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1.1 Background Of The Study

Primary education is the foundation for a child’s educational journey. The quality of a child’s elementary education will impact his achievement in secondary and postsecondary school. It will also have an impact on his or her life beyond school. As a result, the significance of basic education cannot be overstated.

In this context, Malotyre and Clarkj (1996) believe that parents’ attitudes influence the level of education their children or wards get in elementary school.

Parental involvement in their children’s academic activities has a beneficial impact on their children’s performance and aspirations, helps in raising knowledge and enhancing understanding, and facilitates academic advancement.

detrimental parental attitudes towards their children’s education, on the other hand, have a detrimental impact on their academic growth, leading to low academic achievement and, as a result, the removal of such children from school. As a result, many children end up on the streets and pose a threat to society later in life.

Obodochi (2003), on the other hand, believes that most parents in Nigeria’s rural areas are unconcerned with their children’s primary education and, as a result, have a negative attitude towards their children’s education at the level.

This is because most rural dwellers in Nigeria are more concerned with their children’s short-term immediate development and thus prefer sending their children to learn vocational trades or assist them in farm work, whereas parents in urban areas have a positive attitude towards education of their children and wards due to their perception of education and the value they attach to education and its effect on their children’s future.

In this regard, Wilkinson (1997) asserts that parents’ attitudes towards their children in Kwali Area Council Abuja are heavily influenced by their opinion of the value of education.

1.2 Statement Of The Problem

Primary education is the basis of education and is critical to the educational growth of a kid. Okoh (2005).

Despite the importance of primary education to children’s educational development, parents’ attitudes towards their children’s education are inadequate and continue to be a major hindrance to basic education in the region studied. This is seen in the high percentage of street selling by primary school-aged children and enrollment in vocational trades during school hours.

This is linked to a slew of ambiguous issues ranging from poverty to cultural and religious restraints, as well as parents’ loss of faith in Western education as a result of deteriorating educational standards and a high rate of unemployed graduates roaming the streets in search of work indefinitely. As a result, most parents’ attitudes towards their children’s education become doubtful.

This is why the topic: Parents’ attitudes towards their children’s basic education is regarded as a problem worthy of investigation. As a result, the spotlight is shining on Kwali Area Council in Abuja.

1.4 Objective Of The Study

The study’s main goal is to investigate parents’ attitudes on their children’s primary education in Kwali Area Council, Abuja. The precise goals are as follows:

To learn about parents’ perspectives on the importance of primary education in their children’s educational development in Kwali Area Council.

To assess parents’ involvement in their children’s academic work in Kwali Area Council.

To see if the diminishing quality of primary education affects parents’ attitudes towards their children’s education.

To identify those parental attitudes that are working against primary education in Kwali Area Council.

1. To give recommendations for practise, policy, and future study on the topic issue.

1.4 Importance Of The Study

A study of this magnitude cannot be overstated in its importance. Parents, local government education departments, state and federal ministries of education involved in policy creation and implementation would benefit greatly from this study, especially if the study’s conclusions were used.

The research will also contribute to the current body of knowledge on the subject. Students conducting research similar to the current study who wish to utilise this work as a reference or a springboard for their own work may find it extremely valuable.

1.5 Research Questions

1. What is the value of basic education perceived by parents in Kwali Area Council Abuja?

2. What level of involvement do parents have in their children’s academic work at Kwali Area Council Primary Schools?

3. Does the diminishing quality of primary education affect parents’ attitudes towards their children’s primary education?

4. What are the parental attitudes in Kwali Area Council that are detrimental to children’s basic education?

1.6 Limitation And Scope Of The Study

The study focuses on the empirical evaluation of parents’ attitudes regarding their children’s primary education in Kwali Area Council. The survey also examines parents’ views on the importance of elementary education as well as their involvement in their children’s academic performance.

The study also aims to discover whether the deteriorating educational level has any effect on parents’ attitudes towards their children’s basic education, as well as those parental attitudes that militate against primary education in Kwali Area Council Abuja.

The research is constrained by the inaccessibility of research participants, which results in a less than fair representative sample, a poor return rate of questionnaires, and the inability to utilise the suitable data gathering instrument owing to misunderstanding between the researcher’s institution and the study area.

1.7 Definition Of Terms

All of the concepts will be defined in the context of this research.

Parental Attitude: The way parents act towards their primary school-aged children.

Parents: This refers to a parent, mother, or guardian who is responsible for the educational training of wards or their children in primary school.

Primary School: A school for children aged 5 to 11 years old that focuses on elementary education.

School management is the act of getting things done through instructors or the day-to-day operation and administration of a primary school.

Educational Policy: This is the government’s educational policy statement.

Educational leadership is the process of developing and implementing educational policies in elementary schools.

A head teacher is a teacher who is in charge of a primary school.

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