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  1. Background of the study

Social media is a computer-based technology that facilitates the interchange of ideas, opinions, and information through the establishment of virtual networks and communities. Social media are Internet-based by design, allowing for the rapid exchange of information via electronic methods. Personal details, documents, videos, and images are contained in the content. Utilizing web-based software or mobile applications, users interact with social media on a computer, tablet, or smartphone. While social media is widely used in the United States and Europe, Indonesia and other Asian nations are at the top of the list. 1 Approximately 3,8 billion people use social media. Social media began as a way to connect with friends and family, but companies quickly adopted it as a way to contact consumers through a popular new communication channel. The power of social media is the ability to connect and exchange information with everyone on the planet or with a huge number of individuals simultaneously. There are around 3,8 billion social media users globally. Every year, new social media applications such as TikTok and Clubhouse join the ranks of prominent social networks such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram. The number of Americans using social media is anticipated to reach 257 million by 2023. The average age of social media users is younger, according to the Pew Research Center. Between the ages of 18 and 29, about 90% of the population utilized at least one form of social media. In addition, these consumers are more educated and affluent, earning over $75,000 annually. Social media can take the form of numerous technologically advanced activities. Among these are photo sharing, blogging, social gaming, social networks, video sharing, business networks, virtual worlds, and reviews. Even governments and politicians engage with voters and communities via social media. People use social media to communicate with their extended family and friends. Some people will use social media apps to network for employment opportunities, discover people with similar interests throughout the world, and communicate their thoughts, sentiments, and emotions. Participants in these activities build a social network in cyberspace. Social networking is an essential tool for businesses. Businesses utilize the platform to discover and interact with consumers, make sales through advertising and marketing, analyse consumer trends, and give customer support or care. The significance of social media for businesses cannot be emphasized. It facilitates customer contact and the incorporation of social activities into e-commerce platforms. Its data collection capabilities allow it to focus on marketing and market research. It helps promote products and services by enabling the targeted, timely, and exclusive distribution of coupons and discounts to potential customers. In addition, loyalty programs linked to social media can facilitate the establishment of client relationships. Despite the fact that social media provides benefits, many individuals highlight its negatives and compare its excessive use to an addiction. Some claim it generates distraction, tension, and envy. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, heavy social media usage is associated with sadness. In addition, social media may serve as a conduit for false information and disinformation. The impact of the platform’s ability to propagate misleading information on the 2016 U.S. presidential election has been well-documented. This phenomenon leverages the potency of social media, allowing anyone to reach millions of people with unverified information. Regarding mobile phone plans, data consumption refers to the amount of data consumed during a billing period (usually a month). When you use the internet connection on your phone for any purpose, the data on your mobile phone plan is consumed. Data is frequently exploited in the following ways on mobile devices:


Exploring the internet

Installing and executing applications

Examining email

Contributing to social media

Playing games

iMessaging (on iPhones)

Streaming online video

Utilizing streaming audio

Using data when connected to a WiFi network does not go against your mobile phone plan’s data allowance. With data overage fees becoming almost extinct and unlimited data plans gaining popularity, you may wonder why you need be concerned about your internet usage. It is all about acquiring the highest quality service for the lowest price. When a mobile phone plan includes a monthly data allotment, it often means that you will receive the fastest data rates until your monthly limit has been exhausted. If your plan contains a 5GB data restriction, you may utilize up to 5GB of data at maximum speed. After exceeding 5GB of data, you may experience slower-than-optimal Internet speeds. In light of this, you can anticipate that unlimited data plans will provide you with the highest quality data throughout your billing cycle. However, this is not the case. The majority of unlimited data mobile phone plans feature a deprioritization threshold, also referred to as a data limitation. This limit serves as a soft data cap. If you surpass the threshold during periods of heavy network congestion, you may experience reduced speeds. The deprioritization threshold will increase in proportion to the plan’s tier (and, thus, its cost). Typically, deprioritization levels range between 20GB and 50GB of monthly data consumption.


