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Role Of The Internet In Distance Learning Education

Role Of The Internet In Distance Learning Education

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Role Of The Internet In Distance Learning Education



Distance learning is a wonderful way to reach learners who are physically and temporally distanced from a source of information. The distance learning structure provides students with the greatest amount of control over the time, place, and speed of their study. To be effective, remote education programs must reframe the role of the Internet in the learning-teaching process.

This study will look at the use of the Internet in distant learning education, utilising the University of Abuja as a case study. To meet the study’s goals and objectives, questionnaires were delivered to respondents as a means of data collecting, the gathered questionnaires were processed, and a program was created to represent this study as a computerised system.

Chapter One: Introduction (1.0)

The invention and development of the Internet was mankind’s most significant discovery in the twentieth century, sparking a revolution. Today, more than half of the world’s population uses the Internet, which has applications in almost every aspect of life, including communication, knowledge, news, commerce, sports, marketing, entertainment, and education.

The Internet is a global information system that enables resource sharing, data exchange, instant connectivity, and integration of computer networks.

According to Rosenberg (2001), the Internet was the most significant technological development of the 1990s. And it will continue to play a critical role in reshaping higher education.”

The Internet, which was created to help computer scientists and researchers interact with colleagues, has grown so much that it has almost become an unavoidable tool for both individuals using it to gather all manner of information for personal consumption and corporate organisations;

academia and other research-oriented bodies are not excluded either (Uche, 2011). This network has pioneered the development of web-based learning and distance education.

Distance Education, also known as Distance Learning, is a type of education that focusses on teaching methods and technology with the goal of providing instruction, frequently on an individual basis, to students who are not physically present in a traditional educational setting such as a classroom.

It has been defined as a process of creating and providing access to learning when the source of knowledge and the learners are separated by time and space.

Distance education, as described by Jegede (2003), is education offered through a mode other than the traditional face-to-face technique, with goals that are similar to and just as noble and practical as those of full-time on-campus face-to-face education.

Distance education is quickly developing as it obtains global recognition among students, educational institutions, employer organisations, and the general public.

It makes education more accessible to underprivileged populations while also adapting to today’s learners’ complex lifestyles, schedules, and obligations. The quality of distance education is no longer in issue, and the emphasis has shifted from defining what it is to determining what it can do.

Interactivity has become an essential component of online learning settings. This may include interaction between students and informative materials, between students and their teacher, and among students themselves (Dempsey et al., 2002). And this interaction leads to cooperation, which leads to improved learning.

Internet-based distance learning services offer a host of ideas, a broad array of information, and interactive opportunities to educators and students using any of the following forms: electronic mail/electronic discussion groups, bulletin boards/newsgroups for discussion of special topics, interactive tutorials on the web, real-time interactive conferencing using MOO (multi-user Object Orientated) Systems or Internet Relay Chat, intranets, the use of online databases, libra

However, the Internet can be utilised to provide additional services like as online student and course registration, online examination, computer conferencing, downloading of course materials or tutorials, and even access to a specific institution’s academic calendar.

This study provides a critical examination of numerous fundamental topics concerning the use of the Internet in remote learning education, with the goal of assisting course designers, researchers, teachers, and even students in making more informed judgements in this new sector. Furthermore, it addresses a number of critical issues and proposes interesting future research avenues.

1.1 Aims and Objectives

The primary goals and objectives of this research are to determine the role of the Internet in distance learning education in order to determine whether distance learning is better off using traditional methods of education, such as face-to-face interactions between the teacher and the learner, or using Internet resources.

Additional aims include:

To assess the value of the Internet in distance learning education.

To determine the level of computerization/automation in distant learning services.

To gather information and conduct research pertaining to the project.

To identify the issues related with the use of the Internet in distance education.

1.2 Significance of the Study

The purpose of this study is to determine the function that the Internet has played or can play in distant learning education at the University of Abuja. This study will be extremely beneficial to both students and teachers in the education sector

particularly the university system, and the findings will serve as a model for libraries, lecturers, students, information managers/information scientists, and even other academics in the field of study.

1.3 Methodology
This study will use both primary and secondary data collection methods. An interview and a questionnaire will be used as primary sources to gather the information needed for this investigation.

Secondary sources will include books, journals, seminar papers, and other relevant sources such as the Internet, encyclopaedias, and so on.

This research is on the role of the Internet in distance learning education, utilising the University of Abuja as a case study, and will only look at literature published between 1993 and the present.

1.5 Definition of Terms
Some words are used in this project, and a few of them are defined below:

A computer is an electronic device that accepts, processes, stores, and produces data at rapid speeds based on preset instructions.
Computer conferencing is a means of interacting over a computer network at the same moment (synchronous) or delayed time (asynchronous), either as a group or between two people.

Typical formats include email, bulletin boards, threaded discussions, net meetings (with audio, video, and shared “blackboard” displays), and databases.

Distance learning is a type of education in which the primary components are the physical separation of teachers and students during instruction and the use of various technologies to allow student-teacher and student-student communication.

Instruction refers to the action, practice, or profession of instructing.

The Internet is an electronic communications network that connects computer networks and organisational computing facilities around the globe.

Virtual learning is a word that is often used interchangeably with remote learning, online learning, web-based learning, and e-learning. It refers to the purposeful application of networked information and communication technologies in teaching and learning.

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