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Study Of Language Of Advertisement

Study Of Language Of Advertisement

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Study Of Language Of Advertisement

Investigation into the language used in advertisements.

Advertising is one of the methods by which marketers or manufacturers persuade customers to buy their products. It entails quickly and efficiently disseminating information about products, services, and ideas, such as from advertisers, to the general public. There are other types of advertising, but this research will focus on retail advertising.

This work investigates the meaning and characteristics of advertising using a descriptive technique. Audio tapes from various media stations were collected, transcribed, and evaluated. Data were collected from both English and Igbo advertisements. The researcher attempted to highlight the choice of words used in the commercial.

The images and figurative expressions of the selected adverts were also discussed. The study attempted to explain the origins and meanings behind various grammatical terms in chosen radio advertising.

In advertising, specialised terminologies allow advertisers to sell the items, services, or ideas they are selling to the public. Advertising employs unique linguistic methods to capture the audience’s attention and encourage them to purchase the promoted products. It prefers short, condensed sentences, snappy phrases, and sentence fragments.

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