Since the implementation of the CRS program, there has been concern about the moral standing of the teachers who will teach it. Teachers are seen as role models for the students they teach in general. In the case of a CRS teacher, moral lessons are an important part of the subject, and if the teacher is found wanting in that area, there is a problem with what is being taught.
When a teacher’s moral standing is called into question, he or she is not in the right place to teach CRS, according to an old adage.
A teacher cannot teach one thing while acting another because students forget what they learn in the classroom but remember the teacher’s actions. When a teacher teaches about humility and respect in class but is seen being disrespectful to the head of teachers,
it does not set a good example for the students who are being taught because the students will believe that if our teacher can do it, so can we. And if students graduate with this attitude, it will have an impact on the nation’s future development. When a child is raised with that attitude, he or she will have a low moral value later in life as a result of the consequences of what the student learned in class.
The issue addressed in this study of teachers’ moral standing and its effectiveness in nation building using Amuwo Odofin as a case study. The issue in this Local Government is the moral standing of teachers, how it affects their students, and how it affects the country as a whole.
There are numerous cases of malpractice in amuwo odofin local government, which was organized by teachers who are supposed to be teaching them to be better citizens of the country. Some schools in this area have been blacklisted, which means that WAEC/NECO exams cannot be held there. In Amuwo Odofin Local Government Area, the following schools have been blacklisted.
– Mazamaza, Amuwo Odofin Local Government Area, Hope Bay College
Festac College is located in the Festac-Town Amuwo Odofin Local Government Area.
– Junif Pride International Private School in Festac, Amuwo Odofin Local Government Area
As a result of the aforementioned issues, this study focuses on the moral standing of teachers and the effectiveness of religion in nation building.
This project will achieve the following specific goals:
(a) A survey will be conducted to determine the current moral standing of teachers.
(b) To determine the impact that teachers have on their students.
(c) How to Prepare Teachers for Positive Character Development
(d) To prefer recommendations that may aid in the resolution of the problem.
(e) Identifying the integrative ethical education model: the five stages of moral character development.
The following research questions were posed to guide the study in order to properly treat the delineated problems;
(1) To what extent does a teacher’s moral standing influence a student’s development?
(2) To what extent does the moral standing of teachers influence nation building?
(3) What is the attitude of students in both junior and secondary school toward the study of moral standing?
To provide additional guidance in this study, the following null hypotheses were developed:
(1) The moral standing of the teacher has a significant impact on the development of the students.
(2) The moral standing of teachers may or may not have an impact on nation building as a whole.
(3) Some junior and senior high school students see moral education as a necessary subject, while others see it as a waste of time.
The research was carried out in the Lagos state’s Amuwo Odofin Local Government Area. Due to time and financial constraints, the researcher hopes to limit the distribution of questionnaires to (15) fifteen secondary schools.
The study’s findings will benefit the teacher, students, parents, and the nation as a whole by revealing the impact of Christian religious knowledge teachers’ moral standing on nation building. The government will be equipped with the resources necessary to ensure the moral development of students graduating from secondary schools.
The CRK teachers will be thoroughly scrutinized and carefully chosen due to the impact of their attitudes on the lives of the students, resulting in the final outcome of the graduates’ attitudes toward nation building.
The terms listed below have been operationally defined:
(1) Schoolteachers
(2) Integrity of Character
(3) National Development
(4) Religious Instruction
A teacher, also known as a schoolteacher, is someone who educates pupils (children) and students (adults). The role of a teacher is frequently formal and ongoing, and it is performed at a school or other place of formal education. A person who wishes to become a teacher in many countries must first obtain specific professional qualifications or credentials from a university or college.
These professional qualifications may include a study of pedagogy, or teaching science. Teachers, like other professionals, may be required to continue their education after they have earned their credentials, a process known as continuing professional development. A lesson plan can be used by teachers to facilitate student learning by providing a course of study known as the curriculum.
The role of a teacher varies by culture. Teachers may teach literacy and numeracy, handicrafts or vocational training, the arts, religion, civics, community roles, or life skills. A teacher who facilitates an individual’s education may also be referred to as a personal tutor or, more historically, agoverness.
Formal education can be obtained through home schooling in some countries.
Informal learning can be aided by a teacher in a temporary or ongoing role, such as a family member, or by anyone with knowledge or skills in a larger community setting.
Religious and spiritual teachers, such as gurus, mullahs, rabbis, pastors/youth pastors, and lamas, may instruct students on religious texts such as the Quran, Torah, or Bible. A certified teacher is one who has earned credentials from a reputable source, such as the government, a higher education institution, or a private organization.
This teacher qualification or teacher qualification authorizes a teacher to teach and grade in pre-school, primary, or secondary education in countries, schools, content areas, or curricula that require authorization. While many authorizing entities require student teaching before granting teacher certification,
the process varies by country. A teaching qualification is one of several academic and professional degrees required to become a registered teacher. Depending on the country, such credentials may include the Postgraduate Certificate in Education.
What exactly is moral standing? An individual has moral standing in our eyes if we believe that how that individual is treated makes a moral difference apart from the effects it has on others. That is, an individual has moral standing for us if, when making moral decisions, we believe we should consider that individual’s welfare for the sake of the individual and not just for our or someone else’s benefit.
Consider a doctor who is concerned about her patients’ physical well-being and believes that mistreating them would be morally wrong. Assume she believes this not because she will benefit from taking good care of them or because she is afraid of being sued, but because she genuinely cares about her patients’ well-being.
