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The project focuses on teen prostitution in secondary schools in Delta state’s Ndokwa east local government area. The investigation was conducted in five (50 randomly selected schools for call girls, brothels, and some hiding places. The questionnaire was the primary study instrument.

A hundred questionnaires were distributed, collected, and analysed using T-test analysis. To guide the study, four research questions and hypotheses were developed, and relevant literature was read. The questionnaire was the instrument utilised in the survey research, which was validated by the research supervisor at the secondary school. Finally, the researcher gave several recommendations. If implemented, it will examine the households, schools, states, the nation, and society as a whole.



Prostitution is one of the social ills that threatens man’s existence due to its accompanying effects such as disease, traumatization of the prostitutes themselves, stigma suffered by their family members, and so on. This study focuses on teenage prostitution in secondary school in Ndokwa east local government area, which will be discussed under the following sub-heading.
• Definition of prostitution

• Prostitution forms/categorization

• Prostitute’s client

• Prostitution among minors

• Profile of adolescent prostitution

• An empirical study of adolescent prostitution

• A summary of the literature review

2.1 Definition of prostitution

Prostitution has been a part of the world for as long as anybody can remember. Examples abound in the Bible, such as when God roused the Israelites to prostitution and directed Hossea to marry Gomer, a prostitute, due to the people’s (Israelites’) unfaithfulness.

Kirk Prostitution is referred to as whoredom whoring and street-working by Patrick B (2004). It is the oldest occupation. This attests to the fact that prostitution has been prevalent throughout history, and women have engaged in it for monetary or recreational reasons. According to Word book (2004), prostitution is the performance of sexual actions for monetary gain.

It is found all throughout the world, mostly in metropolitan settings. The majority of prostitutes are women, however males and children are also prostitutes. Some prostitutes work for pimps or madams, while others work for themselves. The provision of sexual services for money is prohibited, according to the Encyclopaedia Britannica (2005).

Prostitution is the act of performing sexual acts on another person for a charge or payment. Prostitution is payment for a specific conduct, such as when a call girl answers to a phone solicitation to participate in a sexual act with a client in his hotel room and is compensated for doing so (Encyclopaedia America, 2004).

According to C. Ewhrudjakpor. Prostitution is defined as a promiscuous and mercenary sexual relationship with no emotional or moral attachment. It went on to say that prostitutes make their money by offering sexual favours to anyone willing to pay in cash or kind.

lassification of Prostitution Forms Prostitution is classified and labelled differently depending on its qualities. Between the buyer or girlfriend and prostitutes in the brother, there is the street worker or street prostitution. The waitress at a club: the mass media user who advertises in the daily news paper (also known as modus); the hardworking escort (with good cultural upbringing); the “non-professionals” who look for extra money and who, if she advertises herself in this way, attract specific clients. Within the categories of prostitution, street workers are further distinguished as (“hass”, “whores”, the word rhymes with rose). According to Ewhrudjakpor (1998), there are five “classes” or sorts of prostitutes in Nigeria:

• Senior beauties

• Club girls or hustlers

• Opio or Ashewo

• A road worker or a street worker

• Sharpilee, also known as blood tonic

Senior Ladies Prostitutes who are “senior babes” are regarded as “call girls” by aristocratic in Europe and America. They are well educated, with university degrees, expensively dressed, and, of course, extremely gorgeous. The majority of them own boutiques or work as models.

Club Babes or Hustlers? These are lower in the previously described five dimensions of sophistication. Most of these prostitutes do not have a tertiary education, and their nightly charge is five hundred Naira (N500. 00). Some club babes may charge less based on negotiation power and likely weather conditions.

Ashawo or Opio?

These prostitutes are ignorant; the majority are retired mothers who are cold and have reached menopause. They are usually hosted by a hotel manager, and their pay is set in collaboration with the prostitutes.

