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The purpose of this study, Sales Promotion: A Tool for Achieving Customer Brand Loyalty in the Table Water Industry, was to determine the extent of the relationship between efficient sales promotion and customer satisfaction.

However, to meet the study’s purpose, a survey research design was utilised to study the organisation, with 70 questionnaires distributed to respondents in order to collect firsthand knowledge.

After conducting a comprehensive study of the data, it was discovered that there is a strong relationship between effective sales promotion and customer happiness in the table water business, and that table water producers’ goals are linked to their performance. Militating elements were revealed to operate as a link between effective sales marketing and consumer pleasure.

According on the findings of this study, the following were advised. That various table water companies in the state and around the country implement sales promotion methods and educational programmes.

Consumers should be informed using an appropriate communication channel and an effective sales promotion table. That government agency should enact legislation to guide the operations of manufacturers.

Chapter One:

1.0 Introduction

Sales promotion is something extra that piques the interest of clients, creates a desire to buy, and elicits an immediate response from middlemen or the company’s sales staff. It is the designation given to specific types of sales-accelerating activities that are not always classified as advertising, personal selling, or PR. It is regarded as a particular selling effort.

It consists of short-term rewards intended to increase purchasing behaviour.

Sales promotion efforts are focused at consumers, middlemen, or the firm’s own sales staff.

Sales promotion tactics include consumer promotions like as coupons, premiums, samples, and refunds.

b. Trade or dealer promotions, such as free products allowances.

c. Sales force promotion, such as sales material, special bonuses, sales meetings, and so on.

As a result, sales promotion is viewed as short-term in nature. It typically comes and goes, indicating that it is not permanent in nature and is related with one unusual motivation or another.

It is often made available at the moment of purchase.

1.1 Background of the Study

In this dispensation of creating viable awareness that will acquaint the customer with the firm and its offering, we can say that sales promotion as a communication mix offers a consumer a product in addition to extra value is a type of short-term incentive designed to generate immediate purchase, and with the addition of extra value offered that influences the customer’s immediate buying action, sales promotion is indeed a tool for achieving customer brand loyalty.

It is important to note that any promotional action that does not come under the categories of advertising, personal selling, or public relations PR is referred to as sales promotion.

Sales promotion takes a different approach and technique than advertising and personal selling.

As a result, it uses short-term, non-secure strategies to increase revenue in a variety of ways. These offers are not available to customers all year.

These schemes are commonly encountered on the market during festivals, the end of seasons, and other special occasions. Thus, sales promotion includes all activities other than advertising and personal selling that contribute to increased sales of a specific commodity. It is a tool for generating short-term sales.

The characteristics of sales promotion (such as attention grabbing, product or image damage) make it a distinct marketing communication mix, resulting in customer brand loyalty.

Sales is any action performed by an organisation to promote a rise in sales usage or trial of a product or service (i.e. initiatives that are not covered by the other aspects of the marketing communications or promotions mix). Sales promotions vary.

It is that something extra that can pique clients’ interest, stimulate a desire to buy, and elicit an urgent response from middlemen or the company’s sales force. It is regarded as a particular selling effort.

It comprises of short-term rewards intended to encourage purchasing behaviour. Sales promotion efforts are focused towards consumers, middlemen, or the company’s own form. Sales promotion tactics include consumer promotions such as coupons, premiums, samples, refunds, discounts, contests, and demonstrations.

b. Trade or Dealer marketing, which includes free items, merchandise allowances, cooperative advertising, purchasing allowances, dealer sales, and contests.

c. Sales force marketing includes sales material, special bonuses, and sales meetings.

Sales force promotion incentives are typically for a specific product or brand over the current level. Sales would increase if more consumers were attracted to the shop, non-brand users were recruited, and brand users were motivated to buy more consumer promotions, which essentially attract the more price sensitive or premium conscious buyers.

The impact varies depending on the type of marketing, the magnitude of the incentive, the simplicity of accessing the offer, and the level of awareness generated for the offer.

It is widely assumed that sales promotional activities are intended to weaken brand loyalty, whereas advertising is intended to strengthen brand loyalty.

This is because, unlike advertising, sales promotion offers an immediate advantage but does not establish a long-term customer franchise. They mostly attract deal-seeking consumers who are always eager to switch brands when an incentive becomes available.

Sales promotion devices are typically the sole promotional items available at the time of purchase. This adds to its effectiveness in igniting the prospect. The prospect’s thoughts; otherwise, they would not be at the point of sale.
The aims of sales marketing vary depending on the target demographic.

Consumers’ objectives include boosting buying response, whereas retailers’ objectives include increasing selling efforts and intensity.
The sales force’s aims include increasing selling efforts.

