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Suitable Techniques For Improving The Teaching And Learning Of Ict In Tertiary Institutions From The Opinions Of Business Educators

Suitable Techniques For Improving The Teaching And Learning Of Ict In Tertiary Institutions From The Opinions Of Business Educators

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Suitable Techniques For Improving The Teaching And Learning Of Ict In Tertiary Institutions From The Opinions Of Business Educators


Chapter one


Background for the Study

Information and communication technology (ICT) is critical to every nation’s development. It has been used to promote social, economic, scientific, and technological growth (Adedeji, 2010). ICT has had a significant impact on the education industry, particularly in teaching, learning, and research.

The use of information and communication technology (ICT) is not only encouraged in commercial organisations and the industrial sector, but it is also a vital component of education at all levels (Allen, 2011). Information and communication technology, especially computers, are widely thought to make learning more easier.

Information and communication technology (ICT) refers to the use of equipment and programs to access, retrieve, convert, store, organise, alter, and present data and information in a more straightforward manner [Grey and Blads, 2005). The terms information and communication technology (ICT) and information technology (IT) can be used synonymously.

Information can be defined as a “idea” generated in the human mind, whereas communication is the transport of that information from the original source to the destination where it is required with the purpose of causing a change in the receiver’s behaviour.

When information and communication shift from traditional verbal and print media to more current electronic media, the notion is known as ICT. This is why Badru (2002) defined “ICT” as the science and activity of processing, storing, and transmitting information using computers.

The author also described communication technology as the application of hardware and software to improve communication. In other words, information technology and communication technology serve similar functions.

According to Badru (2002), the two roles of IT and ICT became merged into ICT due to their close similarities. Information and communication technology, thus, is the method of accessing or receiving, storing, transmitting, processing, and conveying ideas, perceptions, or information via computers and other communication facilities (NCET, 2005).

Information Communication Technology refers to the tools used for collaborating, finding and exploring, processing information, and storing data. ICT thus refers to the integration and application of technological instruments and resources utilised to process, store, retrieve, and transmit information electronically.

Information can also be disseminated electronically through the use of online digital libraries, organised practical work, individualised instruction, instructional games and simulations, projector screens, CD-ROMs, internet facilities, and mobile technologies such as iPods, smart phones, MP3 players, e-book readers, and so on.

The Federal Republic of Nigeria (FRN)’s National Policy on Information Technology (2004) called for the integration of information and communication technology (ICT) at all levels of education. This was done to ensure that the educational goals outlined in the Federal Republic of Nigeria’s National Education Policy of 2004 were met.

The goals include contributing to national development through high manpower training, developing individual intellectual capability in order to understand their immediate environment, and providing opportunities for individuals to acquire physical and intellectual skills that will allow them to be self-sufficient and useful members of the society to which they belong.

The strategy statement highlighted ICT as the foundation for national survival and progress in a rapidly changing global environment. Information and communication technology has enabled innovation in teaching and learning, as well as breakthroughs in research into how individuals learn, leading to a rethinking of the educational system (Lopez, 2003).

The widespread use and rapid development of ICTs have shifted human society from the information age to the knowledge age. Thus, its application in teaching is becoming increasingly necessary. The rate of development in ICT currently outpaces the rate of advancement in the efficient use of ICT in education.

There is widespread agreement on the importance of intellectual input in creating value, emphasising the necessity for investment in education and skills in general, with a particular emphasis on ICT skills and research development (Gilbert, 2000).

ICT has transformed the face of modern research, necessitating the connection of research organisations via an advanced network that is linked to the rest of the globe. ICT provides numerous services to students, particularly those enrolled in distance education programmes (Okuta, 2010).

Today, professors and students access necessary materials for their academic endeavours via the internet. Such high-quality materials are utilised to equip pupils and improve their knowledge in their respective fields of study.

ICT provides some extremely effective assistance for transferring theory into practice. Two of these tools are computer-assisted learning and online education.

Computers with internet connectivity are now typical home devices. Students frequently have access to educational tools that are specifically designed to deliver instruction to help users learn faster by utilising ICT communication platforms such as e-mail, the web, encyclopaedia, books, and other reference materials.

It also functions as an entertainment resource for pupils. For example, students utilise cellular phones, computer games, electronic toys, television, CD players, recorders, and videotape players for enjoyment.

When kids grow up in an ICT environment, they may spend many hours using ICT facilities (Robinson, 2007). ICT has shown to be a valuable tool for quickly addressing issues and completing tasks in education, commerce, industry, science, and many other human pursuits.

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