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1.1 Background of the Study

The question of compensation is crucial to the employment contract, which is effectively a twofold input–output exchange process. It is fundamental to any contractual relationship in the workplace. Frequently, the topic of compensation is at the heart of workplace strife.

Compensation is a factor in enhancing and sustaining productivity and morale. It is also a primary aspect in attracting and retaining talented employees.

Companies use compensation administration as one of their strategic strategies to attract and retain talented personnel and as a significant contributor to their expenses. It explores methods for rewarding and encouraging people for their efforts toward achieving the organization’s objectives. The process of offering monetary and non-monetary benefits to employees in exchange for their work performance is known as compensation. Essentially, compensation enables workers to retain a decent standard of living. In addition, it provides an objective estimate of the employees’ worth to the firm.

For an effective compensation administration system to be implemented in practice, the administration must make specific decisions on the wage structure and individual wage determination.

Economically, man works for money, and that money is utilized more directly to satisfy his wants, which are typically physiological, by purchasing food, shelter, and other life-enhancing items. In reality, money provides status, a healthy savings account, and a sense of security.

1.2 Description of the Issue

The purpose of the study is to determine the impact of compensation administration on worker productivity. Since compensation administration contributes to the performance of an organization, it must be handled with care. The purpose of this study is to determine whether compensation administration contributes to the performance of an organization.

Prior to investigating the major issue outlined above, the following individual issues would be investigated.

Can the absence of compensation administration inspire employee dedication?

Compensation administration has the potential to increase worker productivity.

1.3 Aims and Objectives of the Research

The primary objective of this study is to investigate the impact of compensation administration on worker performance.

Other goals that this research would seek to accomplish are as follows:

(1) Determine if compensation administration has been the actual mechanism used to enhance employee performance.

(2) To be aware of the relationship between workers’ compensation and employee performance.

(3) To determine the effectiveness of worker performance through pay chains.

1.4 Investigational Questions

At the conclusion of this investigation, the following defensible research question must have been answered properly.

I Does compensation administration have an impact on worker performance?

How does compensation administration impact the productivity of Ijebu North Local Government employees?

(iii) Does pay administration at Ijebu North Local government consider the means of rewarding and encouraging employees for their contribution to the achievement of the organization’s goals?

1.5 Scientific Research Hypothesis

Throughout this investigation, the following hypothesis will be examined:

The effect of compensation administration on worker performance is insignificant.

Hi: Compensation administration has a substantial impact on employee productivity.

1.6 Methodology of the Research

This study’s methodology focuses on the approach chosen for conducting this research project and is categorized as follows:

I Data Source: a method of acquiring information that employs both primary and secondary data.

(ii) Method of Data Collection: Questionnaires will be provided to the study’s target population to collect information for this study.

This research will be analyzed using frequency distribution, simple percentage, and the chi-square approach.

1.7 Scope of the Research

This analysis was limited to the operations of Ijebu – Ode North Local Government because of time and budgetary restrictions (INLG). Nevertheless, given that INLG is one of the most prominent local governments in Ogun State, it is envisaged that we would cover the vast majority of compensation administration and compensation administration methods in INLG. This investigation will span a period of six years (2003 -2009).

1.8 Limitations of the Investigation

This study focuses mostly on INLG in Ogun State, Nigeria. Fear of being misquoted or misrepresented prevents Ijebu-North Local Government employees from providing their full cooperation when questionnaires are distributed.

The research will necessitate a significant financial investment for the processing of the obtained data.

Time constraints will also be a hindrance because the deadline for submitting the completed work is defined, therefore the work must be completed quickly. The research promises to be consistent, reliable, and dependable for future study despite the constraints.

1.9 Justification of the Investigation

The significance of this research is to determine how well pay administration could be leveraged as a tool to improve employee job performance and working conditions within an organization.

It has been observed, however, that compensation through monetary incentive and non-monetary incentive has been the primary source of enhancing workers’ performance in an organization, and will therefore help to solve all problems relating to employees’ performance in the organization, as a result of various evaluations of different theories of motivation.

1.10 Determination of Terms

i. Compensation:- covers all benefits received as a result of an individual’s job. As such, it is more than a simple source of money.

ii. Compensation: the monetary that a person receives for executing a task; this is direct financial compensation.

iii. Benefit: Additional financial perks beyond basic income, like paid holidays, medical insurance, and many more.

iv. Non-Financial: Non-monetary benefits that an employee may obtain, such as enjoyment of the task accomplished, a pleasant working atmosphere, and professional status.

v. Salary: is a fixed periodic payment made to a non-manual employee. It is typically described in annual terms, implying a reasonably permanent job connection, and is normally paid on a monthly basis.

vi. Wage: The monetary compensation for manual labor. Almost typically, it is expressed as a rate per hair.

The term incentive is used to characterize wage payment programs that directly relate wages to productivity standards.

ix. INLG: Ijebu – North Local Government

1.11 Organization Of The Research

This research would be divided into five chapters: introduction, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, research question, scope of the investigation, limitations of the study, justification for the study, research hypothesis, definition of terms, and organization of the study.

This would be followed by a literature review and theoretical framework in chapter two. Chapter three will be devoted to the methodology of the research study, while chapter four will deal with data presentation, analysis, and interpretation of results. The study will conclude with a summary, conclusion, and policy recommendations in chapter five.




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