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The goal of this research was to investigate the significance of branding in the marketing of Made in Ghana shoes. The study explicitly identified marketing tactics for made in Ghana Shoes, uncovered the various forms of branding used by organisations, and determined the impact of branding on the growth in sales volume of made in Ghana Shoes.

The survey descriptive research design was used in this study. The poll generated a total of 259 valid responses. The inquiry included both classical and modern methodologies.

The study found that branding is important because it highlights benefits in an elegant way, helps express your thoughts and opinions to the world, boosts product purchasing, and aids in market segmentation.

Furthermore, the study investigated the numerous branding styles used by organisations, reaching the following conclusions: product branding, internet branding, offline branding,

geographical branding, and service branding. According to the survey, businesses should practise branding because it influences product sales.

Chapter one


1.1 Background of the Study

Adeleye (2003) defines a brand as a name that is linked to a product or service. According to the author, a brand represents many more intangible aspects of a product or service upon deeper examination: a collection of thoughts and ideas about quality, image, lifestyle, and prestige.

Other researchers contended that a brand creates the impression in the minds of customers and prospects that there is no other product or service on the market quite like yours (Keller, 2006; Ajagbe, 2007; Solomon et al., 2012).

In brief, a brand makes a promise to a customer and then delivers on it. According to Kotler (2000), branding is more than just business jargon. According to Keller (2003), the concept of brand name has become central to marketing in the new economy.

The author stated that, while the conventional marketing adage was “Nothing happens until someone sells something,” the new mindset may be “Nothing happens until somebody brands something” (McCarthy, 2002).

Branding is a critical issue in product development, and professional marketers’ ability to create, manage, manufacture, and improve brands is arguably their most differentiating characteristic. Marketing is founded on the concept of branding.

The American Marketing Association defines a brand as a name, word, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of these, that is intended to identify and distinguish the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers from those of competitors.

As a result, a brand identifies the seller or creator. Brand names and trademarks protect the legal rights to improve product qualities that competitors could otherwise replicate.

Branding has become an important motivator in the field of sales branding for any company, whether it creates industrial or consumer goods.

The researcher chose the topic area due to his strong interest in sales growth, particularly in branding, which necessitates determining the level of client reliance on this effort and on organisations. As a result, branding has become more influential in the sales of Ghana-made shoes.

When purchasing a product, consumers nowadays consider both the brand name and the type of packaging that encloses the product. This is because both concepts add value to the product and make customers happier when they use it.

As a result of these facts, manufacturing organisations place a larger emphasis on the vital areas of branding and packaging for their key product. Kotter. 2001.

A product can be thought of as having two versions: generic and enhanced. The generic product is the fundamental item or service offered to the target market. In addition to the core offering, the enhanced package contains both solicited and unsolicited extras.

Packaging and brand awareness are two of the extras. According to Giles (1978), packaging is the wrapping of a product. Everything meant to identify a product and set it apart from competitors is referred to as branding.

Branding is not the same as product design, which includes both the inherent and extrinsic features of a product, such as branding, texture, colour, names, tastes, and so on; rather,

branding is a collection of actions that include the establishment of brand names, brand marks, copyright, and the like. When there is no branding, the easiest approach to characterise a marketing issue is through ambiguous marketing.

According to Francis and Stephen (2003), branding is the creation of three-dimensional features for a product, including its name, branding, colours, and symbols. According to the authors, branding helps to distinguish a product from competitors. They also noted that branding allows purchasers to develop ties with the products.

According to Bearden and Ingram (2007), branding is the use of a name, word, symbol, or design–or a combination of these–to identify a product. According to McCarthy (2002), branding is the process by which a company employs marketing techniques to urge customers to remember its company and products above competitors.

He claimed that a brand promises to consistently deliver consumers with a specific set of features, benefits, and services. Worlu et al. (2007) describe branding as the use of a name, symbol, design, or a combination of these to identify products and services.

In a nutshell, it is a purposeful and planned process of coordinating business actions with the brand’s identity and values. According to Batra and Homer (2004), branding is an activity in which businesses use a name, slogan, design, or symbol, or a combination of these, to identify and differentiate their products from those of competitors.

According to Palmer (2000), branding is the process of creating a distinctive identity for a product that sets it apart from its competitors. Branding is the process of creating distinct and lasting perceptions in the minds of customers (Johnson and Russo, 1984; Blythe, 2001; Ajagbe et al., 2015).

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The importance of branding locally produced items cannot be stressed; some argue that it will be a problem for society as a whole, while others disagree. To be more explicit, we have several varieties of soft drinks that, when drunk by customers,

bring the same level of enjoyment; yet, these items must be branded in order for each to have its own identity that distinguishes it from others, or rather its competitors. However, the goal of this research is to identify the function of branding in improving an organization’s sales volume.


The major goal of this study is to determine the importance of branding in the marketing of made in Ghana shoes. Specifically, the study intends to:

Identify the method for selling branded products in an organisation.

Learn about different branding styles used by organisations.

Find out how branding affects the rise in sales volume of Ghana-made shoes.


What strategies can be utilised to market branded products within an organisation?

What are the different branding styles utilised by organisations?

What effect does branding have on the increased sales volume of Ghanaian-made shoes?

1.5 Research Hypothesis

Ho: There is no significant impact of branding on the sales rise of made in Ghana shoes.

Hello, there is a significant impact of branding on the sales increase of manufactured in Ghana shoes.

1.6 Significance of the Study

Similar research may have been conducted in this field of human endeavour; however, because the business environment is never static, many changes may have rendered portions of the findings obsolete.

This study task will benefit the organisation under evaluation since the researcher will look into numerous aspects of marketing branded food items within the organisation to determine whether the large sum of money spent on branding food products is justified.

The study is also expected to serve as a reference material for future research in this vital area of business administration, as it can be consulted as such, particularly if the study has to be improved.


This study will look at how branding can be utilised to increase sales volume for a company that makes shoes in Ghana. It will also focus on identifying techniques of marketing branded items in an organisation,

learning about the various forms of branding employed by organisations, and determining the influence of branding on the rise in sales volume of Ghana-made shoes.

1.8 Limitations of the Study

This study will focus on the impact of branding as a technique for enhancing an organization’s sales volume. It will also be confined to identifying techniques of marketing branded items in an organisation,

learning about the various forms of branding employed by organisations, and determining the influence of branding on the rise in sales volume of Ghana-made shoes.

This study will engage Ghana shoemakers as subjects, which will be a constraint of the study.

1.9 Definition of Terms

Branding is the marketing of a particular product or firm through advertising and distinctive design.

Tools: tools used to perform a specific function.

Sales volume is the number of units sold within a reporting period.

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