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The impact of employee relations on employee productivity

The impact of employee relations on employee productivity


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The impact of employee relations on employee productivity



1.1 Background Of The Study

Employees are one of an organization’s most essential resources and are referred to as its most precious assets. The nature and volume of labour they do have a direct impact on an organization’s productivity. So, in order for any organisation to achieve growth and success, it must maintain excellent employee interactions (Abushawish, 2013).

Employee relations is a broad phrase that encompasses a wide range of topics, including collective bargaining, negotiations, and employment regulations, as well as more current considerations such as work-life balance, equal opportunities, and diversity management (Armstrong & Stephens, 2016).

It includes the practise or activities that ensure employees are happy and productive. Employee Relations can help with employee recognition, policy development and interpretation, and all forms of problem solving and dispute resolution.

It entails negotiating the pay-work bargain, dealing with employment practises, terms and conditions of employment, employment difficulties, giving employees a voice, and interacting with employees (Frank & Jeffrey, 2010).

Employee relations are focused with the maintenance of employee-employer relationships, which lead to satisfactory productivity, increased employee morale, and motivation (Ahmad & Shahzad, 2011). Employee relations, according to Onyango (2014), can be viewed primarily as a skill-set or a philosophy, rather than as a management function or well-defined area of activity.

Despite widely publicised instances of industrial action, the focus of employee relations continues to migrate away from ‘collective’ organisations like trade unions and collective bargaining and towards the relationship with individual employees. Employers have accepted the concepts of ’employee voice’ and ‘psychological contract’, which are reflected in their employee relations policies and goals.

Employers continue to view employee relations skills and competences as vital to obtaining performance gains through an emphasis on employee involvement, commitment, and engagement (Tepper, Moss, Lockhart, & Carr, 2017).

Employee relations is viewed as strategic in terms of managing business risk, including both the downside risk of noncompliance with an expanding body of employment law and the upside risk of failing to produce maximum commercial performance (Ahmad & Schroeder, 2013; Tepper et al, 2017).


1.2 Statement of the Problem

Poor employee relations impede an organization’s overall workflow and harm the organization’s reputation. Most workers in some Nigerian organisations do not create more merely because of a strained connection between employers and employees. Employees cannot give their best efforts at work if they are dissatisfied with their boss or a coworker.

Employee performance and organisational productivity will suffer as a result of poor employee relations. Strikes and lockouts are the result of a poor employer-employee relationship. Employees demonstrated their dissatisfaction through strike action and lockout.

Strikes and lockouts significantly affect output. Employee relations, often known as industrial relations, are the collective relationships between employees and employers.

1.3 Aims and Objectives of the Study

The purpose of this research is to determine the impact of strong employee relations on employee performance. The precise goals are as follows:

To comprehend the significance of employee relations.
To determine the factors that influence employee relations.
To investigate the influence of employee interactions on employee performance.
To determine how far employee interactions have improved employee performance.

1.4 Research Questions

The research will look into the following issues:

What is the significance of employee relationships?
What variables influence employee relations?
What effect do employee interactions have on employee productivity?
How far have employee relations benefited employee performance?

1.5 Research Questions

1st Hypothesis

H0: There is no statistically significant link between employee relations and staff productivity.

H1: There is a link between employee relations and employee productivity.

2nd Hypothesis

H0: Employee relations have no effect on employee performance.

Employee relationships boost employee performance.

1.6 Significance of the Research

The purpose of this study is to look into employee relations and how they affect employee productivity. Both employees and employers will gain from the study. It will benefit employees in the sense that each employee will be given the opportunity to express their individual impressions of employee relations and their impact on employee productivity,

as well as provide recommendations on what they believe the firms should do to enhance employee relations. The study will also assist management because the findings and recommendations from the respondents will be provided to them. It will also help them grasp the benefits of strong employee relations and how they affect staff productivity.

It will inform management of diverse organisations about the effects of employer-employee relationships. It will also highlight the employee relations practises that businesses have been able to make available to their employees. It will assist students and academics in comprehending the origins, effects, and solutions to poor employee relations.

The study aids the administration of Lagos State University College of Medicine (LASUCOM) in their efforts and attempts to increase productivity, which include an engagement survey, leadership development,

workplace health and safety, and outplacement. It will also highlight employee relations issues and the impact of employee relations on employee productivity.

1.7 Scope of The Study

This study’s focus will include employee relations and their effects on employee productivity. The study will be conducted primarily at Lagos State University College of Medicine (LASUCOM) in Lagos State, where the researcher will have access to all relevant workers.


1.9 operational definition of Terms

Employees are one of an organization’s most essential resources and are referred to as its most precious assets.

Motivation is defined as the desire to achieve specific goals at any given time. There is a distinction between a sleepy state of mind and action on the ground. Motivation is a self-esteem that anyone might have in their inner self, but it takes a stimulus to be motivated.

Performance refers to an employee’s or organization’s achievement of set goals and objectives.

Productivity is defined as obtaining the best degree of performance with the least amount of resources spent.


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