The purpose of this study was to look into the impact of teaching materials on teaching effectiveness in secondary schools in Lagos State’s Mainland Local Government Area. The study also looked at some important and extensive literature that was relevant to the study. The descriptive research design was used to assess respondents’ attitudes toward the subject matter. Three null hypotheses were developed and tested in this study using the Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient Statistical tool at the 0.05 significant level.
In addition, percentage and frequency counts were used to interpret the questionnaire responses used to answer the research questions. This study included 200 participants, 100 male teachers and 100 female teachers.
The following findings emerged from the data analyses: there is a significant relationship between teaching resources and teaching effectiveness, there is a significant relationship between instructional resource utilization and students’ academic performance in public secondary schools, and there is a significant relationship between teachers’ quality and teaching effectiveness.
The researcher makes the following recommendations based on the study’s findings: more time should be allocated to the practical aspects of instructional materials in secondary schools, and the government should subsidize the cost of students’ practical work on instructional materials.
1.1 The Study’s Background
According to Muijs and Reynolds (2005), the importance of teaching and how teachers teach in their classrooms is being recognized in a variety of ways. The most important thing that teachers do is teach their students. According to Bilesanmi-Awoderu (2000), the success of teaching work is dependent on teachers’ good planning in terms of adequate preparation, supply and availability of equipment and learning material.
One of the objectives of teacher education, as stated in the National Policy on Education (NPE, 2004), is to produce highly motivated, conscientious, and effective teachers at all levels of the educational system. To perform their duties effectively, such teachers are expected to be professionally and academically qualified. Muijs and Reynolds (2005) identify the teacher as a major factor in students’ learning in order to standardize educational quality.
Students’ availability, school resources, and classroom environment are identified as critical factors in learning by Fracer (1992) and Olorojaye (1997). In the school setting, resource availability, allocation, and utilization have been perceived as indicators of effectiveness.
Personnel, as well as physical and material resources, are available in a school setting. According to Omoniyi (2000), the primary function of the teacher is to facilitate learning. Making the experience real is one method of promoting effective learning.
This entails using real-life examples related to the learner’s own experiences. The use of representation is the other option. The use of representation entails the use of materials and devices that assist the teacher in taking a realistic approach to the job.
According to Omoniyi (2000), teaching resources will include making materials available to students, making procedures for any investigation simple and clear, clarifying procedures, and encouraging students in the classroom. According to Bajah (1998), the quality of any teaching is determined by the impact it has on learners and society.
According to Okebukola (2009), what is happening in the education sector as of December 31, 2008 shows that not only are school enrollment numbers low, but the quality of learning outcomes is poor; the curriculum, one of the resources for effective learning, is not appropriate for the needs of a modern society seeking to create a competitive and efficient economy.
According to Okebukola (1995), Nigeria was one of the nations that spent a high proportion of its resources on the academic pursuit of her students at all levels, and that Nigeria was the second best in terms of resource commitment at the secondary and tertiary levels of education. Adeyegbe (1994) observes, however, that students’ performance in the Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSCE) in five subjects – English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology – was poor in 1988 and 1994.
In light of the foregoing observations, this study seeks to identify the relationships between teaching resources and teaching effectiveness in secondary schools in the Lagos Mainland Local Government Area of Lagos State.
1.2 Formulation of the Problem
In the school setting, resource availability, allocation, and utilization have been perceived as indicators of effectiveness. Obilade (1998) observes that waste and underutilization or underemployment of resources are the two major impediments to successful resource management efforts.
The total elimination (or reduction) in the incidence of waste is a major prerequisite to efficient resource management terms is more than compensated for the wealth of experience and expertise that can be harnessed from people provided that the skilled administrator can use them to his/her advantage.
There is no doubt that there are insufficient resources in Nigerian public schools, both in terms of human and material resources. Okorosaye-Orubite (2008), for example, observed that it is unfortunate that for an education program (Universal Basic Education, UBE) that was launched in 1999 and was expected to begin in 2005, it was only in December 2005 that a directive was issued for the development of school curriculum for the program’s implementation.
