1.1 The Study’s Background
Classroom management is required for achieving instructional goals and protecting the well-being of the students on whom the teaching and learning activities are focused (Ogunu, 2000). Classroom management entails planning, supervising, controlling, and coordinating pupil activities in the “learning process.”
According to Grieser (2007), effective classroom management only improves pupil questioning and exploration if the learning environment is conducive. Classroom management techniques, as used in this study, refer to strategies used by teachers to maintain decorum in the classroom and thus create a healthy and conducive learning environment.
Management, on the other hand, can be defined as the process of creating and maintaining any environment in which people work in groups to achieve predetermined goals. The concept of any setting implies that management is applicable to all establishments, which does not exclude educational settings. Management is defined by the Oxford Dictionary (6th edition) as “the act of running or controlling or the skill of dealing with people or situations in any way” (Oyira, 2006)
Teachers use the term “classroom management” to describe the process of ensuring that classroom lessons run smoothly despite disruptive behavior by students. The term also implies the avoidance of disruptive behavior. It is possibly the most difficult aspect of teaching for many teachers; indeed, problems in this area have caused some to leave the profession entirely.
For formal knowledge acquisition, the classroom is the immediate management environment. It consists of the teacher, the students, the learning materials, and the environment. A pre-nursery school teacher is usually in a small room with 10 to 20 students (Kimberly, 2001).
Most formal organizations, such as pre-nursery school, strive for effective and efficient management of human and material resources available to achieve organizational goals. The classroom teacher is responsible for a variety of tasks during the teaching and learning process.
Classroom management and control is one of the most difficult functions of the classroom teacher. The effectiveness of a teacher’s teaching is measured by his ability to use a variety of classroom management techniques to direct students toward effective and meaningful learning during instruction (Kolawole, 2004).
Meaningful teaching and learning cannot take place in a classroom environment characterized by pupil noise and other distractions. The ability of teachers to manage and control the classroom during instruction can be attributed to the academic achievement of students in a specific classroom. According to Oyira (2006), the variables that measure the classroom learning environment as perceived by students predict their attitude toward schooling and academic performance.
The classroom is where all of a school’s educational plans involving teaching and learning take place. According to Kyriacou (2005), the classroom serves as a meeting place for both teachers and students where curricular activities are carried out.
Educational objectives cannot be fully realized unless a conducive classroom environment is used. The classroom is defined by a network of interpersonal relationships aimed at achieving educational goals. Interpersonal relationships are defined by Oyira (2006) as the reciprocal behavior that occurs between individuals, such as the exchange of information, expression, and mutual activities.
A good classroom environment should be well ventilated, fully furnished with age-appropriate chairs and desks, have adequate spatial arrangement, a large chalkboard, good floors, beautiful walls, and lighting (Kolawole, 2004). A positive classroom environment encourages desirable behavior and attitudes in students, which improves their academic performance. This type of environment allows for effective teacher/pupil and pupil/pupil interaction.
1.2 Problem Description
The most common problems reported by teachers in Nigerian pre-schools are those relating to classroom behavior management (Offorma, 1994). The evidence is irrefutable; surveys of graduates from schools and colleges show that in an attempt to maintain order in the classroom, teachers can sometimes exacerbate the problem,
leading to known consequences such as a lackadaisical attitude toward learning, loss of interest in the subject, and in general a poor academic performance of such a child. Given this observation, one wonders how well these teachers are aware of and employ research-backed classroom behavior management techniques (Kyriacou, 2005).
It has also been observed that students have lost interest in education. Since classroom management is a cornerstone of student learning and has been cited by nearly every researcher and reviewer who has examined the relationship between educational practices and student outcomes (Idu, 2003).
Against this backdrop, the study seeks to investigate the impact of teachers’ classroom management styles on students’ academic performance in Yaba LCDA.
1.3 The Study’s Purpose
The study’s goal is to look into the impact of teachers’ classroom management styles on students’ academic performance in Yaba LCDA. Essentially, the research will:
Examine the classroom management styles of teachers in Nursery classes.
Determine the impact of management style on academic performance of students.
Determine the students’ preferences for classroom management.
1.4 Research Concerns
The following research questions guide the study:
To what extent will classroom management styles of teachers influence Nursery Classes?
How effective is management style in terms of student academic performance?
What are the methods for determining students’ preferences for classroom management?
1.5 Hypothesis of Research
For the study, the following hypotheses were developed:
Ho1: There is no significant relationship between teachers’ classroom management style and students’ academic performance.
1.6 Importance of the Research
The significance of the study is discussed further below.
The study’s findings will inform the general public about the impact of teachers’ classroom management styles on students’ academic performance in Educational District IV, Yaba, Lagos State.
The study will serve as a guide for teachers on how to strategically improve classroom management, as well as for district education officers and school district inspectors to understand the effects of poor classroom management on pupil performance.
It will allow pre-nursery school owners to plan systematically for the provision of good classrooms that will improve students’ academic performance.
It will add to the existing body of knowledge and assist other researchers working on related issues.
1.7 The Study’s Scope
The study’s scope includes all caregivers, instructors, and teachers who currently work in LCDA Yaba schools.
1.8 Operational Terminology Definition
The following terms are pertinent to this research study:
A classroom is a room or area, usually in a school, where classes are held.
Classroom management style is defined as a climate that emphasizes and promotes proper learning, good behavior, and positive interpersonal relationships.
Pupil: A pupil is a person who is formally engaged in learning, usually in primary school.
Academic Achievement: Academic achievement, also known as (academic) performance, refers to the extent to which a student, teacher, or institution has met their short or long-term educational objectives.
A teacher, also known as a schoolteacher, is someone who educates students.
Classroom management is a term used by teachers to describe the process of ensuring that classroom lessons run smoothly in the face of disruptive behavior by students.
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