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THE IMPACT OF INTERNET SOFTWARE PACKAGES TO THE MODERN SECRETARY (A Survey Study of some selected Organizations in Kaduna Metropolis)

THE IMPACT OF INTERNET SOFTWARE PACKAGES TO THE MODERN SECRETARY (A Survey Study of some selected Organizations in Kaduna Metropolis)


Project Material Details
Pages: 75-90
Questionnaire: Yes
Chapters: 1 to 5
Reference and Abstract: Yes
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1.1 The Background of the Study 

Developed in the 1960s as an experiment by the US Department of Defence to facilitate collaboration among researchers and scientists in geographically dispersed locations through the sharing of expensive and scarce computers and associated data, the Internet has come a long way from its inception.

To achieve these objectives, a coordinated system of interconnected networks had to be developed. Researchers, students, and scientists all chipped in at different points in time to build the internet and the World Wide Web as we know it today (Mborun, 2007).

One of the technologies that allows data to move across a witching commuter network was initially published in July 1999 by Learnard Kleinrock of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

The technique is known as packet swathing. To facilitate the transmission of more text messages via computer networks, packet switching was proposed.

Soon after, in 1992, JCR Licklider proposed the Galelcltic network. For this to operate, a vast network of computers all over the world would need to be connected so that users could access each other’s programs and data. The Defence Academic Researcher Projects Agency appointed MLiklier as its chief as a result.

There was talk that he was sent on a mission to ensure that the country remained technologically ahead of its Cold War rivals. The concept of a networked computer for the purpose of sharing data gained prominence thereafter.

Additionally, a computer network that could transmit and receive packets was operational between 1967 and 1969 thanks to Learnard Klerrock’s invention of packet switching and the JCR Lcklider Defence Advance Research project agency network net. From these foundational issues, we can deduce that intelligence and military needs gave birth to the modern Internet.

Nonetheless, it’s a network for communicating over the web. By the early 1990s, the network had transformed into the publicity-accessible internet, with message routing distributed throughout the network rather than concentrated in a single location.

The widespread use of browsers is largely responsible for the internet’s meteoric rise in popularity over the past two decades.

Statement Of The Problem

Organisations in today’s commercial environment are increasingly focused on the high productivity of their employees. In order for both governmental and private sector businesses to accomplish these goals. In order to improve the secretary’s efficiency, businesses are connecting to online resources.

In addition to providing support to executives, secretaries should be able to work independently, show initiative, use good judgement, and make decisions within their purview.

It is worth noting that there is a growing demand for competent computer literate secretaries, despite the fact that many secretaries lack proficiency with computers.

Companies are always on the lookout for competent secretaries with strong computer skills. Computer literacy is a requirement for almost all secretarial positions.

However, companies are expressing frustration over the difficulty in locating secretaries who possess the necessary skills for their survival and growth. For some secretaries, this means fewer job openings.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

Examining how modern secretaries are affected by online software packages is the primary goal of the study.

1) To learn how much the internet changed the way a company ran its business.

2) To learn how the secretary’s horizons are expanded through the use of online software products.

3) Find out how the internet software package helps organisations.

4) to determine the applicability of internet software to the contemporary secretary.



Researchers formulate these research questions based on the study’s aims in order to make an implicit effort and aid in the examination of software packages’ impact on modern secretaries.

How much has the internet improved the efficacy and efficiency of a company’s operations?

2) Is the secretary’s knowledge base now much larger thanks to the internet?

Thirdly, how does the company profit from having an online presence?

4) To what extent does the secretary find value in the online software packages?

1.5 significance Of The Study

The secretary’s processes, including those at polytechnics, universities, and colleges of education, will benefit greatly from the study. It will let them organise their curriculum in a way that gives them the skills they need to be effective secretaries in the modern day.

In order to alleviate employment issues for guaranteed secretaries, it is helpful for secretaries to be aware of the most recent internet packages that are offered in the job market.

After secretaries graduate, employers will have a better idea of their abilities thanks to this. To aid in the improvement of corporate productivity as they connect to the internet globe.

Additionally, it will let businesses create and package a suitable training program to help their employees succeed in the workplace. It will be used more by academics and researchers who are interested in this field.

1.6 Scope and Limitations of the Study

An analysis of a subset of businesses in Kaduna Metropolis was conducted. Due to the difficulty in integrating the study with classwork and the time and effort required to go to other institutions outside of Kaduna, the researchers opted to restrict the scope of the study to the areas.

1.7 Definition of Terms

a) Title bar: the hours and name of the currently-running program are displayed in the title bar. The “close,” “maximise,” and “minimise” buttons; their titles change when you navigate the site.

b) Menu bar: Here you can find all of Internet Explorer’s menus, as well as documents, views, favourites, tools, and support. From here, you can adjust your browser’s settings, save or print web pages, and obtain assistance with technical issues.

c) The tool bar: You can use the tool bar to go back or forward a page, stop a page from loading or reloading, go to your home page, search the net, or add an address to your browser. It houses all of the control buttons that you use to traverse the net.

d) Address window: this is a crucial bar where you type in the name of the website or internet location you wish to go. Typically, it will start with http://www, although with certain older browsers, the www is already there. By its side, you’ll see a packet (v) that you can use to search for a website to visit.

e) A pull-down menu will display when you click this button; from there, you can see the addresses of the sites; clicking any of these will take you straight to the one you selected.

f) Click “Go Bottom” to proceed to the specified page after entering a URL. The return key can be used in its place.

g) The scroll bar allows you to navigate the website’s pages by dragging and clicking it.

h) The browser window: In the centre of the window, you can see the pages you are currently viewing. Links to other pages on the same site or to other websites may be found on most browser windows.

A link is a word or image on a web page that, when clicked, takes the user to another relevant website on the Internet.


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