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Nigeria, like other developing countries, is still in the early stages of incorporating ICT into the teaching and learning processes in the educational sector. Though it is hampered by a number of obstacles, there are numerous factors influencing the use of ICT to improve teaching and learning in Nigerian schools of learning. ICT is a method of capturing, processing, storing, and communicating information that is done electronically.

The use of ICT in the classroom for teaching and learning is critical because it allows teachers and students to operate, store, manipulate, and retrieve information, encourages independent and active learning, and self-responsibility for learning such as distance learning, motivates teachers and students to continue using learning outside of school hours, plans and prepares lessons and designs materials such as course content delivery, and facilitates sharing of information.

This versatile instrument can not only engage students in instructional activities to increase their learning, but it can also assist them in solving complex problems to improve their cognitive skills (Jonnasen & Reeves, 1996). Pernia (2008) defines ICT as “communication technologies used to create, manage, and distribute information.” She goes on to say that ICTs are broadly defined as computers, the internet, telephones, television, radio, and audio-visual equipment.

She goes on to say that ICT refers to any device or application that is used to access, manage, integrate, evaluate, create, and communicate information and knowledge. This definition includes digital technology services and applications used for communication and information processing functions associated with these devices.

In general, three goals are identified for the use of ICT in education (Plomp et al, 1996):

I The use of ICT as a study object; refers to learning about ICT that enables students to use ICT in their daily lives.

(ii) The application of ICT as a discipline or profession; refers to the acquisition of ICT skills for professional or vocational purposes.

(iii) (iii) The use of ICT as a medium for teaching and learning; emphasizes the use of ICT to improve the teaching and learning process. Drent and Meelissen (2007)

Teachers are, without a doubt, at the heart of curriculum change, and they have complete control over the teaching and learning processes. As a result, they must be capable of preparing young people for a society in which the ability to use ICT to acquire and process information is critical.

Several studies contend that the use of new technologies in the classroom is critical for providing students with opportunities to learn how to operate in an information age. According to Yelland (2001), traditional educational environments do not appear to be suitable for preparing learners to function or be productive in today’s workplaces.

She asserted that organizations that do not incorporate the use of new technologies in their institutions cannot claim to be preparing their students for life in the twenty-first century. Grimus [2000] supports this argument, stating that “by teaching ICT skills in educational institutions, students are prepared to face future developments based on proper understanding” (p. 362).

Initially, information and communication technology (ICT) was used to improve efficiency in the educational process. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that the use of ICT in education can aid in memory retention, motivation, and overall comprehension [Dede, 1998]. ICT can also be used to promote collaborative learning through activities such as role playing, group problem solving, and articulated projects [Forcheri & Molfino, 2000].

ICT enables the creation of extensive networks of interconnections and interpersonal relationships. Some authors believe that technology has the potential to alter how students learn and professors teach [Kozma, 1999]. However, despite all of the benefits, the effectiveness of ICT requires further research, particularly in developing countries such as Nigeria, where a number of factors continue to work against the use of ICT.


Basic Technology as a subject has been influenced by ICTs, which have undoubtedly influenced the subject’s teaching and learning (Yusuf, 2005). A substantial amount of research has demonstrated the benefits to the quality of teaching and learning (Al-Ansari, 2006).

ICTs have the potential to innovate, accelerate, enrich, and deepen skills, to motivate and engage students, to help connect school experience to work practices, to create economic viability for tomorrow’s workers, to strengthen teaching, and to assist schools in changing (Davis and Tearle, 1999;). This study, on the other hand, will look into the effectiveness of ICT in teaching and learning Basic Technology.


The following are the study’s objectives:

I Determine the level of ICT use in teaching and learning Basic Technology

(ii) To investigate the impact of ICT on the teaching and learning of basic technology.

(iii) Identifying the factors limiting the use of ICT in Basic Technology teaching and learning.


I What is the level of ICT use in Basic Technology teaching and learning?

(ii) How effective is ICT in the teaching and learning of basic technology?

(iii) What factors limit the use of ICT in the teaching and learning of Basic Technology?


HO: The use of ICT in basic technology teaching and learning is ineffective.

HA: The use of ICT in Basic Technology teaching and learning is effective.


The study’s importance is focused on students, teachers, educational planners, administrators, the government, and the general public. There are numerous advantages to using ICT effectively in the teaching and learning of basic technology.

The study’s findings will encourage teachers and students to develop skills and competencies in ICT technologies for classroom teaching and learning.

Curriculum planners will be tasked with developing curriculum that will implement effective approaches to ICT-driven education in the twenty-first century in school syllabus contents, thereby improving students’ employability and self-sufficiency.

Teachers’ teaching and learning abilities will be improved as a result of the study. It will also promote student convenience and flexibility through self-paced and time-based learning, as well as increased access to top-tier instructors through knowledge sharing across borders via online internet connectivity.

The Study’s Scope

The purpose of this research is to evaluate the use of ICT materials in schools in order to determine if they are effective for teaching and learning basic technology. As a result, the study will focus on secondary schools in Edo State, while teachers and students from senior secondary schools will be involved in determining the effectiveness of ICT in basic technology teaching and learning.



N.E. Davis and P. Tearle (Eds). (1999). A telematics core curriculum for teacher education. is available.

“Learning with Technology,” Dede. The Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Yearbook (Alexandria, VA: ASCD), 199-215, 1998.

M. Drent and M. Meelissen. “Which Factors Obstruct or Stimulate Teacher Educators’ Innovative Use of ICT?” (ARTICLE IN PRESS), Journal of Computers and Education, 2007.

P. Forcheri and M. T. Molfino. “ICT as a tool for learning to learn.” Kluwer Academic, Boston, MA, pp. 175-184, 2000.

M. Grimus. “ICT and multimedia in primary school.” Paper presented at the 16th International Conference on Educational Applications of Information and Communication Technologies in Beijing, China, in 2000.

D.H. Jonassen and T.C. Reeves. “Learning with Technology: Using Computers as Cognitive Tools.” Handbook of research for educational communication and technology, edited by D.H Jonassen (pp. 693-719). Simon and Schuster, New York, 1996.

“Designing and developing effective educational software”: Lessons from the EDUCOM Award Winners, R. B. Kozma. Annual Conference of EDUCOM, San Diego, CA, 1991

E.E. Pernia (2008) developed a strategy framework for promoting ICT literacy.

Tj. Plomp, A.C.A. ten Brummelhis, and R. Rammund. “Teaching and Learning for the Future.” Report of the Multimedia in Teacher Education Committee (COMMITT). SDU, Den Haag, 1996.

“Teaching and learning with information and communication technology (ICT) for numeracy in early childhood and primary schooling,” N. Yelland. Department of Education, Training, and Youth Affairs, Australia, 2001





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