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Teenage Pregnancy And How It Affects The Educational Development Of Our Teenagers

Teenage Pregnancy And How It Affects The Educational Development Of Our Teenagers

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Teenage Pregnancy And How It Affects The Educational Development Of Our Teenagers

Chapter one

1.0 Introduction

Baldwin (1950) saw the adolescent era as a phase of revival of “sexual drives that had been inactive during the latency period.” He stated that teenagers are on the verge of becoming adults, and they must choose a way of life in terms of their job, ethics, and so on.

He went on to say that in the face of so many different jobs, people must decide what they want to do and whether they are capable of doing it, as well as accept responsibility for decisions that may shape or destroy the remainder of their lives.

And in order to take this autonomous step, people must have a strong sense of identity, their own worth as individuals, and their self-esteem, and he believes that our culture makes it difficult for our teenagers to take this step in life.

Watson and Lindgren (1979) defined a teenager as the interval or stage of development between childhood and adulthood. They stated it is also difficult to specify the limits of a teenager; at what point does it begin and what point does it finish.

They said the traits of a teenager initially manifest themselves around 10, 11, or 12 years of age with subtle alterations. In terms of conduct and appearance, it is most noticeable during adolescence, when girls begin their menstrual cycles.

The Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (1995) defined pregnancy as the time when a woman is pregnant or has an unborn baby growing inside her body. Teenage pregnancy is thus defined as a period of time during which a female is carrying or has an unborn baby growing inside her womb.

According to the World Health Organisation (2004), a teenager is a person between the ages of 15 and 19. It is a stage in which an individual is shaped and prepared for adult responsibilities. They also stated that there are benefits and drawbacks to adolescent pregnancy or having a baby at this age.

They went on to note that when you are younger, the positives are typically related with better fertility, a healthier pregnancy, and a faster recovery after birth. However, your social life, education, and training may be severely disrupted just when they are about to take off in an interesting direction.

Furthermore, they stated that some teenagers are far more competent of caring for a child than older women because late motherhood or pregnancy increases the chance of difficulties and reduces fertility. They also mentioned that being older can make it more exhausting to care for growing children.

1.1 Statement of the Problem

This study focused on the benefits and drawbacks of teenage pregnancy in Kaura Local Government Area, Kaduna State. For clarity of purpose:-

Teenage girls lack adequate understanding for safeguarding themselves from unplanned pregnancy.

They are married off young and then use the benefits from the girls’ husband to educate their male children.

Their male counterparts took advantage of them, sexually abusing them.

Leaving school due to an undesired pregnancy.

Giving them away in marriage early to keep them from prostituting.

Getting pregnant even when their reproductive organs are not fully developed.

1.2 Significance of the Study

Teenage pregnancy has been a big worry not only for Kaduna’s teenage girls, but for Nigeria as a whole. This study may then serve as a pioneering endeavour to better understand teenage pregnancy in the Kaura Local Government Area.

The findings of the study may assist policymakers, particularly educational planners in Kaduna State, in developing more relevant instructional programs on adolescent pregnancy.

The findings of the study may also serve to highlight some of the disorders related with adolescent pregnancy, such as Vesico Virgina Fistular (VVF) and Rector Virgina Fistular (RVF). The findings of the study may potentially serve as the foundation for future research on teen pregnancy.


Teenage pregnancies are the result of relationships with older male equivalents.

Free access to pornographic films without adult supervision on sex education.

Is there appropriate awareness and guidance on teen pregnancy?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of teenage pregnancy for teenage girls and society as a whole?

Do cultural upbringing and religious beliefs influence adolescent pregnancy?

Is teenage pregnancy affecting young girls’ academic performance?


At the time of the survey, there were 1,000 employees working in the Kaura local government region. There were 400 senior staff, 300 junior staff, and the remainder were messengers, cleaners, and security personnel.

However, this study was limited to two (2) regions within the Kaura local government jurisdiction.


The researcher had difficulties in getting to Kaura local government to collect data for the study.

During the course of the investigation, a lack of funding was a major restraint.

The terrible weather, along with the slick condition of the untarred roads, made travel difficult during the research.

Some local government employees were hesitant to discuss teenage pregnancy with the researcher.

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