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Chapter one

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study

Throughout the years, several organisations have used brand positioning to define and separate their brand (product) among competitors.

Ovaltine was first introduced in the first century in Birmingham, United Kingdom, where it was created before being brought into Nigeria along with other malt beverages like as pronto and malvota. The term Ovaltine was derived from the word Bornoille “Ville” indicating vitality, hence the name Ovaltine.

Prior to the 1950s, Ovaltine and Pronto were imported into Nigeria from the United Kingdom during colonial rule, and between 1960 and 1964, Ovaltine and Pronto were imported into Nigeria from the United Kingdom and canned in Nigeria under the licence of Cadbury Nigeria Plc.

In 1965, Ovaltine and drinking chocolate were already produced locally; however, due to the civil war, the restriction on the importation of cocoa beverages impacted Ovaltine and paved the way for Cadbury Nigeria Plc, which took advantage of this to enhance the position of Ovaltine.

Ovaltine had the market share until 1970, when the cocoa import prohibition was relaxed, and Ovaltine, Milo, Vita Cup, and other brands re-emerged, lowering Ovaltine’s share. Ovaltine introduced the 9009, which mandated expansion again.

Ovaltine saw an increase in competition activity among important players, although it retained market supremacy until the mid-1990s. In recent years, the popularity of Ovaltine has been questioned. As a result, the researcher will attempt to determine the impact of brand positioning in marketing operations by utilising Ovaltine as a case study.

1.2 Statement of Research Problem

Most food and beverage industries have failed due to a lack of understanding of customer behaviour, resulting in a drop in predicted profit.

This is why they have received numerous criticisms. This study will provide responses to the following questions.

1. Do consumers prefer Ovaltine over other Cadbury food drinks?

2. Do people prefer other beverage brands besides Ovaltine?

3. Is the cost of Ovaltine reasonable as a component in


1.3 Objectives of the Study

The objectives are as follows.

1. Determine how the current positioning has increased Ovaltine’s market leadership over competing food drinks.

2. Determine the advantage that the current positioning has over other competitive offerings.

3. Determine whether the current positioning increased sales more than other positions.

4. Determine consumers’ perceptions of Ovaltine in terms of awareness and profitability.

1.4 Scope of the Study

This study will only focus on Delta State and its target population, which consists of children aged 2 to 15 from classes A, B, and C. It will include both males and females. The schools chosen for this study are:

1. Bother + school.

2. University Preparatory Nursery and Primary School.

1.5 Significance of the Study

Selected situations like this are supposed to provide manufacturers and advertisers with useful information and understanding.

To gain a competitive advantage, it’s important to assess the impact of Ovaltine’s “kiddies friendly” brand on children in Delta State. The brand claims to be inclusive of children’s friends from all over the state.

This study would help marketers make better judgements about manufacturing, distribution, and promotion.


H0: The current positioning does not have a sales advantage over other brand positions.

HI: The current positioning provides a higher sales advantage than other brand positionings.

H0: The current positioning has not contributed to provide a competitive advantage.

Hello: The current positioning has helped to provide a competitive advantage.

H0: Brand positioning has had little influence on the aggressive increase in patronage since its debut.

HI: Brand positioning has had a significant impact on patronage growth from its start.

H0: The current posture does not raise awareness of Ovaltine among its target audience.

HI: The current positioning has increased awareness of Ovaltine within its target audience.

1.7 Operational Definition of Terms

Reliant terms that are not properly described within this section are defined in the literature review, where their definitions assist the collecting of the literature under consideration.

Brand: A member of a class of commodities that are physically identical and serve the same purpose, to the point where buyers perceive them as a direct substitution, such as Ovaltine and Milo.

Positioning is a unique manner for a product to be differentiated even when existing products have the same taste, appearance, content, and ingredients.

A strategy is a plan devised for a specific aim, or the process of skillfully preparing the entire operation of a campaign.

Competitive: Participating in a contest, race, or battle against one another. Trying to win something by defeating others who are attempting to do the same.

Advantage: A advantageous circumstance or gain.

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