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Chapter one


Background of the study

Retailing refers to any organisation that sells to the final consumer, whether it is a manufacturer, wholesaler, or retailer. It makes no difference how the goods or services are sold (by person, mail, phone, vending machine, or internally) or where they are sold (at a store, on the street, or at the consumer’s home).

As a result, various businesses have emerged, as shops assist in the distribution of consumer goods; nevertheless, despite this effort, some consumers believe that their function is unnecessary and should be eliminated.

The objective of this research is to determine the cause of the ongoing consumer unrest and to propose a solution to this problem.

The researcher will also do thorough research to determine how retailers promote the movement of consumer products from producer to final consumer.

As a result, the consumer will understand the importance of the retailer’s role in goods distribution.

Statement of Research Problems

The researcher was able to identify a problem, which piqued their interest in attempting to solve it.

The issue is therefore one of credit facilitation. Many retailers are unable to continue operations due to a lack of funds held by customers (consumers) through credit facilities. When too much credit is granted, capital is severely impacted, potentially leading to the failure of the business unit.

Another important issue in consumer product distribution is a lack of advertising. Retailers should remember the old business adage that if you don’t say who you are, no one will know you exist.

Many retailers fail because they believe that advertising is a waste of money and energy. That is why the general public has a limited knowledge of this mode of distribution.


The researcher aims to achieve the following goals with this work:

Determine if the use of a retailer is justified, regardless of the additional cost that their existence or operation imposes on consumer goods.

Determine the relative relevance of retailers based on their ongoing usage.

To evaluate the circumstances under which the retailer could be removed from the distribution of consumer goods to ultimate customers.

To discuss and identify the current types of merchants in the distribution of consumer products.


The study work will be limited to specific features. The focus will be on consumer products distribution, with a review of relevant literature and publications.

The retailing system, including effective management and consumer product classification. The various types of retailers will be thoroughly investigated.

The relevance and function of retailers will not be overlooked; it is apparent that retailers have numerous challenges in carrying out their responsibilities; this research work is also designed to identify these challenges and provide solutions or recommendations to these flaws.

The subsequent reorganisation of the marketing system to relieve itself of the merchants will also be discussed.

As a result, when these difficulties are effectively addressed, the consumer will undoubtedly grin.

Significance of the Study

This scientific work will, nonetheless, be valuable to various individuals and bodies, including:

It will allow the researcher to fulfil their quota in the academic discipline.

It will qualify the researcher for an award or the completion of the HND certificate.

For fourth-year students to expand their expertise.

When there is a need for economic growth or development, this is beneficial to the economy and government agencies.
Useful for current and aspiring retailers who want to increase their distribution channels and consumer satisfaction.

It is useful to consumers since it allows them to locate and evaluate authentic retailers who can meet their needs.

Statement of Hypothesis

To gain a better knowledge of the subject under examination, the researcher has provided many assumptions that will be checked depending on the data gathered and analysed.

To this goal, the researcher created a list of hypotheses that could be true or untrue. The null hypothesis is one that can be accepted if the alternative hypothesis is rejected.

Hypothesis I

HI: Retailers contribute to rising consumer goods costs.

Ho: Retailers do not contribute to the increase in consumer goods prices.

Hypothesis II.

Hello: Adequate experience and education improve retailers’ performance in the distribution of consumer products.

Ho: Adequate experience and education do not improve retailers’ performance in the distribution of consumer products.

Hypothesis III.

Ho: Retailers play a crucial role in the distribution of consumer products.

Operational Definition of Terms

Retailing refers to all operations that entail selling goods or services directly to ultimate consumers for personal, non-business usage.
A retailer store is any business enterprise whose sales volume is primarily generated by its end customers. Any middleman between manufacturers and consumer goods, such as storage and distribution to end users.

A manufacturer/producer is a person or group of people who can convert input into output for successful consumer use.
Agents are business units that negotiate purchases or sales on the producer’s behalf but do not own the goods with which they deal.

Dealers: A company that buys and resells items as a retailer or wholesaler. It is the individual who has committed to carry and sell the manufacturer’s products for a profit.

Wholesaler: A business unit that purchases and resells items to retailers and other merchant industries for commercial purposes but does not sell in tiny quantities to final customers.

Merchants: A company unit that purchases, holds rights to, and resells merchandise.

Manufacturer Representation: Independent business owners who have made arrangements with multiple manufacturers to market their products to retailers.

Market: A group of people who need to be satisfied, have money to spend, and are willing to spend it, or are actual or potential buyers of a product or service.

Marketing is the exchange of activities carried out by individuals and organisations in order to please customers and achieve marketing objectives in a dynamic environment by creating, distributing, promoting, and pricing goods, services, and ideas.

Wholesale trade is the sale of activities related to the sale of products to individuals who are purchasing for the aim of reselling.
Consumers are people who buy products and services for their own use or for the use of a single member of their household.

A product is anything that can be offered to a market for attention, use, or consumption in order to satisfy a want or need.
Warehouse: A storage facility where products are maintained until they are sent at a price. This is the process of converting the value of a product to a consumer at a certain time into monetary terms.

Price is the mechanism for conveying the worth of a product to a consumer at a given time.
customer goods are products that are intended for use by the end customer or home and can be used without further processing.

Channel: In marketing, the term channel refers to the course that commodities travel as they flow from the site of production to the point of intermediate and final use. Channel is also the means used by a firm to contact and interact with its clients.

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