Education is man’s primary means of reform and advancement. It can be viewed as a tool through which society transmits its own culture. Reomer (1981) defines education as “all those experiences of the individual through which knowledge is acquired, the intellect is enlightened, or the will is strengthened,” whereas Unachuka (1989) defines education as “the process by which individuals are assisted formally or informally, through proper direction and finance, to develop their capacity for their own and the benefit of society.”
As a result, education can be viewed as a social process whose goal is to bring about certain desirable behavioral changes in the overall development of the individual. Education has been given greater importance throughout the world, with education being seen as the primary vehicle for rapid development in Nigeria in particular.
Nigerians have clearly placed a high value on western education since the arrival of the Europeans. According to Bab Fafunwa (2001), the first type of school was Islamic and Arabic schools, which arose as a result of the arrival of Islamic Scholars in the country under the guise of trade. They brought their religion, which was Islamic, and the Arabic school with them.
The first set of schools were usually located under large trees and had students who attended classes in the evenings after their trading activities with merchants who acted as tutors. These educators are referred to as “Mallams.” Apart from the slate and foreign textbooks used, it is clear that the first type of school system lacked any facilities.
Furthermore, with the introduction of western education, the utilization of facilities became popular. Classrooms, which used to be small rooms, have evolved into schools with administrative blocks, offices, and amenities such as chairs, tables, chalk, and chalkboards. Textbooks were also provided to aid teaching, which facilitated the way knowledge was formally imparted to students to demonstrate for the old standards system.
According to Walberg and Thomas (1992), students learn best when they can effectively explore in a school environment that is rich in material, so that when they are given the responsibility to make meaningful choices, they can interact with the available facilities.
This led to Adaralegbe’s (1978) statement, in which he stated that a large-scale educational program had been launched as a result of the country’s growing awareness that education halts the path to modernization and allows one to improve oneself. Taking this into account in our schools today, it will be noted that education is provided by various government agencies, but much effort is still required to meet up adequately. Currently, over fifty million people want to be educated.
Classrooms are very important in schools; they are built to suit the purpose of learning while also taking into account the climate of the people. Hardt (1954) emphasized the importance of classrooms as “teaching laboratories.” Much emphasis should be placed on facilities that will allow an imagined educational program to be realized. This, in short, demonstrates the significance of providing efficient and effective facilities to help enhance a smooth and conducive teaching and learning process in order to produce effective manpower for the nation.
Inadequate facilities will undoubtedly disrupt the teaching and learning process in all schools. Due to a lack of adequate facilities, the following issues have arisen in schools. It is well known that each student’s academic performance is heavily influenced by the facilities available to them while learning; however, when these facilities are unavailable, some issues arise.
The first, unusual problem arises when there is no inclusive teaching and learning delivery. The unconduciveness could be due to a lack of facilities in the classroom, such as a table and chairs. Students will never be able to concentrate. At the end of the lesson, students cannot be expected to achieve any of the objectives.
If students have to share chairs with their classmates, they will become easily distracted among themselves, and the class, which is supposed to be actively involved in the learning process, will become appealing, and there will be enough discomfort for the day to discourage the pupils’ interest in the entire day’s work.
Because the students’ interest is so low, they will have a low level of understanding, and the knowledge that is imparted to them will not be fully understood. Understanding may be limited as well. Laboratories are scarce in many schools, and reagents and equipment are scarce in those that do have them.
Students in science class, for example, who always learn in the abstract, that is, without practical knowledge of what the teacher is saying, cannot learn effectively, and this will automatically affect his/her academic performance. Due to a lack of laboratories, there is a low interest in science subjects such as physics, chemistry, and biology today.
In addition, the lack of teaching facilities such as textbooks, buildings, charts, and chalkboards has hampered students’ academic performance and resulted in their lack of interest in most of the subjects offered at their various levels in secondary schools.
Finally, it is observed that the students effectively supply their acquired knowledge because they were not able to be taught with the practical aspects of their field of specialization but rather expressed to only theoretical aspects of their field of specialization, if they had been opportune to make use of facilities in various aspects they would have been effectively appropriate.
The proponent of school facilities was preoccupied with the origin of using facilities to aid learning. The importance of teaching facilities can be determined by studying their relationship to students’ academic performance.
This study will be limited to a few selected secondary schools in Edo State’s Akoko-Edo Local Government Area. The following schools are included in the study:
1. Igarra’s Akoko-Edo Comprehensive College.
2. Ibillo Unity Comprehensive College
Ososo Grammar School is located in Ososo.
Somorika Grammar School is located in Somorika.
Ikpeshi Grammar School is number five.
This study is intended to assist educators and education planners in recognizing the problems that students face as there is a rapid desire for education by an increasing population in Nigeria, which must be met adequately and with a high rate of facility storage.
The study is intended to identify these issues and the impact they have on student performance. Because these facilities exist to facilitate and stimulate the instructional program of the school system, they should be provided and maintained.
This project focuses on teaching facilities and how they affect student performance in selected institutions. The following research questions are critical in order to accomplish this.
1) Is there a statistically significant difference in academic performance between schools with and without adequate teaching facilities?
2) What are the issues that schools face when they lack teaching facilities?
3) What are the consequences of a lack of educational facilities?
4) What are the benefits of having efficient teaching facilities?
5) What are the drawbacks of a school lacking teaching facilities?
6) Does your school have adequate facilities?
7) Is there room for improvement in terms of school facilities?
8) Is your school’s teaching and evaluation system in good working order?
9) Do you enjoy teaching in a school with inadequate facilities?
10) How can the government improve effective classroom instruction?
Facilities are materials that make something possible or easier to do, such as desks, chairs, libraries, and so on for an easier learning process.
Equipment: items required for a specific purpose. School supplies, such as modern equipment and learning technology for writing on.
Academic performance is defined as the ability to complete academic tasks. It could be excellent or poor performance.
Adequate: sufficient in quantity or quality for the purpose or need of effective academic performance.
This is the significance of something or educational equipment.
A laboratory is a room or structure used for scientific research, experimentation, and testing.
Teaching is the transfer of knowledge from an experienced individual to an inexperienced individual.
Effectiveness refers to achieving the desired or intended outcome.
Education is the process of teaching and learning in order to improve an individual’s knowledge and skills for the benefit of society.
The classroom is where instruction and learning take place.
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