Her patients are morally superior to her. Consider a farmer who is concerned about the welfare of his cows and believes that mistreating them is morally wrong. But suppose he believes this solely because mistreating them would reduce their milk production,
and their milk is an important source of nutrition and income for his family. Although this farmer considers the welfare of his cows, he does so solely for the benefit of his family and not for the benefit of the cows themselves. Cows have no moral standing in the farmer’s eyes.
The oldest and most widely held belief about who has more] standing is that only humans have moral standing; only humans ultimately count in matters of morality. This anthropocentric or “human-centered” conviction is usually associated with the idea that the only creatures with the capacity to reason (perhaps as expressed through language) have absolute value, and thus their well-being should be taken into account for their own sakes.
Aristotle, the ancient Greek philosopher, for example, saw nature as a hierarchy, believing that less rational creatures are created for the benefit of more rational creatures. “Plants exist for the sake of animals, and brute beasts for the sake of man,” he wrote.
In a similar vein, Immanuel Kant, a seventeenth-century philosopher, stated, “As far as animals are concerned, we have no direct moral duties; animals are not self-conscious and exist merely as a means to an end.” That is the end of man.” Thus, only human beings have moral standing in the eyes of these thinkers, and the welfare of other creatures matters only if they are useful to humans.
The belief that only human beings ultimately matter in morality does not imply that we have no moral obligations to nonhumans. Even anthropocentric viewpoints hold that killing plants or animals is immoral because we are destroying resources that may provide significant benefits to ourselves or future human generations.
Some anthropocentric viewpoints believe that all cruelty to animals is immoral because, as philosopher and theologian Thomas Aquinas put it, “by being cruel to animals, one becomes cruel to human beings.” Nonhumans, on the other hand, count only to the extent that their well-being affects that of humans.
Although every anthropocentric ethic holds that only humans can matter morally, there is considerable disagreement about which humans matter. According to some anthropocentric viewpoints, any human creature with the potential to be rational has moral standing.
A fetus has moral standing, according to this viewpoint. Others argue that only humans who are already rational are moral. A fetus does not count in this context. Other anthropocentric viewpoints contend that both current and future generations of humans count, whereas others contend that only currently existing humans count.
Several philosophers, including utilitarians Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill, challenged the view that only humans counted in the eighteenth century. Our only moral duty, according to these philosophers, is to maximize pleasure, which they claimed is the only fundamental good,
and to minimize pain, which they claimed is the only fundamental evil. To make moral decisions, we must consider all creatures, rational or not, who have the ability to experience pleasure or pain. As Bentham put it, “the question is not whether they can reason or talk, but whether they can suffer.”
This early viewpoint, which granted moral standing to animals, laid the groundwork for the “animal rights” movement. Following in the footsteps of Bentham and Mill, utilitarians began vehemently defending the view that inflicting pain and suffering on animals is just as immoral as it is on humans in the 1970s. Humans failing to recognize animals’ moral standing, they argued, is species discrimination, which is just as wrong as discrimination based on race or gender.
Some animal rights supporters, on the other hand, argue that animal welfare is morally important, not only for utilitarian reasons, such as minimizing pain, but also because animals have moral rights that should not be violated. They argue that animal rights are based on the idea that animals have interests, and moral rights exist to protect the interests of all creatures, not just humans.
Others believe that animals have a life of their own that deserves to be respected. Animal rights advocates have concluded that, in addition to the right to be free of pain, animals have the right to have their interests protected or to have their independent lives respected.
This century has seen the emergence of an even broader view of what has moral standing, one that holds that all living things have moral standing. Albert Schweitzer, the most well-known proponent of this viewpoint, claimed that all life deserves to be revered. More recent philosophers have taken the position stated above, that anything with interests has moral rights.
They argue that all living things, including trees and plants, have interests, with specific needs and proclivities for growth and self-preservation. As a result, all living entities have the right to have their interests protected, and we have an obligation to consider these interests in our moral deliberations.
The view that entire natural systems count is perhaps the broadest view of what counts morally. This “ecocentric” viewpoint was first advanced by naturalist Aldo Leopold, who advocated for a “land ethic” that gives all of nature moral standing.
“The land ethic… broadens the boundaries of the community to include soils, waters, plants, and animals, or collectively, the land,” he wrote. Whole ecological systems, such as lakes, forests, or entire continents, have a “integrity” or “welfare” of their own that should not be harmed or damaged, according to Leopold and many others.
DEFINITION: The formation of behaviors, values, language, institutions, and physical structures that illuminate history and culture, concretize and protect the present, and ensure a nation’s future identity and independence.
The process of constructing or structuring a national identity through the use of state power is referred to as nation building. This process seeks to unite the people within the state in order for it to remain politically stable and viable in the long run. Nation-building can entail the use of propaganda or large-scale infrastructure development to promote social harmony and economic growth.
Nation building and development have many dimensions and are dependent on a variety of factors, some of which are natural while others are man-made. The human race’s only enemy is itself, and the greatest danger he faces is his ability to cause his own survival or annihilation through his actions or inaction. The difference is in how he uses his natural endowment in the form of natural and human resources.
Nation building and development must be practical and sustainable, as stated above, and are dependent on available resources, the ability to optimize the beneficial application of these resources, and the ability to keep the physical environment safe, healthy, stable, and conducive.
Sustainable development is defined as “development that allows for economic growth while also requiring environmental protection.” (Brundtland 1987) defines sustainable development as “development that meets the needs of the present without jeopardizing the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”
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