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Chapter One: Introduction

The Federal Government of Nigeria defined Local Government as follows: “Local Government is government at the local level exercised through representative councils established by law to exercise specific power within defined areas” (Government print: 1976).

The United Nations Office for Public Administration defined Local Government as “a political division of a nation (in a Federal or State system) that is constituted by law and has substantial control over Local affairs, including the power to impose taxes and exact labour for prescribed purposes.”

According to W. A. Robson’s Encyclopaedia of Social Services, Local Government refers to a geographical, non-sovereign community with the legal authority to govern itself.

This, in turn, implies the establishment of a local authority with the authority to act independently of external oversight, as well as the local community’s participation in the administration of its affairs.”

Local government is defined as “a political subdivision of national government or, in the case of federal systems, a subdivision of regional government” in volume 17 of the Encyclopaedia Americana, International Edition (1978).

The New Columbia Encyclopaedia (4th Edition) describes it as “sub-political administration of the smallest sub-divisions of a country’s territory and population.”

According to Ugwu (2002), Local Government is “the lowest level of administration to whose laws and regulations communities who live in a defined geographical area and have common social and political ties are subject.”

Local Government is defined by its autonomous existence, legal status, specific powers, ability to impose taxes and incur expenses, defined territory, and authority over a specific area.

1.1 Background of the Study

Local governments were established so that the federal and state governments could effectively control and develop rural communities.

As a result, one of the most successful roles of the local government (Anaocha local government) is to provide a two-way communication channel between the local people and the central government by mobilising human and material resources at the grassroots level.

The conclusion of the preceding is that the concept of rural and national development depends on strong local government leadership and administration for its success.

(Ngwu 1980) It also implies that effective local government is required for the planning, preparation, and submission of funding proposals, as well as the initiation of any meaningful development project in Nigeria.

This goes a long way towards validating Agu’s (2001) assertion that effective and efficient local government leadership and administration are required for the sustenance and utilisation of development projects in any nation.

As a result, research conducted by Ezike (1998:45) and Hassan (1999:66) demonstrated that efficient implementation of development projects is dependent on strong leadership from the local government area, particularly during the planning stage.

Understanding the local power structure can either enhance or impede the implementation of development projects in both rural and national contexts. Furthermore, local government (Anaocha) leadership is always essential to ensure true grassroots participation in any government development project or activity.

However, the local administration (Anaocha) struggled to accomplish their responsibilities due to financial and political issues. According to Williams (1998-50), the majority of Nigeria’s local governments lack appropriate financial resources, a phenomenon known as zero accusation.

The Anaocha local government was severely impacted by the zero allocation epidemic, which impacted a wide range of developmental operations, including personnel compensation.

As a result of the local government authority’s disappointing endeavour, which was caused by mismanagement, the existing funds were not used appropriately.

In some circumstances, local governments are overstaffed to the point where the majority of their resources are used to pay staff salaries. The research aims to assess the influence of local government on economic development.

1.2 Statement of Problem

Local government is the third tier of government that was established to bring the presence of the government closer to the people at the grass roots, with the goal of providing some basic functions or needs of life such as food, shelter, job opportunities, primary health care, primary education, roads, markets, and so on.

However, contrary to expectations, municipal governments have clearly failed in their constitutional tasks. They are widely seen as unproductive (President Oluegun Obasanjo’s address to the nation on the reasons for the current local government reform, 2003).

It was stated that this current reform is one of the biggest reforms previously done on Nigeria’s local government system, with the primary goal of making the local government system more effective and efficient, responsive, and objective. The municipal government is dealing with a lot of issues.

– The challenge of low productivity in municipal government.

– The problem of unemployment and low incomes among the target demographic.

– A lack of enhanced quality in essential human requirements such as food, shelter, work prospects, health care, and education.

– The local government council’s inability to ensure that the poorest segment of the population benefits from economic activity. A lack of social services and economic progress. The problem confronting this research is to investigate the function of municipal government in economic development.

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