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Role Of The Agency For Mass Education In Promoting Adult Education In Zuru Local Government Area, Kebbi State.

Role Of The Agency For Mass Education In Promoting Adult Education In Zuru Local Government Area, Kebbi State.

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Role Of The Agency For Mass Education In Promoting Adult Education In Zuru Local Government Area, Kebbi State.

Chapter one


1.1 Background of the Study

Mass education in the north began in the late 1940s and early 1950s with the founding of the Northern Regional Literacy Agency (NORLA), which had its headquarters in Zaria. The Agency’s major goal was to increase the literacy rate of northern Nigerians, therefore it began with an aggressive anti-illiteracy campaign (YakidaJaluki).

The Agency acted as a reference centre for planning and material development. It got strong backing and assistance from the regional government under the late premier, Alhaji Sir Ahmadu Bello, the Sardauna of Sokoto, who personally led the campaign. His ministers, provincial commissioners, emirs, and chiefs were steadfastly loyal to him.
As part of its duties, the Northern Regional Literacy Agency (NORLA) educated selected persons as public enlightenment campaigners and assigned them to important places throughout the region. It also established basic literacy and material resources, such as primers for adult literacy delivery in former northern Nigeria (Yahaya 1994, p. 19).

However, the emergence of states in 1976 led in the division of erstwhile northern Nigeria into six states: Northwestern, North Central, Northeastern, Benue, Plateau, Kano, and Kwara, resulting in a decrease in NORLA’s activity.

Adult education was pushed to the sidelines in favour of universal primary education (UPE) at exorbitant costs with few results *(Yahaya 1994 p.19). In 1976, the Peoples Redemption Party (PRP) government in Kano state acted as a messiah, with its redemption doctrine.

After investigating the mistakes and crimes perpetrated against adult literacy, the new government created a high-level group to devise a method to rescue adult education from its near-total collapse.

It was realised that, in order to succeed, adult education programs needed to be freed from the laziness of local governments and the steep bureaucracy of ministries that gave them little attention.

The Kano state government established the first independent agency in April 1980, through an act of the state house of assembly, which was made up of the Adult Education Unit of the Ministry of Education and the Adult Education Department of the state’s local governments. Later, in 1986, Bauchi state established its own agency.

The federal government, through the Directors of Food, Roads, and Rural Infrastructures (DFRRI) and later the Directorate for Social Mobilisation (MAMSER), provided funds for literacy and encouraged states to establish agencies and expand activities to local governments.

The Kebbi state, on the other hand, is part of the state of the age; nevertheless, in 1991, the federal government of Nigeria established new states, Kebbi included, with the organisational structure. Similarly, the agency’s activities are extended to a variety of strategic sites.

1.2 Statement of Problem

Nigeria’s federal, state, and local governments have entrusted the task of combating illiteracy to various bodies, including the National Commission for Mass Literacy, recognising the importance of adult literacy for development.

Adult and non-formal education, state education ministries, mass literacy agencies, and nongovernmental organisations (NGOs). This study is designed to analyse the role of the agency for education programs in the Zuru Metropolis.


The goal of this research was to conduct a study on the agency’s development in terms of its involvement in the development of adult education programs in Zuru metropolitan area.

Similarly, the study examined the issues confronting the Agency in its efforts to carry out its initiatives, particularly in the Zuru metropolitan. The investigation also included attempts to find potential solutions to the difficulties.


Prior to the founding of the agency, there were various bodies, such as the containing education section of the ministry of education, which was responsible for the implementation of Adult Education programs throughout the state.

Adult education methods saw significant adjustments following the agency’s founding. The goal of this study is to look at the development that has occurred since the agency’s foundation.

That is, it promoted adult education programs. It was believed that there would be a significant difference and improvement in the programs compared to what had previously been done by the bodies in charge of the operation.

To conduct this analysis, the study examined adult education activities in Zuru metropolitan prior to the agency’s establishment in the state. This includes the agency’s success over time, challenges, and strategies for overcoming obstacles.

And, in order to identify the development that occurred since the agency’s founding, the research would examine the agency’s goals and objectives, as well as its programs.

Similarly, attention was made to the agency’s initiatives carried out in the Zuru metropolis. The results of this research will assist determine whether or not the study makes a major attempt to promote adult education programmes in the state government.


What role does the Agency for Mass Education play in promoting adult education courses in the Zuru metropolis?

ii. What are the challenges that the Agency for Mass Education has in carrying out its programmes?


iii. How can the difficulties affecting the agency be resolved?

1.5 Significance of the Study

The importance of any study, among other things, is to provide or expand knowledge and make recommendations on how to better handle matters.

Education is known to be an instrument, but development could only be superficially achieved when the vast majority of people are literate in places like Kebbi state where there is education backwardness and also a wider gap between those who are not, the question of bridging the gap becomes ineditable, the alternative of educating the vast number of illiterates in the area is therefore through adult education programs, and there were several attempts made by

Another administration established a mass education agency in order to eradicate illiteracy in the state. The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding of the role that the Agency for Mass Education Kebbi State has played in improving adult education in the Zuru metropolis region since its founding in 1991.

The study will also highlight the issues that are preventing the agency from attaining its targeted goals and objectives, as well as the remedies to these issues.


1.6 The Scope and Limitations of the Study

The study was limited to adult education practices in Zuru metropolis prior to the agency’s establishment, i.e. looking at adult education before 1990, when the state agency was established. The study will also look at the existing trends and problems bridging the agency, as well as possible solutions to the said problems.

The study also examined adult education in Zuru metropolitan from the agency’s inception in 1991 till the present.

1.7 Operational Definition of Terms

i. The Agency for Mass Education: An organisation established under Section 3 of the enacting legislation and known as the Agency for Mass Education. The organisation plans and organises adult education programs to eliminate illiteracy across the country.

ii. Success: The agency’s adult education programs, including as literacy, women’s, workers’, GCE remedial, and vocational training, have demonstrated success.

iii. Aims and Objectives: This refers to the grounds for the agency’s formation, as stated in the statute that established it.

iv. Problems: These include obstacles to attaining the agency’s goals, such as lack of political will, lack of materials, human shortages, and financial constraints.

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