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Overall, the goal of this issue “the impact of drug abuse on the youth” is to discover the causes and effects of drug misuse in order to propose solutions that would help minimise drug usage among the youth and the overall community understudy.

These studies are also carried out in chapters; in chapter one, the background of the entire work is introduced, the problems and objectives are identified, and chapter two deals with the literature review, which includes what the authors say about drug abuse and its effects on humans and society at large.

Also discussed in chapters three and four are the methodology that the researcher designed, the instrument used, and the problems encountered, as well as the data presentation democratic distribution of the respondent and the level of awareness to the consumers, while chapter five deals with the summary of the entire work and possible recommendations that will help reduce drug abuse among youth so that the youth of productive age can be relevant to the society and nation building.

Section I: Table of Contents

Title page – – – – – – – i

Page of approval – – – – – – ii

Declaration – – – – – – – – – iii

Dedication – – – – – – – – – iv

Acknowledgment- – – – – – – – – v

Abstract – – – – – – – – – vi

The First Chapter

1.0 Overview – – – – – – 1

1.1 Research Background – – – – – 1

1.2 Problem Statement – – – – 5

1.3 Study Goal – – – – – 9

1.4 Study Importance – – – – – 10

1.5 The research question – – – – – – – 10

1.6 Study Scope – – – – – 11

Second Chapter: Review of Related Literature

2.1 Introduction – – – – – 12

2.2 The drug concept – – – – – – – 12

2.3 Drug – – – – – – – – – 14

2.4 Factors Contributing to Drug Abuse in Nigeria- – – – – 22

2.5 The user’s reaction to drug abuse– – – 25

2.6 Theoretical structure – – – – – 29

Third Chapter: Research Methodology

3.1 Research Methodology – – – – – – – – 36

3.2 Study Participants – – – – – 37

3.3 Sampling and Sample Technique – – – – – 37

3.4 Instrument of Research – – – – – – – – 38

3.5 Data gathering method – – – – 39

3.6 Data gathering issues – – – – 39

2.7 Data analysis method – – – – – 41

Fourth Chapter: Data Presentation and Analysis

4.1 Introduction – – – – – 42

4.2 Respondent Demographics– 42

Respondents in Kabong 49 had a 4.3 degree of awareness regarding drug misuse.

Fiveth Chapter: Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendations

5.1 Summary – – – – 58

5.2 Final Thoughts – – – – – – – – – 60

5.3 Suggestions – – – – – 61

References – – – – – – – – 65

Appendix – – – – – – – – – 67




The term “drug” refers to any medication or chemical prescribed for medical reasons in any language. It is, however, one among the compounds that modify the way the body functions. Many of those who criticise young people for taking illegal drugs like heroin and cocaine themselves smoke and drink heavily, neglecting the reality that these are the most abused drugs of addiction.

The Australian Medical Society on Alcohol and Drug Related Problems stated on the subject of drugs. In Australia, drugs account for one in every five admissions to general and mental hospitals. One in every two admissions is due to alcohol or drug misuse.

In this country, drug and alcohol abuse contribute to major crime and mortality. Barry, 1984.

Drug misuse can be traced back to the Kabong community far before the colonial era. The conventional perception is that drug usage is done for motivation, intoxication, and appropriate physical and social performance. Some believe it is philosophical in the sense that it provides them with amazing ideas and thoughts.

Others have described it as “conversation oil,” which means that when taken, it allows people to converse well and meaningfully or sensibly.

This study’s topic is “The effect of drug abuse on youth: A case study of Jos South Local Government in Plateau State.” Drug is an extremely strong substance manufactured from many grains and herbs and a combination of several strong compounds.

It has a severe short-term impact. It charges quickly, and it has been reported to cause instability in the workplace as a result of an increased volume of intake.

Although there is no data shown, Boris (1974) states that drug abuse can play or serve a significant role in everyday interpersonal affaires. However, there are many other users of drug that is beyond moderate level to them, drug abuse constitutes a vey solving problem, and this condition appears to be based on an underlined psychological abnormality.

Drug addiction has a negative impact on an individual’s health and social functioning; it also has an impact on the user’s family, friends, and colleagues, as well as society as a whole.

Swaggart (1984) describes the devastation caused by heavy drug usage. According to him, it has broken up more households, murdered more people, made papers of more people, starved more children, started more wars, destroyed more careers, and caused more than any single force on the earth’s surface.

According to Ejikeme (2003), problems associated with drug and alcohol abuse include insomnia, injuries or even death caused by driving while under the influence of drugs, an increase in the likelihood of involvement in animal behaviour (to finance the addiction), sickness caused by poor personal hygiene, and toxic psychoses.

(may be precipitate by a single dose). Memory problems, high blood pressure, manpower loss, angry behavior, and socially unacceptable behaviour are all symptoms.

Excessive drug usage can result in physical or psychological dependence, or both in the same person. Drug misuse can also cause friction between the individual and society. It may cause social problems as well as friction between the user and his social environment. (Ejikeme 2011).

There appears to be a rising rate of drug misuse in the Kabong village of Jos south local government district. An observation reveals that drug misuse is prevalent among both sexes, yet this observation also reveals that most female drug users do not openly engage in this practise due to socio-cultural reasons. Drug usage is one of the biggest social problems that the youth of the Kabong community in Jos South confront today; it accounts for a large amount of the problem and has raised health and marital issues for social welfare agencies.

As has been observed in most plateau state towns, the problem of drug abuse has become a trans-cultural phenomenon in the community.

In light of the foregoing, Silverstein (1990) contends that one out of every four youth has a drug issue, and that each member of the family may be affected differently by drug misuse.

