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In industry, managers use variety of motivation techniques to promote cooperation between employer and employees. Such cooperation enables some employees to satisfy certain needs by way of job security, career interests and respect amongst others. Employee motivation is one of the key ingredients in employees‟ performance and productivity (Mullins, 2007). Motivating a workforce of an organisation to work more effectively and efficiently towards the achievement of organisation‟s goals is perhaps one of the most fundamental tasks of management. There are various motivational packages provided by banks in Ghana, however, there is anecdotal evidence of high staff turnover, because of the growing trend of competition in the banking sector in Ghana. This may be due to attractive packages provided by new banks or the general dissatisfaction of staff. Over the last two decades there has been a growing body of literature on the relationship between the best motivational factors that promote employees‟ commitment in the banking sector in the advanced countries.

Employees are not much motivated with work contents, difficulties in operating procedures and abandon the aspects of recognition (Danish & Usman, 2010). Motivation affected the appliance of learning to transfer task from side to side its influence on the quantity of post training practices and trial activities engaged in by the apprentice proceeding to the transfer job. The pre-training involvement also had an impact on transfer above and away from that accounted for by motivation to learn post-training practices (Weissbein, Ford & A, 2010). incentive may only motivate the employees intrinsically and there should be worth similitude and motivated working environment to groom the organization (Cheng, W, & Robertson, 2006).

According to Chen, Gupta and Chung ( 1996) there is a significant association between educational prospect and altitude of employee commitment to affluent implementation of flexability system to accomplish world-class developement, a higher stage and greater variety of proficiencies will be considered necessary by workers. Alatrista and Arrowsmith (2004) stated that first recognising the peculiarity between local and managerial commitment facilitates different involvements to be prioritised and explained that training is an essential to emphasize local job commitment and efficiency. Secondly order intrusions such as communication and (bottom-up) meeting will be required to attend the perception of ―the organisation‖ as ceremonial and secluded.

Jawahar & Dean (2007) suggest that there are three characteristics of commitment and these are: desire to „remain‟ a member of organization, belief in, acceptance of values and goals of organization, and readiness to exert considerable effort on behalf of the organization. According to (Armstrong-Stassen, 2004) when employees are given opportunities to participate in decision-making, it influences their motivational level, job satisfaction and commitment. The research findings by (Sousa-Poza, 2000) indicate that there is a positive relationship between participation in decision-making and job satisfaction, motivation and commitment.

Organizations invest significant effort and resources to attract, select and retain conscientious, proactive and committed employees (Macey et al., 2009). The need for high organisational commitment is an important issue in any organisation. This is because an employee who is highly committed towards his or her organisation can be said to be productive, stable and always strives towards fulfilling the organization‟s needs as opposed to the less committed members (Jawahar & Dean (2007). Boezeman & Naomi (2007) suggests that high organisational commitment has a direct relationship with low employee turnover and increased productivity. One of the recent findings by Feather & Rauter (2004) involving permanent and temporary teachers in Victoria, Australia reveals a positive relationship between organisational commitment and organisational identification, influence, variety, skill utilization and organizational citizenship behaviours. In addition, Lopopolo‟s (2002) study on 200 hospital employees working with physical therapy indicates a negative relationship between organisational commitment and role conflict, role overload and role ambiguity. Fostering employee commitment can have a great impact on decreasing turnover rates. Research shows commitment has a positive effect on productivity, turnover and employees willingness to help co-workers” (Gibson & Tremble, 2006).


According to Bassy (2002), an organisation has to be aware of what motivates and satisfies the employees at work to stimulate them to perform their job as best as possible. A person who is satisfied with his/her work may show a high commitment level and invest much efforts towards the achievement of the organisation‟s goal and will not easily give up job (Jawahar & Dean (2007).

Towers, (2003) emphasized in his book titled, Working Today: Understanding What Drives Employee Engagement, quoted by Adelanwa (2013), that employee motivation was the biggest driver of organizational performance. He further stated that an organization that was able to motivate its employees and maintain it would be able to leverage their zeal and drive in order to ensure staff performance. In the light of this, the study will therefore try to investigate the relationship effect of motivation and employees commitment.


The main aim of this study is to examine the relationship effect of motivation and employees commitment.

The study seeks to:

Find out the factors that motivate and promote staff commitment in the bank.
Examine the relationship effect between motivational factors and staff commitment in the bank
Examine the factors that hinders staff motivation in the bank
Find out ways in which staff motivation could be encourage in enhancing staff commitment.


Arising from the study, the following research questions will be carefully addressed in the study:

What are the factors that motivate and promote staff commitment in the bank?
What is the relationship effect between motivational factors and staff commitment in the bank?
What are the factors that hinder staff motivation in the bank?
What are the ways in which staff motivation could be encourage in enhancing staff commitment?


The following hypothesis will be formulated and tested:

H0 there is no relationship effect between motivation and employees commitment.

H1 there is relationship effect between motivation and employees commitment.


The research will be of great importance to various organizations and groups of employers of labor in assisting them in knowing different forms of motivation for better performance.


The study is limited and focuses on the impact of motivation on employee performance and the relationship effect between motivation and employee performance, factors that hinders staff motivation and ways in which staff motivation could be encourage to enhance staff commitment.


TIME CONSTRAINTS: One the challenges experienced by the researcher is the issue of time; the research will simultaneously engage in departmental activities like seminars and attendance to lectures. But the researcher was able to meet up with the deadline for the submission of the project.

FINANCIAL CONSTRAINTS: Every research work needs funding; however lack of adequate funds might affect the speed of the researcher in getting materials for completion of the project.


Motivation is a driving factor for actions, willingness, and goals. These needs, wants or desires may be acquired through influence of culture, society, lifestyle, or may be generally innate. An individual’s motivation may be inspired by outside forces (extrinsic motivation)[1] or by themselves (intrinsic motivation).

Commitment by declaring intent. Contract, a legally binding exchange of promises. Brand. Also The act or an instance of committing, putting in charge, keeping, or trust,

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