Project Materials




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Chapter One: Introduction.

1.1 Background for the Study

The study of the importance of branding and packaging as a sales promotion tool in a company organisation may be traced back to the difficulties listed below.

The relevance of these two factors is obvious, as the physical product would not be tested without them. Through branding and packaging, an individual may easily choose the desired product.

Furthermore, using branding and packaging as a sales promotion tool can help to efficiently improve product sales. Consumer interest and contentment appear to have been noticed, and market conditions where sales promotions occur have also been carefully considered.

Branding and packaging are two critical components of an organization’s marketing strategy. The term branding refers to the name, description, and design of a product.

Branding distinguishes a company’s goods from its competitors. Packaging is a marketing tool that reflects the brand. A corporation uses packaging to sell the product it contains.

A firm creates branding and packaging, which are used to market items and, in turn, market the company itself. Branding reflects the image that the company wants to project and identify with its target customers.

1.2 Statement of Problem

There are numerous issues that affect branding and packaging during the sales promotion period in an organisation. Today’s organisations are distinguished by complex relationships and a high level of interconnected tasks that can occur. People have distinct values and perspectives of different products, for example.

A production manager may decide to change the technique of packaging while retaining the brand name in order to streamline a few products that may not be adequate or acceptable to consumers.

1. The difficulty also confirms that their customers’ needs may not be met owing to time and cost constraints, which will force the organisation to satisfy demand.

2. The welfare of the workforce, which the organisation has inquired about, is another critical aspect to consider while they carry out their given activities.

3. If the consumer’s socioeconomic system is not closely monitored, it can become an issue during sales promotion.

4. Another issue that may arise is in the area of branding and packaging, which allows the market environment to be controlled.

5. Problems can also arise between the organisation and the customers if the taste and desire to adhere to the customers’ values and attitudes towards purchasing the product is not properly melted.

1.3 Research Questions.

In accordance with the study, the following research questions are compiled for possible therapy.

1. Can the organisation remove branding to reveal packaging effectiveness?

2. Does the organisation operate internal or external sales promotions?

3. Does the organization’s branding and packaging techniques maintain high quality?

4. Is the organisation capable of meeting the needs and desires of the consumers?

1.4 Research Hypothesis

The following hypotheses will guide the research efforts. This includes:

Ho: Low-quality packaging has a detrimental impact on sales promotion.

HI: A low standard of packaging has no negative influence on sales promotions.

Ho: Inadequate packing reduces the effectiveness of sales promotions.

HI: Inadequate packaging has no negative influence on sales promotions.

1.5 The purpose of the study

The study will determine whether the Coca-Cola Company has fully or partially implemented a standard branding and packaging system in terms of product display techniques during sales promotions. The work demonstrates the growing importance of its products in the national business landscape.

The study will also highlight some of the key aspects that influence the company’s branded and packaged products in the marketplace. Efforts made by the corporation through various innovations and tactics to pique customers’ interest in making regular purchases of their products.

Finally, the organization/management will realise that by emphasising branding and packaging as a sales promotion technique, the firm is not only benefiting the consumer, but also surviving in a buyers market.

1.6 Scope of the Study

This project’s coverage examines the extent to which the Coca-Cola Company uses sales promotion methods in their commercial operations. Also, understand the budgetary and time limits associated with the sort of study.


The study will therefore investigate the organization’s commercial activities and operations in order to determine the extent to which they have used branded and packaged products as a technique of sales promotion.

The study will also investigate its market environment, marketing operations such as purchasing, price, customer service, and any other areas deemed required to meet the research’s goal.

1.7 Significance of the Study

The study is valuable and important in terms of the challenges being studied. The researcher intends to investigate the problem and chances for sales promotion of an organization’s branded and packaged goods.

Since the ultimate goal of any corporate organisation is to maximise profit while minimising costs, management should understand how to approach sales marketing in their organisation.

Organisations other than those in Lagos that are involved in sales promotion of their branded and packaged products can profit greatly from the research of improved performance.

It is hoped that the study’s findings, if appropriately implemented, will help the organisation better serve its consumers and attract new ones.

Consistently improving the quality of their products and services based on the findings of this study would help acquire long-term client confidence and patronage, so improving productivity, profit, and the country’s economic development.

1.8 Limitations (to be written after the conclusion of the study)

The limitations of the research study stem from a variety of obstacles addressed by the researcher.

First and foremost, the study must be completed under intense pressure to match the demands of other courses. The collection of relevant information for this study was nearly impossible because the workers of Coca-Cola Drink Company Lagos State were reluctant to provide the researcher with relevant and viral information.

In fact, the staff of the Coca-Cola Drink Company’s hesitancy caused a delay in gathering critical material for this research project.

1.9 Operational Definitions of Terms

Brand: A name that is regarded as an inherent reinforcement of a product concept (Paul Ndubuisi, 2002).

A brand mark is something that can be identified, spoken, or uttered (Fuller R. M., 2006).

A trademark is a company’s legal name that helps customers recognise its products in the market.

Sales Promotion: A product-selling strategy (Philip Kotler, 2003).

Exhibition: A public space where items are displayed so that visitors can view them (Peter Anderson, 2005).

An organisation is a group, such as a club or a business, that exists for a specific purpose (Agnes Jones, 2000).

Customer: Someone who purchases goods and services from a store (Mark Peterson 2004).

Strategy is a well-planned series of actions to achieve a goal (David O. Ogie, 2003).

Literature is the creation of literary works that excel in form or expression and deal with themes of long-term interest (McCarthy E. J. et al, 2006).

Hypothesis: An assumption established to evaluate the logical or empirical consequences (David O. Ogie, 2003).

Appendix: Additional information included at the end of a book (Thomas Davis, 2000).

Being unique means being one of a kind (Macular Jones, 2001).

Authenticity: Something genuine or true (Fuller R. M., 2006).

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