As a result, drug abuse has direct toxic as well as sedative effects on the body, and failure to take care of nutritional and other physical needs during prolonged periods of excessive drug use complicates matters further. Such advanced cases frequently necessitate the attention of a psychotherapist or doctor.

As a result, some people (young) in the Kabong community may use drugs to alleviate the difficulties and challenges involved with social living and functioning. People are lacking in their taught methods of dealing with life’s problems, while others utilise drugs to raise themselves when celebrating an occasion.

However, this is a preliminary assertion that will be subject to proper and additional analysis during the course of this research. To that aim, the purpose of this study is to look into the effects of drug usage on families and youth, particularly in the Kabong community in Jos South Local Government Area.


The increasing use and misuse of drugs among Kabong village families and youth has prompted this investigation. Drug misuse and its consequences for the family are relevant to the current pattern of events, which has been seen to be increasing as a result of the research. Drug misuse has been discovered to pose a variety of risks to both the individual group and the community as a result of increased consumption (Ejekeme, 2001).

This draws attention to the fact that drug abuse and alcohol are not less dangerous than other chemicals and pose some level of risk to the user. Similarly, Boris (1974) believes that drug misuse can serve or play a crucial role in interpersonal offence. According to researchers at Sydney’s Royal Alexandra Hospital for Children, a single significant dose of a drug at a vital moment can cause FAS, whereas regular modest amounts of alcohol can impair the offspring’s intelligence and learning potential. (Barry, 1984).

The Rukuba and Berom people predominate in the Kabong community of Jos South Local Government Area, where drug consumption is practised as a social cultural heritage, with drug parents, primarily fathers, feeding the product to their children as food. Also, to quell those who are distracting them from their busy and tight schedules at their numerous beer-pallors so that they can attend to consumers.

Children grow up to become drug addicts, implying that there is no danger in using drugs. This community’s youth and adolescent also pick up this habit after witnessing others misusing drugs. In other words, these folks are usually family members, parents, friends, or neighbours.

According to Barry (1996), injury to the ovum or sperm prior to conception can result in malformations in the child. He goes on to state that if the unborn is exposed to alcohol in the mother’s blood during the first few weeks of pregnancy, it may be born with foetal alcohol syndrome. (FAS).

Some studies suggest that marijuana causes chromosome changes in users and, like nicotine and alcohol, may harm sperm, lowering fertility and harming the developing baby. A fertilised faulty ovum is likely to result in an early miscarriage. Chronic cannabis usage results in a drop in male hormone testestone levels, testicular atrophy, and stopped or aberrant sperm production. Barry (1984).

However, as a result of socialization, culture has played a larger role in drug consumption. It is said that any group or society in which the use of drugs and the drinking of alcohol custom, value, and sanction, as well as the attitude of all segments of the group or society are well established and agreed upon by all, play a significant role in determining people’s behaviour.

In this sense, culture is a people’s acquired trait, their complete way of life, or how they do their own thing, gained through socialisation. The health consequences of drug misuse are enormous.

According to Forest and Garry (2004), “heavy drug addicts lose their appetite and tend to obtain calories from drugs rather than ordinary food.” Fat accumulates in the liver during the early stage of drug and alcohol-induced liver damage.

This stage of illness is referred to as fatty liver. Most people are unaware of it until it enlarges the live cells,” as has been observed in the Kabong community.

Every human being in society has goals in life that they seek to achieve. However, given the dangers and obligations that drug abuse imposes on families, one must wonder why people continue to take drugs. Meanwhile, social realities paint a picture of variation among individuals and even human groupings.

The question is, to what extent are specific variables such as class, culture, and gender responsible for or determine drug and drug abuse?

In light of the foregoing, the researcher is interested in conducting a survey of the social, emotional health, economics, political, and psychological consequences of drug misuse and its impact on the family and young in Kabong.

1.3 The Study’s Objectives

The precise aims of the study are as follows, based on the research difficulties and questions:

i. To investigate the social impact of drug misuse on the family

ii. To investigate the financial consequences of drug usage on the family

iii. to look at the psychological or emotional effects of drug misuse on families

iv. to learn about the physical and mental health implications of drug misuse in the family

v. To propose a solution as a guideline against drug usage.


The following questions have been developed to serve as a guide for the research.

i. What is the impact of drug misuse on the family?

ii. What is the social impact of drug misuse on the family?

iii. What is the economic impact of drug misuse on the family?

iv. What is the psychological or emotional impact of drug misuse on the family?

v. What physical or health consequences does drug usage have on the family?

vi. What is the family’s attitude on drug abuse?

vii. What are the political ramifications of drug usage on individuals, families, and communities?

1.5 Importance of the research

The study will help to address the issue of drug usage in the family, youth, and individual, which is rooted in most countries’ socio-culture and psycho-social beliefs.

Furthermore, the research would add to the knowledge Lauina (theory) acquired in existing relevant literature in the sector, allowing government and non-governmental organisations to find a feasible solution to drug abuse.

In other words, it will supply scholarly data for future research. More importantly, the study will produce suggested programmes that, when implemented, will reduce the problem of drug usage in the family to the bare minimum.

1.6 The Study’s Scope and Limitations

This study only looks at families and youth in Jos South Local Government, with a focus on the Kabong Community. It involves the community’s rich, poor, illiterate, and literate families.

Intellectually, the study is concerned with the effects of drug addiction on youth; yet, its geographical reach is limited to youth in the Kabong community in Jos South Local Government Area. However, the scope of the study is limited, but we draw conclusions from the research work for a broader application on the effect of drug misuse on teenagers in general.

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