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Study Aims At Evaluating The Hepatocellular Function Of E-Waste Workers In Nigeria

Study Aims At Evaluating The Hepatocellular Function Of E-Waste Workers In Nigeria

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Study Aims At Evaluating The Hepatocellular Function Of E-Waste Workers In Nigeria

Chapter One


1.1.0 Background of the Study

The globe has recently seen significant technological and industrial advancements. Electrical and electronic equipment has been manufactured to fulfil the economic demands of the growing population. These appliances have entered every part of our life, offering our society with more comfort, health, and security, as well as easier access to information.

Unfortunately, these electrical and electronic goods were created with over 1000 chemicals that are harmful to both humans and the environment. Most of these electrical and electronic gadgets have a limited lifespan and are quickly obsolete with the introduction of newer ones, therefore old ones are discarded as waste.

Electrical and electronic items are the fastest growing waste stream in the world due to their enormous production volumes and short lifespan (Betram et al., 2002).

The population is becoming more exposed to potentially harmful compounds as a result of poor and risky management techniques for the disposal and recycling of end-of-life electrical and electronic equipment, also known as e-waste.

E-waste includes all secondary computers, entertainment device electronics, mobile phones, and other products such as televisions and refrigerators that have been sold, donated, or dumped by their original owner.

Polychlorinated biphenyls, tetrabromo-bisphenol-A, chlorofluorocarbons, polyvinylchloride, dioxins, and furans are some of the harmful elements in E-waste. Lead, cadmium, chromium, mercury, copper, manganese, nickel, arsenic, zinc, iron, and aluminium are among the potentially harmful metals (Jinhui et al., 2011).

These E-wastes are generated in developed countries such as the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Switzerland, Taiwan, and Japan. Each year, many million tonnes of these wastes are generated.

According to a survey conducted in Western Europe, 6 million tonnes of E-waste were generated in 1998 and are predicted to increase by at least 3-5% annually (Cui and Forssberg, 2003). These wastes end up in landfills and incineration facilities.

Toxic metals are released into the atmosphere as fly ash during burning of these wastes, and in landfills they leach into the environment and water bodies. To address the problem of garbage, wealthy countries export it to developing countries such as Nigeria, which is more cost effective for them.

Over 500 containers of used electronics are expected to be imported into Nigeria each month from Europe, with each container containing hundreds to thousands of PCs and other e-waste gadgets (Aragba-Akore, 2005).

In an effort to close the technological gap, developing countries willingly embrace these wastes. Furthermore, because they are impoverished, individuals choose to acquire used electrical and technological equipment.

The manpower costs for repair and refurbishment have resulted in a substantial electronic re-use market in poor nations such as Nigeria. Unfortunately, underdeveloped nations lack the technology to recycle these pollutants. They adopt primitive procedures with little or no technology to reduce exposure to dangerous E-waste components (Wong et al., 2007).

People who work directly with e-waste are highly exposed to hazardous chemicals and poisonous metals. The burning of E-waste components releases these chemicals and metals into the atmosphere.

On the other side, these metals leak into the soil and nearby water bodies, accumulating in aquatic species. As a result, individuals are exposed to e-waste components and associated contaminants via polluted soil, dust, air, water, and food sources, including meat (Robinson, 2009).

Aside from environmental problems, toxic elements discovered in electronic trash pose a serious risk to human health. People who break open electronic garbage frequently experience radiation, nausea, migraines, and respiratory failure, among other health issues.

However, the hazardous impacts of e-waste affect not only those who work directly with electronic wastes, but also those who live near waste dumps and those who are indirectly harmed by the consequent contamination of the food chain, soils, and rivers.

These individuals are exposed to hazardous compounds by cutaneous contact, nutritional consumption, dust inhalation, or particle ingestion, with the latter two routes being particularly relevant.