People who walk down the street The “along the road or street walker” is looked down upon by all other prostitutes since she solicits customers wherever she may find them. In most situations, people congregate around the gates of hotels with lodging amenities. This type of prostitute can work their way up the scholastic ladder, from illiterate to university undergrad. Streetwalkers are only present for a limited time

They take to the streets to look for work when they are out of money. Some even get married throughout the process, for which they charge a minimum of (N 200. 00) two hundred Naira (500.00) per night. Sharpilee, also known as “Blood Tonic” The fifth group of prostitutes is a 1990s phenomena known as “blood tonic or sharpilee.”

These prostitutes range in age from 13 to 23 years old (the amorphous stage of human psychological development. In other words, they are adolescents, and the majority of them are still in school. They are as sharp, smart, and childlike as their moniker suggests. They are dressed beautifully in the latest clothes and shoes in the cases. In reality, they are prostitutes because they desire the latest fat in their wardrobe and to enter their fleeting youth before prison weddings.

2.3 Prostitutes’ Client

The client or prostitute profile should not be neglected because these categories would not exist without them. Because many guys still start their sexual lives with prostitutes. Usually, they are encouraged to exhibit their “manhood” by their friends or even close family members. Many married men try to resolve sexual problems within their marriage by going to a prostitute, which has a unique history and aetiology.

The urges to achieve necessities of life, pleasurable relaxation without necessarily passing through culturally approved processes in achieving their social goal led many teenagers to prostitution. Adotomere, S. O. (2005) defines juvenile prostitution as prostitution involving teens who give themselves up for sexual intercourse in exchange for money or material rewards.

The inference is that many people who become prostitutes do so due to financial difficulties. They have no other convenient way of obtaining money to alleviate poverty, so they sell their bodies for monetary benefit. According to Okorodudu J. (2006), adolescent prostitution is relative to the particular groups vulture and time. So long as norms and values have become dynamic, the concept of time is critical in accepting behaviour as normal.

Teenage prostitution is the act of engaging in sexual acts among youths for money and material gain. Teenage prostitution is relevant not only for the establishment of social regulations, but also for the generation of practise (Agular, I. Garbes it, and Morish N. 2004). It refers to an individual’s behavioural deviation from well-established norms. These conventions rarely specify whether she attended public schools for secondary education or a religious school where the rules governing sex were exceedingly severe.

Teenage Prostitution: An Empirical Investigation

Teenage prostitution has piqued the interest of many researchers and members of society in general. This is partly due to the evil associated with prostitution and its attendant violation of societal norms and values; on the other hand, these teenagers who engage in prostitution are of the generation on which the society depends for its continued existence and cannot afford to let them waste.

As a result, many mothers have spoken out about “teenage” prostitution. Carlebach, J. writes in Morde P.O (2004). In her research of teenage prostitutes in Nairobi, she discovered that many of these prostitutes came from poor or troubled families. A similar study was conducted for women fleeing prostitution. According to Promise (1977), 30% of a sample of women in San Francisco catered prostitution when they were 15 or younger and described themselves as runaways.

Ayonumare A. A. (1999) stated in a study that sexual films on our television increase curiosity, which leads to people engaging in prostitution for the sake of it. He also ascribed the rapid increase in teenage prostitution to poverty, which has a close correlation with the rapid increase in teenage prostitution. Teenagers who have been exposed to pornographic films are more inclined to try out what they have seen or heard for the sake of amusement (Laidpo A. O. 2002).

He also blamed the problem on a lack of fundamental sex education at home and school; in another study, Mackinvon C. A. and Dworkin A. (1997) discovered that pornographic material was used to attract people into prostitution. Child sexual abuse was recognised as a prelude to prostitution by Adedoyin and Adegoke A. A. (1995) in 50% of 150 Nigerian prostituted teenagers.

According to Fairly and Kelly (2000), research and clinical reports have shown that childhood sexual abuse and chronic traumatization are common among prostituted women. According to the author, teenage prostitution has their roots in poverty fleeing from homes, pornography, child maltreatment self will, parents background, and so on.

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