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The study looked at the impact of socioeconomic position on marital stability in the Mushin Local Government Area of Lagos State. This study reviewed some relevant and related literature.

In this study, the descriptive survey research design was used to examine respondents’ opinions through the use of a questionnaire and a sample technique. The questionnaire was used to collect data from respondents, and the sampling technique was used to determine the study’s sample size.

This study included 150 (one hundred and fifty) couples. They were chosen using the stratified sampling procedure. In addition, four (4) null hypotheses were developed and tested in this study, and the following results were obtained using the One-way Anova and independent t-test statistical methods at 0.05 test:

(1) Hypothesis one discovered that couples’ socioeconomic situation has a considerable influence on marital stability.

(2) Hypothesis two revealed a significant difference in the attitudes of couples from high socioeconomic position and those from low socioeconomic status.

(3) Hypothesis three revealed a significant difference in the attitudes of children from high socioeconomic status homes and those from low socioeconomic status homes.

(4) Finally, hypothesis four revealed that there is no substantial difference in academic achievement between children from low-income homes and those from wealthy families.


1.0Background Of The Study

Marriage is the legal, sexual, and social union of two intimate adults. The marriage partnership has traditionally included economic independence, shared habitation, sexual faithfulness, and shared care for children. Although the institution of marriage remains popular, it appears to be under attack from altering societal trends at times. This assault has led some scholars, such as Chartin (1981) and Gleen and Wearer (1988), to wonder whether the institution of marriage is in danger.

In any event, it appears that marriage will bring the storm to an end. However, it is worthwhile to consider some of the social trends that are upending both traditional and modern marriage models.

According to Jones (1994), a wide range of motivating factors drive people to marry. The desire to be a part of a socially sanctioned, mutually gratifying, close relationship is the most common. One of the most important reasons is the societal pressure placed on people to marry and the socioeconomic independence that allows marriage to function properly.

Marriage remains the norm in our society. Our parents, family, and friends want their loved ones to marry at some point, and their comments and inquiries frequently demonstrate this. Anorne, 1994.

According to Onyeji (1999), the widespread belief in Nigerian culture is that people marry because they have fallen in love. Although partially correct, this viewpoint is grossly oversimplified. A variety of motivating elements have a role in the decision to marry and stay married.

The following are the most important factors in marital stability: increased acceptance of cohabitation, a good family background, adequate communication, the absence of inlaws’ interruption, having the same religion, maintaining the same account, fidelity or sincerity, integrity, lack of suspicion, and, most importantly, a high socioeconomic status.

Financial stability and affluence cannot guarantee marital stability or satisfaction (Komarorsky 1997).

Komarorsky went on to say that without money, families are constantly afraid of financial drains like illness, layoffs, or malfunctioning equipment. Husbands’ self-esteem may suffer as a result of their perception of themselves as bad providers. This issue is sometimes exacerbated by dissatisfied wives who criticise their husbands for failing to provide for the family.

According to Amaonye (1998), an understandable reluctance to discuss money worries can hamper spontaneity in conversation. As a result, it is apparent that poverty causes enormous stress among married couples. Given this reality, potential partners must be realistic about their ability to finance a feasible future.

Furthermore, when financial resources are abundant, money can be a source of marital conflict (Adeleke, 1991).

Conflicts about how to spend money, according to Adeleke (1991), are prevalent and potentially harmful at all income levels. Pattman and Llyod (1998) discovered, for example, that perceived financial stress was connected with worse marital happiness regardless of a family’s real income.

Furthermore, Martins and Martins (1996) conducted a study that compared how happily married couples handled their money versus divorced couples. In comparison to divorced couples, happy couples made more financial decisions together. Thus, the best way to avoid difficulties and some financial squabbles is to engage in thorough spending planning together (Buss, 1986).

According to Ochemba (1999), money is critical for the stability of many families. According to him, without money, there may be no marital bliss or love, which are essential aspects for couples to remain as one indivisible organism. According to Ochefu (1992), happiness, love, and affection are more prevalent in high socioeconomic class families than in low or poor socioeconomic status households.

According to Eraser (1983), in high socioeconomic status homes, parents stay together in love, children are cared for, and there is a high level of mutual understanding. In poor families, parents are continuously fighting because the spouse is unable to provide for the family or the children’s school fees are not paid on time.

Furthermore, Anyanwu (1980) believes that in a household when there is poverty and lack, there is unfaithfulness, contempt, bickering, and quarrelling, which can lead to couples breaking up their marriages or living like cat and mouse in the same house. The problem of couples’ socioeconomic situation and its effects on marital stability inspired this researcher to do this inquiry.

Issues of mutual concern must be discussed honestly and without reservation. Efforts should be made to discuss problems and find acceptable solutions. Expressions of feelings, as well as a willingness to inform the marital spouse what you anticipate him or her to perform, are required before behaviours may be modified to fit a certain situation (Ayodele, 1990).

If a parent is so emotionally invested in a situation that he or she gets upset or enraged! Before responding, the other partner should wait until the situation is less stressful. As an example! If the husband loses his temper (which he should try not to do) and comments that the wife’s actions were stupid.

Despite the fact that the woman is offended by her husband’s remark! She should refrain from calling her husband. She should wait till the husband is sufficiently calm before drawing her husband’s attention to his unpleasant remarks regarding her activity! and how his words had really upset her.

She could even tell her husband that she expects to be treated with kindness and respect because she values him highly. A reasonable husband will probably apologise and beg his wife to forget and forgive. When the charged atmosphere has passed, the husband can call the wife to order if she loses her temper (which she should try not to do).