Chemicals from e-waste, such as lead, cadmium, mercury, arsenic, polybrominated biphenyls, and other persistent organic pollutants, can harm the human brain and nervous system (Dietrich et al., 2011; Guilarte et al., 2012), harm the kidneys (Hellstrom et al., 2001) and liver (Sauer et al., 1997; Liu et al., 2000), and cause birth defects (Wu etal., 2012).

The Minamata disease in Japan between 1954 and 1965, the Love Canal incident near Niagara Falls in the US, the Koko incident of 1988 in Nigeria, the Zamfara lead poisoning in Nigeria, the Thor Chemicals diseases of the early 1990s in South Africa, and the disastrous Trafigura dumping of hazardous wastes incident in Ivory Coast in 2006, are among the numerous pointers to the grave consequences that unscrupulous waste dumping could have on human beings jeopardising their lives.

The liver is the largest visceral organ in the body. It is situated inferior to the diaphragm and upper right of the abdomen. It is well-supplied with blood and connects to the gastrointestinal system via the portal vein.

It functions as the body’s metabolic hub. The liver is a natural chemical factory that converts simple compounds received from the gastrointestinal tract into complex molecules such as proteins, glycogen, hormones, and blood clotting factors. It neutralises toxins and produces bile, which facilitates fat digestion and eliminates toxins via the bowels (Buraimoh et al., 2011).

Continuous exposure and poisoning of the liver by various exogenous chemicals on a regular basis may result in hepatic impairment (Nithya et al., 2012). Toxic metals are known to cause liver damage, which, once established, affects liver function.

Most hazardous metals, including arsenic, copper, mercury, and iron, are hepatotoxic (Feroz & Nahida, 2012). Cadmium has also been classified as hepatotoxic because it induces peroxidative damage to the membranes of cells in several organs, including the liver, resulting in necrosis (Remugadev and Prabu, 2010; Murugaveh and Prari, 2007). In another study conducted by Sharma and Pandey (2010), lead was found to be hepatotoxic.

The various mechanisms by which these toxic metals from E-waste cause hepatotoxicity range from interference with the hepatocyte cell membrane, generation of reactive oxygen species, lipid peroxidation (Gurer and Ercal, 2000), depletion of glutathione (Gurer et al., 1998), inhibition of antioxidant enzymes by displacing the metal co-factor in these enzymes, and blocking mitochondrial permeability for example, mercury (Nilcolli et al., 1995).

1.2.0 Justification of the Study

Nigeria, like other developing countries, has been legally or illegally importing electronic garbage, and we lack the technology to fully recycle it. Furthermore, persons who work with E-waste lack access to protective equipment that would decrease their exposure to dangerous E-waste components. As a result, they are always vulnerable.

The irresponsible disposal of these wastes endangers not only the workers but also others living further away because they pollute the environment. Many studies on the risks of e-waste have been conducted in countries such as China and India. As a result, this study in Nigeria is significant.

1.3.0 Aim of the Study

The purpose of this study is to assess the hepatocellular function of E-waste workers in Nigeria who have been exposed to hazardous metals and compare them to similarly exposed persons.

1.4.0 Specific Objectives

To assess liver enzymes in those exposed to harmful metals in e-waste and compare them to those who are not or have been exposed slightly by assessing serum levels of aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, and gamma glutamyltransferase.

To assess the liver’s biosynthetic capability, serum total protein and albumin levels were estimated.

To assess the liver’s biotransformation activity by calculating serum bilirubin levels.

1.5.0 Research Hypothesis

Chronic and chronic exposure to hazardous metals in E-waste may harm the liver.

Chronic and persistent exposure to hazardous metals may not harm the liver.

1.6.0 Scope of the Study

The current study assesses the hepatocellular status of WEEE workers in Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria.

1.7.0 Informed Consent.

Individuals who participated in this study provided their personal informed permission after fully understanding the nature and objectives of the investigation and completing a questionnaire to that end.

1.8.0 Ethical approval

The protocol for the work has been submitted to the Ethical Committee School of Basic Medical Sciences and is awaiting approval.

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