The study looked at teachers’ perceptions of their public image and its impact on students’ physics performance in Plateau State’s Pankshin Local Government Area. The study employed a survey research design, with the study population consisting of all secondary school students in Pankshin L.G.A of Plateau State. Using simple random sampling techniques, 100 teachers and students were used as a sample.
Three research hypotheses guided the study. A 16-item questionnaire was used to collect data from the sample, and students’ performance was also recorded. Experts validated the instrument, and a reliability coefficient of 0.90 was established using the test-retest method. To test the research hypothesis, the Pearson Product Correlation Coefficient was used.
According to the findings, the government’s and students’ attitudes toward teachers contribute to the teachers’ public image, which has a negative effect on student performance. The paper recommended that the government/employers of labor show their appreciation for teachers by meeting their demands in order to encourage them in their work.
In addition, parents, teachers, and the government should work together to ensure that student attitudes toward teachers change for the better in order to achieve improved performance.
Academic success is determined by the teacher, who is the focal point, the environment, and the parents, who play an important role. The teacher’s role in any learning environment is to ensure that students acquire the knowledge that is expected of them. The teacher is at the forefront of curriculum implementation in both formal and informal education, so he is considered capable of performing the job.
An ideal teacher instructs in such a way that it results in high levels of student achievement in terms of student outcomes such as learning gains and work readiness. Students are responsible for listening to and paying attention to the teacher, as well as carrying out the activities and responsibilities assigned to them by the teacher.
Cogan (1975) emphasized that students who share and amplify their elders’ disparagement of the teacher tend to learn less, forget faster, transfer and apply their learning less readily than if these learning were gained in an atmosphere of high regard for the teacher.
As a result of the preceding, it is critical that the teachers’ image is a significant factor in students’ learning. Students’ attitudes toward the subject, and thus their interest and readiness to learn, are determined by how they perceive the teacher. Parents are responsible for supporting the teacher’s efforts by providing the items required of them by the students.
An ideal learning environment, then, necessitates a harmonious relationship between teacher, student, parents, and society as a whole. According to Emengu (2005), poor service conditions, heavy work loads, remuneration, low social and public image ingratitude by other officers, and continued ingratitude shown to teachers by parents and the general public have frustrated many teachers and forced them to develop low morale.
One does not have to look too closely at teaching to realize that one of the causes of students’ poor academic achievement is a lack of respect for teachers.
What has the greatest impact on student performance is the quality of the teacher in the classroom, as well as the respect he receives from society as a whole. To improve the quality of education, students and teachers must work together to achieve affection learning.
Effective teachers, according to Geo, Belly, and Kittle’s (2008), collaborate with other teachers, administrators, parents, and educational professionals to ensure students’ success, particularly the success of students with special needs and those at high risk of failure.
The teacher, as a helper, mentor, planner, monitor, and evaluator, developer, and collaborator of the educational system, must be motivated by society by cooperating with him, appreciating his efforts, protecting his image, financing his program, and, most importantly, putting heads together with the teacher to ensure success in the teaching learning program.
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