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Project Material Details
Pages: 75-90
Questionnaire: Yes
Chapters: 1 to 5
Reference and Abstract: Yes
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1.1 Background of the Study

Office work as we know it now has its roots in the administrative tasks that have been done by cultures ever since written language emerged. There has been documentation of business transactions, written and spoken communication, storage and retrieval of information, computations, and judgements.

The introduction of modern technologies altered their execution. Paper links and portable typewriters were two of several mechanical and electrical innovations that had an effect.

The invention of the photocopier and the typewriter revolutionised written communication, while the first computers for businesses revolutionised the processing of specific types of high-volume transactions.

Typing remained a labour-intensive task until the introduction of mechanical typewriters and, subsequently, word processors; yet, these technologies did not significantly change the labour-intensive nature of office activities or increase productivity.

Communication is now incredibly easy and quick because to the incredible array of electronic technology found in most companies. This includes fax machines, mobile phones, and all sorts of innovative telecommunication methods. Traditional job functions are becoming obsolete as a result of the dizzying rate at which technology is advancing.

There are a lot of ways in which the work is less challenging. If the boss changes his mind about a word, the word processor makes it easy to make the necessary modifications without wasting time retyping letters and papers.

Instead of relying on the unpredictable mail system, it is much more efficient to send a fax or electronic communication across the globe and have it arrive instantly.

A variety of secretaries need to be proficient with computers, knowing how they work and how to maximise their potential for productivity and work satisfaction in order to keep up with the ever-evolving technological landscape.

In the last 20 years, due to the effects of technology development on the workplace, the secretary’s responsibilities have grown substantially.

A secretary in the modern day must be tech-savvy to keep up with the ever-evolving demands of the electronic office. Modern secretaries perform more than ever before, play a vital part in the success of their companies, and enjoy high status as a result.

1.2 Statement Of The Problem

It became clear to the researcher that unless current secretarial education keeps pace with future demands, the office work and efficiency profession will continue to dwindle as a source of well-known and relevant experts for the workforce.


Put simply, the secretary will not be able to do her job well unless she is aware of the following developments in Nigeria’s rapidly developing technology landscape: Uncertainty about outcomes, obstacles to entry, health issues, personal situations, or discontent with one’s work environment can all lead to decreased productivity.

The first step in fixing poor performance is finding out where it came from. Options, resources, and performance are all affected by the following common elements.

Offices, schools, and other types of workplaces should prioritise providing high-quality ventilation and air for the comfort and health of their employees. Symptoms such as headaches, difficulty focussing, and irritation of the respiratory tract, eyes, nose, and throat have been associated with air pollution and inadequate ventilation.

Ventilation and air quality are also impacted by numerous other things. A lack of outside air, or inadequate ventilation, is one of these causes. Factors influencing the quality of the incoming air include issues with temperature management, excessive or low humidity, recent renovations, and other nearby activity.

Indoor air quality can be compromised due to the presence of certain contaminants, such as dust from renovations or construction, mould, cleaning supplies, pesticides, or other airborne compounds discharged (even in trace amounts as gas).

Moreover, “productive of desired effects, especially: productive without waste can efficient worker)” is how the Merriam-Webster dictionary describes it. Both financial and qualitative performance can take a hit when employees or businesses struggle with efficiency. Using quality control methods to raise knowledge of which primary areas contain the weakest connections is the most common way to tackle efficiency issues.

Poor time management is the root cause of many efficiency difficulties. Bankruptcy is another possible outcome of inefficient cash flow management. When businesses lose their financial buffers due to unforeseen costs or don’t have enough money to grow or recruit top talent, problems arise.

At last, difficulties in obtaining employment for individuals lacking education or training. Unskilled workers do produce some benefits, nevertheless, in addition to the more apparent drawbacks.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

In particular, this will use the Federal Ministry of Science and Technology in Abuja as a case study to examine the impact of IT on the secretarial profession and its efficiency.

Drawing attention to recent innovations in the field of communication systems. Knowing how these IT developments will influence the organisation of a company in terms of profitability and productivity.

In order to ascertain the level of expertise and understanding among the personnel regarding the utilisation of IT resources. Further, we need to learn what obstacles the Federal Ministry of Science and Technology faces when trying to put data to use. Lastly, we need to find out how automated the Federal Ministry of Science and Technology is.

1.4 Research Questions

What impact has IT had on the secretarial profession in terms of efficiency?

2. What are the obstacles that the Federal Ministry of Science and Technology faces when trying to implement IT?

For the Federal Ministry of Science and Technology, how does IT contribute to its mission?

To what degree has the federal ministry of science and technology made use of information technology?

1.5 The significance Of The Study

The Federal Ministry of Science and Technology has taken the initiative to guarantee that government organisations’ office operations run efficiently, which is why this project is important. Another important takeaway from the study is the light it sheds on employers who should be doing more than just their desk jobs need.

The study’s relevance to the training of modern secretaries lies in the fact that it explains why, in order to compete in the job market, educational institutions must expose their students to new technologies.

Upon graduating. Another goal is to inspire those who work in offices to be braver and more committed to their work. Lastly, the goal is to encourage enrolment in the office work course due to the high potential earnings.

1.6 The Scope of the Study

The Federal Ministry of Science and Technology Abuja serves as a case study for this research effort, which examines the impact of information technology on secretarial efficiency.



2.1 What is technological information?

According to Roger (2005), information technology encompasses the practices and tools used in the creation, upkeep, and utilisation of computer systems, software, and networks for the purpose of processing and distributing data, as well as their retrieval, analysis, and communication.

According to French (2006), IT is the set of tools that facilitates tasks including data production, storage, processing, and transmission. Computers, telecommunications, and semiconducting are the three most distinctive features of information technology, according to Kobayshi (2009) in Akprowho (2011:88).

The term “information technology” was first used to describe a wide range of devices that electronically store, transmit, process, and interpret data. The term “information technology” encompasses a wide range of systems and technologies that process data in many forms, including text, images, and voices.

It also includes things like modern control systems, computer networks, telecommunications networks, audio and video systems, and international telecommunications networks.

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