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A message directed at a big group of people using a mass medium is known as mass communication. It entails conveying information to a broad and widely distributed audience, which is made possible by mass communication. That is, mass media facilitates mass communication. Television, radio, newspapers, and magazines are examples of mass media.

Researchers in mass communication were curious about how specific massage, channels, and sources could affect changes in attitude and behaviour. This was the natural progression of mass communication research since the 1920s, fueled by public fear of the media, as well as anxious politicians, eager advertisers, crusading social engineers,

and others watching to see the massive reach of the media; “to get their message across” quickly and efficiently. Government, military, and corporate funding sources all played a role in individuals working in the field deciding to go in this way.

The purpose was to establish what type of persuasive message might be used most effectively in various types of mobilisations, such as political, advertising, public health, economic, educational, and military mobilisations.

Recent innovations in print and electronic media technologies, particularly the medium of television, have already begun to fragment media audiences and modify the connection between media and the nation (masses).

As a result, the use of the media in mobilisation and persuasion is critical, because broadcast media, particularly television, has become the primary source of information dissemination in Nigeria over the years, as well as the primary means and most effective tools for political persuasion.

Television’s ability to mobilise and persuade people to behave in a certain way and perform certain actions has made it an effective tool for political persuasion because it can send sound and picture simultaneously to a large and widely available audience, and it is captivating and dramatic in nature.

Television appeals to the senses of sight and sound; it is an all-encompassing method that combines aural and visual colours and action. It has the potential to pique the interest of the majority of spectators. That is why the government and other corporate entities place so much emphasis on it.

The media (television) acts as an intermediary between the government and the people by assisting the government in communicating its plans and policies to the people, and the people in turn communicate their responses, feelings, and plight to the government.

After many years of military rule in Nigeria, democracy became a much needed endeavour, and television served as a major tool through which the people were fully informed, enlightened, mobilised, and persuaded to actively participate in the country’s decision making during the transition period.

Television and NTA Kaduna, to a significant extent, aid in raising political knowledge among Nigerians and mobilising them to both contest elections and be voted for, or to vote for a candidate of their choosing as an electorate.

The significance of television in ensuring a successful transition in Nigeria cannot be overstated. In Nigeria, television plays a significant role in political influence.


The primary goals of this study are to emphasise the role or importance of television in political persuasion and outline its effectiveness in political mobilisation and persuasion during transition,

as well as the importance of television in society and the effect and acceptability of television messages in society in comparison to other forms of mass communication.

Furthermore, the importance of NTA Kaduna in political persuasion is emphasised in this study, as is the actuality and trustworthiness of television broadcasts sent over such distances.

Finally, the purpose of this study is to make government and other private bodies aware of the relevance of the media, particularly television, in political awareness, mobilisation, and persuasion.


This study focuses on the function of television in political persuasion, using NTA Kaduna as a case study. Because everything media-related is usually broad and cannot be covered in isolation, other facts regarding the role and relevance of the media (television) world sufficed in the process of writing the term paper.


The constraint encountered over the course of this study is not due to the fact that the relevant information and documents required were not provided by the media organisation due to the media organization’s confidentiality of such material.

This research was also intended for several broadcast media outlets, but owing to time and financial constraints, it was restricted to NTA Kaduna.


The Nigeria Television Authority (NTA) Kaduna is a branch of the erstwhile Northern Nigeria Kaduna Broadcasting Company (BCNN), which was founded in March 1962.

It was founded as a radio and television broadcasting corporation, which gave rise to its previous name, Radio Television Kaduna. The station has seen numerous alterations as governments have come and gone.

The Nigeria Television Authority (NTA) Kaduna was separated from the previous Broadcasting Corporation of Northern Nigeria (BCNN), which was created by order No 21 on March 31, 1962, and took effect on April 1, 1976.

The station covers a 10-kilometer radius south of Kaduna, Malumfashi in Katsina state, and a portion of Kano state.

The transmitter operates on four bands, one of which is VHF, and is located at No 99, Isah Kaita Road, Kaduna. It was installed in 1993 and covers Kafanchan, Saminaka, and Birnin Gwari. The transmitter might be said to cover three-quarters of Kaduna’s land area.

In April 1976, the previous Federal Military Government separated the television part of Radio Television Kaduna and renamed it the Nigeria Television Authority (NTA) Kaduna, while the radio aspect was renamed the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria (FRCN) Kaduna.


To guide this investigation, the following hypotheses will be tested:

H0: Television has no meaningful effect on political persuasion.

H1: Television has a tremendous impact on political persuasion.


The title of this term paper refers to the terminology to be defined. The title is Television’s Role in Political Persuasion. As a result, the terminology could be defined as follows:

vROLE: According to the Advance Learners Dictionary, a role is a function that a person or thing has or is expected to have.

vTELEVISION: According to the Webster dictionary, television is the precise and continuous transmission of a visual image, either still or in motion, but without permanent recording.

For instantaneous distant viewing; accomplished by the use of a combined optical and electrical system for translating waves into corresponding electrical impulses, which are then transformed into visual form in a receiving set.

vPOLITICAL: The Webster dictionary defines “political” as “anything pertaining to public policy concerned with government administration.”

MOBILISATION: The art of persuading others to behave in a specific way and accomplish specific acts.
The work of many researchers on broadcast media, particularly radio.

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