1.2 Statement of research problem

The government statement made no mention of the removal of a tweet by President Muhammadu Buhari for violating Twitter’s terms of service, which occurred just days prior. Mr. Mohammed has previously criticized the US social media giant’s decision to remove the content, referring to it as “double standards.” Mr. Buhari’s tweet from 1 June referenced the Nigerian Civil War of 1967-1970 and the need to handle “those misbehaving today” in “the language they will understand.” A Twitter representative stated at the time that the message “violated the Twitter Rules.” And in a statement released on Friday, the corporation – which announced in April that its new African headquarters will be located in neighboring Ghana – said it was “investigating the Nigerian restriction and will offer updates as we learn more.” The government provided no explanation of how the ban would operate in practice or how Twitter had harmed Nigeria’s corporate survival.


According to the e-Conomy Africa 2020 research issued by the IFC, the Finance arm of the World Bank, and Google, the Africa internet economy could reach $180 billion by 2025, accounting for 5.2% of Africa’s GDP in just four years. According to a major statistic in the research, a 10% increase in digital connectivity results in a 2.5% boost in GDP per capita. This increase, according to the report, will be driven by quicker and more reliable internet connectivity, a quickly expanding urban population, a burgeoning talent pool, a thriving startup ecosystem, and the African Free Trade Agreement, which creates “regional harmonization.” In conclusion, an increasing urban population that leverages improved internet for international trade would increase internet usage and GDP. According to StatCounter’s ranking of social media applications in Africa as of May 2021, the top three apps based on market share are Facebook (58%), YouTube (24%), and Twitter (11%). As of 2019, Nigeria had 125 million internet users, which corresponds to a penetration rate of 60% when compared to the continent of Africa, which has a penetration rate of 36%. According to Statcounter ranking statistics for Nigeria, the two most popular applications are Facebook (56%) and Twitter (25%). According to the research “the Inclusive Internet index” by the Economist Intelligence Unit, Nigeria ranks top in “affordability.” However, there’s a good chance that Twitter users won’t visit other sites because they receive accurate information from Twitter. As a result, mobile data usage will be low and will last longer.


1.3 Objectives of the study

The study’s principal objective is as follows:


To determine who is responsible for Nigeria’s Twitter ban

Determine the impact of Twitter’s suspension on Nigerian mobile data consumption.

To determine whether the Twitter ban has increased or decreased mobile data consumption.

Determine how mobile data use in Nigeria can be increased.

1.4 Research questions

The following research questions have been prepared.


What circumstances have led to the Twitter ban in Nigeria?

What impact does Twitter’s ban have on mobile data consumption in Nigeria?

Do you believe the Twitter ban has boosted or lowered mobile data usage?

Do you believe mobile data consumption in Nigeria can be increased?

1.5 Significance of the study

This study’s importance cannot be overstated because:


This study will investigate the stress management strategies of professional women in Lagos, Nigeria.

The outcomes of this study will surely supply government organizations, career women, businesses, and the academic community with much-needed knowledge.

1.6 Scope of the study

This study investigates the impact of Twitter’s prohibition on Nigerian mobile data consumption. Consequently, this research would be restricted to Twitter users in Lagos state. Nigeria


1.7 Limitations of the study

This investigation was limited by a variety of issues, which are as follows:


Similar to other types of research, ranging from the unavailability of required correct resources on the issue being studied to the inability to obtain data.


The researcher was hampered by a lack of funds when acquiring pertinent resources and printing and collating surveys.


Having to switch between writing the study and engaging in other academic activity, which makes it difficult for the researcher, is a further limitation posed by the time element.


1.8 Operational definition of terms

Effect: a change that occurs as a result of an activity or other cause


Give a call that consists of repeated, soft, trembling sounds.


The amount of data that your phone uploads or downloads utilizing mobile data.




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