As a result, Okorosaye-Orubite (2008) asks how one can expect books that will be used in school to be put in place when curriculum is not available. This is also true for instructional materials. The use of information technology to aid learning is critical in today’s educational environment.
However, Okebukola (2009) contends that, despite gradual improvement, the level of information, communication, and technology (ICT) usage remains low. Okebukola (2009) captured the problem of resources in the Nigerian educational sector, concluding that there is infrastructural decay, a lack of teaching/learning materials, and inadequate facilities throughout the educational sector, which has contributed to grossly low learning achievements.
We should have built learner-friendly schools instead of the current under-resourced institutions with poor instructional materials and large class sizes. Given the foregoing, the problem of this study is one of insufficient teaching resources, which influences teaching effectiveness.
1.3 The Study’s Purpose
This research looks at various teaching resources and their effects on school effectiveness. The operational objectives of the study include the following:
1. To highlight teaching resources that can improve school effectiveness as well as students’ academic performance.
2. To assess the sufficiency or otherwise of teaching resources in Lagos State’s Mainland Local Government Area.
3. To determine the impact of teaching effectiveness on student performance in the Mainland Local Government area.
4. Determine the impact of the human element on teaching effectiveness and student academic performance.
5. Determine whether students prefer instructional materials to verbal lectures.
1.4 Research Concerns
The following are the study’s research questions:
1. Is there a significant difference in the availability and use of teaching resources in public secondary schools in the Mainland Local Government area?
2. What are the teaching resources that can lead to effectiveness as well as high academic performance in students?
3. What effect does the human element have on teaching effectiveness and student performance?
4. Do students prefer instructional materials over verbal lectures?
1.5 Hypotheses for Research
For this study, the following hypotheses have been developed:
1. The availability of teaching resources has no significant impact on teaching effectiveness.
2. There is no correlation between the availability and utilization of instructional resources and academic performance of students in public secondary schools in Lagos State’s Mainland Local Government Area.
3. The quality of teachers has no discernible effect on teaching effectiveness.
1.6 Importance of the Research
This study looks at teaching resources and effectiveness in Lagos State’s Mainland Local Government Area. As a result, if this study is successful, the following individuals and groups are expected to benefit:
Researchers: This study is expected to add to the bank of knowledge in the academic field in the sense that other researchers will benefit from it and can replicate the study using other local government areas and states in Nigeria because environmental factors in Lagos State differ from those in other states.
Because Lagos is a metropolitan state in Mainland Local Government, other environmental factors may influence the outcomes of such studies (ies) in rural areas. In general, this research is expected to add to or contribute to existing knowledge in the field of educational administration.
Government: The three tiers of government (Federal, State, and Local) are expected to benefit from this study because it will show whether the government is performing well in terms of providing resources in schools. Furthermore, a well-educated citizen will not cause problems for the government, resulting in socioeconomic and political development.
Students: Students are the primary beneficiaries of this study because it identifies barriers to learning and suggests solutions (s). Students will find it easier to learn as a result of this.
Teachers: It is difficult for teachers when the resources they need are unavailable or insufficient. If the study’s recommendations are implemented and the government is able to provide adequate and high-quality resources in public schools, teachers’ work in influencing students’ knowledge will be simplified.
1.7 The Study’s Scope and Limitations
This study is restricted to secondary schools in Lagos State’s Mainland Local Government Area. The purpose of this research is to identify the various types of resources and the extent to which they can influence school effectiveness.
1.8 The Study’s Limitations
Due to the self-funded and time-constrained nature of this study, all secondary schools in Lagos State were not investigated to investigate the influence of teaching resources on teaching effectiveness; rather, the Mainland Local Government area was covered. In addition, only five public secondary schools were sampled for this study.
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