institutions seek to win and retain the understanding, sympathy, and support of those with whom they are or may be concerned by evaluating public opinion about themselves, in order to correlate, as much as possible, their own policies and procedures, to achieve more productive cooperation and more efficient fulfilment of their common interest through planned and widespread information.”

This definition was provided by the International Public Relations Association in The Hague in May 1960. Every organisation was founded with the intention of serving the general population.

The manner in which the public views an organisation will determine how the public will treat it. Through public relations, management of organisations maintains tight ties with their audiences.

Olalekan (2003:40) “Publics often refer to the various social groupings, associations, and organisations that can be impacted in some kind by the existence and operations of another organisation, and vice versa.

They may experience positive, desired results or negative, offensive, and unwelcome ones. They are also important factors to consider while evaluating its corporate image.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

In the civilization, conflict has always been a prevalent occurrence. It is inevitable that any endeavour to build a human relationship will result in conflict.

The methods used to manage conflict are crucial because they will promote peace and make the parties to the conflict’s vague terms and circumstances apparent.

In order to preserve good relations between an organisation and its constituents, public relations plays a crucial role. It addresses issues of communication gaps and prioritises trend analysis, forecasting future trends, and devising a well-thought-out action plan that balances the interests of the organisation and its audiences.

1.3 The objectives of the study

The following are the study’s goals:

1. Determine the position of Delta State University Abraka in terms of PR.

2. To find out how Delta State University Abraka uses public relations for crisis management

3. To ascertain how public relations contributes to Delta State University Abraka’s image-building.

4. To ascertain the difficulties in public relations for creating the Delta State University Abraka image.

1.4 Research query

1. What role does Delta State University Abraka’s public relations play?

2. How has Delta State University Abraka employed public relations in crisis management?

3. How does public relations contribute to Delta State University Abraka’s image building?

4. What are the obstacles facing Delta State University Abraka’s public relations department in creating a positive image?

1.5 Importance of the research

Public relations professionals actively participate in crisis management to support the establishment and restoration of an organization’s reputation. The primary goal is to introduce doubt.

Because the academic institution’s reputation needs to be carefully managed, Delta State University Abraka stands to gain the most from crisis management PR initiatives.

Information about Delta State University’s use of PR to project a positive organisational image and show the public that the university values them will be gathered for the study.

1.6 scope of the Study

This study’s focus is on the impact that public relations played in creating Delta State University’s Abraka and how to handle conflicts between the institution and its constituents.

1.7 Definition of Terminologies

Coordination and upholding organisational policies in a way that benefits stakeholders is the art of management.

A crisis is when there is a conflict between two or more parties who are trying to protect their interests and it becomes disruptive to their peaceful coexistence.

Public relations is a deliberate effort to create and preserve understanding between parties by efficient communication.

Role: The part that one performs in accomplishing specific goals.

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