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Subject Combination/Choices And Occupational Relevance

Subject Combination/Choices And Occupational Relevance

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Subject Combination/Choices And Occupational Relevance


One of any individual’s developmental tasks is to prepare for a career. The study sought to investigate the relationship between adolescent subject choosing and job aspirations.

It was designed to investigate the impact of age and gender on career choice. One of the assumptions proposed was that there would be no substantial difference between students’ profession choices and topic selections.

The study included 515 male and female Senior Secondary 2 students selected from ten mixed groups ranging in age from 16 to 21 years. Data were gathered using a questionnaire called the Motivation for Career Choice Scale (MCCS).

The data were analysed descriptively with tables and percentages, as well as statistically using the Chi-square test. The study indicated, among other things, that: a) Students were left in the dark about the type of subject they were to offer if they wanted to pursue a specific vocation; and b)

There was no difference in the selections of male and female students. Based on the study’s findings, the researcher issued many recommendations that have significant significance for both practice and future research.


The educational system is at the heart of any modern society’s long process of educating young people for life and work (Gesinde, 1977). However, it has been noticed that in Nigeria, parental influence and vicarious experiences within one’s community in general play an important role in the preparation process.

Though traditional Nigerian society had a problem with youth development, most adolescents choose careers based solely on their liking for such jobs, whether they require the wearing of a uniform or not, or because their parents or a significant other in their lives are involved in such a career.

They ignore the notion that such positions may have some basic topic requirements. It has been noted with sadness that most secondary school graduates face the challenge of course selection in higher education due to a lack of guidance in subject selection at the secondary level.

When students make poor choices, it becomes difficult to choose subjects for jobs. This group of pupils ends up doing occupations that have nothing to do with their interests or aptitudes.

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