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Chapter one


1.1 Background of the Study

This study, the role of broadcasting in rural development, is concerned with examining how rural development programmes can be effectively organised and implemented at the local government or grassroots levels in any communities in Bayelsa State and Nigeria in general, using Bayelsa state media as a case study.

However, in-depth research suggests that Bayelsa state media makes extensive use of amplitude modulation and frequency modulation stations of Bayelsa state broadcasting services to raise awareness of the numerous opportunities available to them.

They continue to thrive in the prior misconception and fanatical belief that cannot be shared by contemporary urban dwellers.

The press in this country is obligated to wreak havoc on the lives of rural populations by bundling information on how to do something to which they are ill-informed.

Educating them with initiatives that can enhance their intellect, creating work opportunities for the ever-increasing rural population, and reorienting our rural residents through sensitization, enlightenment, mobilisation, emancipation, and motivation.

Rural development, in any location, can only be meaningfully realised through a well-planned and performed complicated interaction of numerous economic and noneconomic elements.

The primary responsibility of the press (Bayelsa state media) is to identify and study problems and issues that must be recognised and addressed in order to accomplish rural development or improve the quality of life for rural residents.

The Bayelsa state media should also contribute to the much-needed regular two-way communication between poor or marginalised rural dwellers and urban cities, particularly with the government or those in positions of political power.

It is no longer disputable that when media is properly approved, communication can work together with a nexus of other social variables to facilitate social charge that include rural development experts or practitioners in Africa, Asia, Latin America

and other developing areas have long been engaged in the search for method approaches, devices, techniques, and, of course, strategies that help them to put communication to the fullest and most effectively use in achieving

The critical topic that drew the attention of these specialists was the preparation of the essential and sufficient knowledge, education, and communication materials that can be commonly used for the efficient use of communication in rural development.

Bayelsa state media’s news, features, and so on have long been seen as effective packages for rural development, particularly when they are effectively prepared, and press writers must understand how to create them.

The press should pay special attention to how we may better develop and employ rural (RADIO) for development and mobilisation of the many neglected and abandoned rural people in Bayelsa’s primitive and inner areas.

We are convinced that it is unreasonable to expect meaningful, realistic, and actualized rural development in these Ogboinbiri communities without careful and systematic mobilisation and participation of rural dwellers, which can be accomplished through the press, with the Bayelsa state media serving as a case study.


In expressing the problem statement for the role of the press in Ogboinbiri, utilising Bayelsa state media as a case study, we see that several problems exist.

However, many change agents, rural development officers, public relations officers, information officers, and other officers involved in preparing news, officials, and features for Ogboinbiri residents who are participants in rural development projects do not do so well enough to achieve the required and desired results.

Furthermore, the problem is ignorance, but most of the time it is a lack of adequate orientation or sensitization of those officers to the unique philosophies, demands, procedures, and approaches for generating news, articles, and features to achieve rural development goals.

Furthermore, the other problems with the role of the press is achieving its goal in rural development. Ogboinbiri is caused by a high percentage of illiteracy among rural residents, as well as difficulties in overcoming geographical and linguistic barriers.

Again, the rural dwellers’ major weakness in development stems from two factors: readership due to the low literacy rate of the rural targeted audience, and the rural dwellers’ inability to read and understand rural newspapers, which has cautioned against allowing them to develop despite the role of the press in Bayelsa state.



1.3 Goals and Objectives of the Study

To assess the impact of ESBS on Ogboinbiri community development.

To assess the effectiveness of ESBS in communicating with the inhabitants of the Ogboinbiri community.

To identify the reasons that impede the ESBS programme from attaining progress in the Ogboinbiri community.

To recommend methods to improve the ESBS programme.

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