The husband and wife’s attitudes towards sex may be influenced by their religious upbringing and early experiences. One spouse may view sex as something pleasurable to be enjoyed, whilst the other views it as unpleasant and should be avoided except for procreation. Marriage stability is heavily influenced by the couple’s capacity to maintain an adequate sexual relationship and satisfaction.

Husband and wife must acclimatise to each other’s sexual behaviour. Normally! A man has more sexual desires than his wife. The male should be substantial enough in terms of the frequency of sexual intercourse he expects from his wife. His need for sex should not jeopardise his wife’s comfort. The wife should also communicate with her husband about his desire for sex.

Sexual intercourse is most enjoyable when both partners react positively and collaboratively. A frigid wife’s icy attitude towards sex will prevent her husband from fully enjoying sexual intercourse with her. Depriving a man of his right to have sexual relations with his wife without a genuine basis is harmful to the stability of the marriage. All that is required for mutual sexual enjoyment is adjustment to each other’s demands.-­

Biologically! A woman’s organism may not achieve it as soon as her husband’s, therefore the guy may need to postpone sexual intercourse until his wife is ready to enjoy it. To increase his wife’s desire for sex, the husband can engage her in pre-sex acts such as stroking and kissing the erogenous zones.

Understanding each other’s sexual arousal level! The sensitivity to gentle touches on the genital organ, as well as the duration of orgasms, are elements that precede and follow intercourse. Husband and wife do not have to see sex as a nasty game or feel guilty after having sexual relations. They should view sex as something positive in and of itself in order to strengthen their love and affection for one another (Durojaiye, 1996).

1.1Statement of the Problem

A family’s socioeconomic situation may influence the level of peace in a given home. When a family is impoverished, there is no money to send the children to school, no decent nourishment for the children, and the wife is not maintained and cared for by the husband, there may be tension in the home.

Many unfavourable things occur in a bad family environment. For example, there is likely to be infidelity, choas, and a lack of love and affection in the home. And in any family where there is no love, affection, trust, or fidelity, the marriage’s basis will shatter like a pack of cards.

Lack of money and other material things have driven many couples to seek divorce in the courts nowadays. For example, if a husband no longer earns a living, the family’s upkeep will suffer. Situations in which there is no money to support the wife, the children’s school fees are not paid on time, and the landlord has filed a quit notice.

In this instance, there might not be enough money to pay up or find another inexpensive place to stay. Some creditors may even visit the residence on a regular basis to collect repayment. These stressful circumstances may result in the loss of love and affection, particularly on the part of the woman. She may eventually file for divorce in a court of law. This will undoubtedly have a negative impact on the family and children.

Furthermore, children from low socioeconomic backgrounds are more likely to be malnourished and lack proper health care. A poor family may be unhappy because it is unable to meet certain familial obligations. This can result in divorce, separation, or husband and wife living together without mutual love and a solid connection. Living in a cat and mouse situation or type of relationship can eventually jeopardise the marriage, and the children will suffer as a result. The factors stated above prompted the analysis of this study.

1.2Purpose Of The Study

The study’s main goal is to determine the impact of socioeconomic position on marital stability among chosen couples in Mushin Local Government Area of Lagos State.

The following are the study’s specific objectives:

1. To determine whether a couple’s socioeconomic situation influences their marital stability.

2. To determine whether there is a difference in academic achievement between students whose parents live together and those whose parents live separately.

3. To determine whether there is a substantial difference in attitudes between couples who live together and those who do not.

4. To determine whether there is a substantial association between stable and unstable families.

1.3Research Issues

In this study, the following research questions were asked:

i. Is there a major impact of a couple’s socioeconomic level on marital stability?

ii. Is there a significant difference in academic performance between children whose parents live together and those whose parents are divorced?

iii. Will there be any discernible differences in the attitudes of couples who live together versus those who live apart?

iv. Will there be a difference in the attitudes of children from secure and unstable homes?

1.4Research Proposals

For this study, the following research hypotheses were developed and tested:

1. The socioeconomic level of couples will have no substantial impact on marital stability.

2. There will be no discernible difference in the attitudes of couples from high socioeconomic backgrounds and those from poor socioeconomic backgrounds.

3. There will be no discernible difference in the attitudes of children from high socioeconomic backgrounds and those from poor socioeconomic backgrounds.

4. There will be no discernible difference in academic performance between children from low-income homes and those from wealthy families.

1.5The Importance of the Research

The research will be useful in the following ways or areas:

1. Couples: The study’s findings and recommendations will be extremely beneficial to couples, both those who are already married and those who are about to marry. This is due to the fact that they will discover the aspects that contribute to marital satisfaction or harmony.

2. Adolescents: They will benefit from the study, particularly those of marriageable age. This is because they will realise that there are some variables that can help marriages grow and thrive rather than die. They would understand the importance of money or riches in the maintenance of marriages.

3. The Society: Through this study, the society will discover how finance might help marriage work well. This is because spouses with insufficient financial resources are prone to strife.

Finally, this study will tell society about the function of finance in the maintenance of marriage among couples.

4. Children will benefit from this study because parents would learn how to raise their children regardless of their socioeconomic status in the family. This study will assist many children in learning about their parents’ household income.

1.6Scope of the Research

The study included couples from Mushin Local Government Area in Lagos State.

1.7Definition Of Terms

Some of the words used in this study were defined as follows:

1. The combined influence of wealth, occupation, reduction, cultural tastes or values, and prestige on social ranking is referred to as socioeconomic status (SES). Bidwell and Vendor (1999) divide socioeconomic status into three categories: high, middle, and poor.

2. Mey (1998) defined social status as groupings of people who have similar degrees of prestige in the community and who have similar cultural tastes, interests, consumption patterns, and life styles.

3. Social Class: This is the position in the income stratification.

4. Stability: Something that is fixed and unlikely to move or alter position. Simply put, the ability to remain stable.

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