The overall goals of sales promotion are to launch new items, attract new customers while retaining existing ones, maintain seasonal product sales, and overcome competitive challenges.

Today’s growth in the bottled water sector is largely due to the precise use of sales marketing activities.

Vinuela table water is a product of Vincent Ogbulafor and Sons Limited, established in the year 2004, located at no. Aba road Old Umuahia Abia State.

The consumption of vinuela table water in Umuahia metropolis and elsewhere is increasing on a daily basis because consumers have come to recognise that vinuela table water is of superior quality when compared to competing products such as Uzzi and Eva tables water.

The rate at which this product is consumed demonstrates the effectiveness of sales promotion in creating customer brand loyalty and switching.

Table water is drinking water that is packed in plastic or glass containers. Water is currently the primary product in Umuahia and its surrounding areas, packaged in new polyethylene erephthalate bottles and sold retail.


1.2 Statement of the Problem:

In today’s market, the employment of short-term incentives to stimulate sales of a firm’s offering is met with several obstacles, which are as follows:

1. Sales marketing. Since providing a short-term incentive may discourage purchases, especially when the reward is too small, and may impair the company’s ability to reach its goal if the incentive is too great.

2. The sales marketing programme was not timed correctly.

3. Vinuela Table Water uses an improper promotional vehicle.

4. Targeting the sales promotion strategy to the wrong audience.


The goal of this study is to assess the overall effectiveness of Vinuela table water’s promotional programmes in order to determine how successful management of its sales promotional activities may assist it gain consumer brand loyalty. Other specific objectives are as follows:

1. to evaluate the sales promotion initiatives of Vinuela table water.

2. to uncover flaws in the present sales advertising campaigns for Vinuela table water.

3. to identify the issues impeding efficient sales promotion activities for Vinuela table water.

4. to determine the association between efficient sales promotional programmes for Vinuela table water and customer loyalty.

5. Determine how successful vinuela table water sales marketing techniques might result in increasing market share.

6. Determine how Vinuela Table Water may employ sales promotions to improve customer service and satisfaction.

7. To recommend the most effective sales promotion programmes that will improve client loyalty and market share.

1.4 Statement of Research Questions.

In accordance with the ongoing, and strictly based on the objectives of this study, the following will serve as research questions:
1. How can sales promotion help achieve customer brand loyalty?

2. How do sales promotions affect client brand loyalty?

3. To what extent may sales promotion as a method for building client brand loyalty contribute to increasing market share?

4. To what extent may sales promotion be used to increase client brand loyalty and counter competition?

5. What are the most common issues that arise when using sales promotion strategies?

6. What are the most effective sales promotion tactics for increasing a company’s sales volume?

1.5 Statement of Hypothesis

The following hypotheses have been offered for testing:- H1: Effective sales promotion methods significantly impact client brand loyalty.

Ho There is no clear link between good sales promotion methods and customer brand loyalty.

H1 There is a strong association between good sales marketing and client satisfaction.

Ho There is no clear link between effective sales marketing and client satisfaction.

1.6 Significance of the Study

1. This study will introduce the researcher to numerous sales promotion tactics that will be used to increase customer brand loyalty.

2. This study will help the researcher understand how effective. Sales marketing can aid in countering competing actions.

3. By doing this study, the researcher will become acquainted with the issues experienced when implementing sales promotional techniques.

1. This study will help the company strategically position their sales promotion message to achieve customer brand loyalty.

2. It will also identify factors that may hinder customer brand loyalty.

3. The findings of this study will assist the company in understanding the impact of sales promotion on client brand loyalty.

(C) Importance to the public.

1. The study will help the general public comprehend sales promotion and its relevance.

2. This study will inform the general public about the extent to which sales promotions might incentivize and encourage consumers to become brand loyal.


Because of the time lag, the scope of this study includes Umuahia city customers such as Olokoro, Ibeku, Umuopara, Ahuhu, Ubakala, Umudike, Old Umuahia, and so on.

The coverage also includes employees from the marketing purchasing, accounting, and product branding departments.

1.7 Limitations of the Study

Due to time and funding constraints, this study was limited to Imo State.

The researcher experienced challenges such as time constraints, budgetary constraints, and academic pressure while doing this work.

1.8 Definition of Terms

(A) Market: refers to the current and potential buyers of a company’s offering.

(B) Customer: an individual or group of people who buy a company’s products or services.

(C) Sales promotion is the employment of short-term incentives to boost sales.

(D) Brand: is a name, symbol, particular design, or a mix of these features used to identify and distinguish one company’s goods and services from those of competitors.

(E) Brand loyalty refers to customers who are committed to a specific product or brand and are unlikely to switch.

(F) Bottled water is drinking water packed in plastic or glass containers.

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