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The researcher emphasised the importance of distribution in the marketing of consumer products. The study statement of the research problem, scope of the investigation, study limitations, word definitions, and research hypothesis are also referenced.

The goals and objectives of a specific company (unilerer Nigerian plc), as well as its production capacity, operations, marketing, and distribution patterns.

Relevant literature on distribution included the type of middlemen, their features, and so on. However, emphasis was placed on the importance of distribution.Hypotheses were formulated and evaluated. More specifically, pertinent data was analysed using basic percentages and tested using the chi-square approach.

Finally, significant findings were made, such as a bad technique for picking its intermediary, insufficient delivery trucks, and warehousing. In an attempt to increase the efficiency and significance of this distribution system, recommendations were made based on these findings.

These include purchasing more delivery vans, searching for a cheaper method of obtaining raw materials, and locating additional warehouses. In strategic towns and cities.

If the proposed recommendations are implemented, there is a good chance that they will result in a significant improvement in any organization’s distribution system.

Chapter one


1.1 Background of the Study

The physical movement of commerce or items may be traced back to the most primitive humans. However, the field of physical distribution did not achieve widespread recognition until complicated operational systems became necessary for corporate management or administration.

Although the process of physical distribution is as old as organised trade, the scientific system of integrated physical distribution has only arisen in recent decades.

In a free society, management has a wide range of options for distribution systems. One company may choose a system to supply all customers with secure delivery. Another company in the same industry may believe that delivering orders as soon as feasible after they are received is sufficient to maintain market position.

The determination of how much service to deliver to clients, which is a major issue in physical distribution planning, is critical. Service costs money, and while all businesses want to save money, without proper customer service, there may be few or no sales, little or no profit, and, of course, little or no survival.

1.2 Statement of Problem

The problem to be investigated is one related to the distribution channel and its impact on the company’s sales turnover.

When a distribution difficulty arises, the channel or path through which products and services flow becomes obstructed. This raises great anxiety for the marketer, who must determine, among other things, the probable origins of the problem and their prompt cure.

A lack of selective distribution may result from a company’s poor sales and profits. This project report aims to demonstrate how a corporation may design its distribution channel in order to overcome low sales while generating significant profits.


a) Does the company’s current distribution reflect its degree of efficiency?

b) What is the company’s level of service, and what inconveniences do clients face when receiving the product?

b) Does the company provide adequate warehouse facilities to fulfil its manufacturing capacity?

d) Is there adequate value in supplying the goods to the company’s distribution outlets?


The overall goal of this research report is

a) To investigate the current distribution of the company in order to establish its level of efficiency.

b) Determine the level of service provided by the company, as well as the consumers’ experiences with receiving the goods.

c) Determine whether the company provides adequate warehouse facilities to fulfil its manufacturing capacity.

d) Determine whether there is sufficient value in the product supply to the company’s distribution outlets.

1.5 Statement of Hypothesis

Hypothesis One.

Ho: Distribution doesn’t add value to the product.

Hi: Distribution increases the value of a product.

Hypothesis Two

Ho: Distribution efficiency is not influenced by the costs associated with product distribution.

Hi: The process of selecting channel members is critical.

1.6 Significance of the Study

It is believed that the study will be extremely valuable and beneficial to future scholars and authors. This research report will assist them in conducting additional investigation.

Furthermore, the researchers will benefit the most from the research in the sense that the study will provide the researcher with the opportunity to gain more marketing information, as there has been a contradicting chain.

The study is also essential to the government since it will continue to improve the company’s profit as a result of efficient distribution systems. Adapting or employing may lead to expansion, creating work opportunities for the country’s unemployed sector.

Similarly, the high standard of living enjoyed by Unilever Nigerian plc’s employees as a result of an effective distribution system will contribute to the country’s improvement.

Finally, this research is significant since it meets one of the conditions for obtaining a higher national diploma (HND) certificate in the field of marketing, according to other researchers.


This study report will review and examine Omo products from Unilever Nigeria Plc’s whole distribution chain, as well as the various types of distribution channels. This research paper will also examine the advantages and disadvantages of distribution channels. It will also determine the current efficiency of the company’s distribution system.

The scope of this study is limited to the Omo product of Unilever Nigeria plc as a representative sample of other companies.

1.8 Limitations of Study

There are several outstanding problems that the researcher will confront during the research; these impediments include the following:

1. A restricting feature of this study work, particularly as the researcher gained freedom. In other words, the freedom of data collection associated with the research was overly marginalised under this condition.

2. The time aspect is worth noting as a significant constraint to this worker research. This research’s volume brackets prerequisite is a Higher National Diploma (HND). Class represents an unavoidable cost to the researcher.

Furthermore, the timed deadline for submitting the research work, as well as the unaccommodating posture of the management of industrial organisations in Nigeria in releasing required data, are serious limitations to the researcher’s effort, as is the scope of an area and the periods when data are reasonably available.

3. Another limiting aspect was financial restraints, as data collecting required a significant amount of travel, which is expensive when transportation costs rise. Despite this constraint, the work has been interesting, and the researcher is convinced that the findings will be beneficial to marketers and policymakers.

1.9 Operational Definition of Terms

Distribution: distribution is agreed upon with marketing institutions and practices involved in the end industrial users.

Physical distribution is a set of tasks that entail planning and implementing the physical movements of material and final commodities from point of origin to point of use or consumption in order to meet the needs of customers while making a profit.

Marketing is a human activity aimed at satisfying needs and desires through an exchange process.

Channels of distribution are all organisations and individuals who take a small portion of or aid in transferring title to certain commodities and services as they go from producer to consumer.

Bucking (1966) defines channel distribution as a collection of institutions that execute all operations necessary to transfer a product and its title from the place of production to the site of consumption.

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