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Students Perception Of Adult Education As An Academic Discipline

Students Perception Of Adult Education As An Academic Discipline

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Students Perception Of Adult Education As An Academic Discipline


This survey research offers a discussion on the study’s basis. Problem objectives, significance, and primary concept are defined. The literature explains the study’s inception, importance, perceptions, and originality.

Other characteristics include the region of coverage, the method used, and the analysis of the outcome and their replies. Department by department and item by item, 56.1% of respondents had a positive impression of adult education within the literate community of the University of Maiduguri, Nigeria.

Chapter One: Background of the Study

The ability to understand the notion, particularly adult education, may be influenced by a variety of circumstances, including educational level, political maturity, and socioeconomic background.

Adult education is an essential component of the complete educational system, serving as a tool for political, social, economic, and educational development, to name a few. From the aforementioned integral components, the concept “Adult education” must be fully comprehended by all individuals.

When you ask an ordinary man on the street what adult education is, the term “adult education” is likely to come up. He is likely to rub his shoulders and gaze at you in surprise, as if you have no right to “Lawyer me,” yet as an adult, he remains a constant focus of adult education since he is both a recipient and proponent of adult education.

If you ask the man on the street what adult education is, he is likely to see it as something for the never-do-wells who are doing in the evening what they should have done earlier in the day.

If you ask a primary school student what adult education is, he is likely to look at you in amazement because he is still struggling with his ABC; 123; dictation, writing, and memorisation of the national pledge.

However, it is still distressing and evident that the view and spit of adult education is to the disadvantage, even though the importance of this should not be underestimated in regretting the neglect of adult rights to education. Adult education is a significant part of the country’s education system.

1.2 Statement of Problem

A researcher wishing to compare the effectiveness of adult education to other disciplines in our educational institution finds it extremely difficult to obtain information about such from our libraries or readily available to people, which is critical to their field of investigation and awareness. This allows adult education programs to get recognition.

For example, many training managers in industries are unaware that they are adult educators and social welfare officers. Let us also consider the perspective of a lecturer in a university’s department of remedial studies, who may be unaware that he is pursuing an adult education program, let alone a student in that department.

In many colleges, most students are uninformed of what defines an adult education degree from a department of teacher education that is unable of describing the functions of adult learning.

Despite the fact that education objectives are defined in national adult education (NNCAE) documents, the adult department is the oldest of any department of education in other Nigerian universities.

To be more specific, the challenges facing adult education stem from people’s perceptions of the discipline and the tasks it faces, which are becoming neither fewer nor easier

so it is becoming increasingly clear that adult education can compensate for educational, economic, social, and political shortfalls. This is a demand to eliminate the need for the right view of adult education, particularly among literary students, and civic duty.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

This survey research is intended to fulfil the following aims for both researchers and others working in the field of adult education.

This study aims to clarify people’s perceptions of adult education, create a document for future academics, and address misconceptions in the field.

To offer a foundation for appropriate comparisons between adult education and other disciplines.

1.4 Research Questions.

To determine people’s view of adult education.

To discover out if pep pole’s view of adult education might effect it positively or adversely;

To determine what percentage of our population has the correct perception of adult education.

To investigate the impact of people’s perceptions on adult education.

1.5 Scope and Limitations of the Study

The study is confined to University of Maiduguri faculty, staff, and students.

1.6 Significance of the Study

The research is being conducted to learn more about the factors that influence adult education. And to provide information for future research policy and program creation, as well as general information for national development.

1.7 Operational Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined in accordance with their application in this study.

A student is someone who attends school, college, or university.

Perception is the ability to understand the fine aspect of anything, such as an idea, belief, or image, based on how you perceive or understand it.

Adult education can be characterised as an all-inclusive pattern of adult development that considers the needs of adults as a group and helps them live more effectively in their society.

It can also be characterised as a practice in which an adult engages in systematic and sustained learning activities in order to acquire new types of knowledge, attitude skills, and value. It is also intended for individuals who did not obtain or attain through a literary program.

Academic: It can be defined as global learning, teaching, and research related to education, particularly in schools and universities.

Discipline is defined as a set of knowledge subjects that people study or are taught, particularly at the university and college levels of education.

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