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From birth to the age of eighteen, children spend only a small portion of their lives in school. As a result, it is not surprising that many factors outside of the school environment can have a significant impact on students’ chances of academic success in school. These factors (parental status) are relevant both before children begin formal schooling and while they are enrolled in elementary and secondary school.

A variety of factors, such as parents’ beliefs and expectations about education, the availability and quality of child care, family economic status, the persistence or absence of violence in a child’s life, access to social services, physical and mental health issues, opportunities for constructive, healthy activities outside of school, and the nature and strength of school community connections, can all impact a child’s chances of succeeding in school.

Parents are their children’s first teachers, according to a commonly used phrase with the ring of substantial truth. Parents’ beliefs, expectations, and attitudes toward education, as well as their children’s achievement, have a significant early influence on students’ perceptions of the role of education in their lives.

What parents believe about the importance (or lack thereof) of doing well in school is frequently mirrored in students’ performance. According to a study of some selected schools in Edo State’s Oredo Local Government Area, nearly all students (97 percent) who received mostly A’s and B’s on their report cards said their parents encouraged them to do well in school.

Nearly half (49%) of students who received mostly Cs said they received little parental encouragement. Some families clearly have more resources to devote to their children and can find time to nurture and encourage them. When both parents work, or when a child is raised by a single parent, finding time to read to the child to encourage homework completion is an increasingly common phenomenon.

Many children grow up in homes with plenty of financial and material resources. However, not all do. Poverty has an impact on students’ academic performance. Poor children are twice as likely as their more affluent peers to be suspended, expelled, or drop out of high school, and to be placed in special education classes. Family structure and economic circumstances are frequently intertwined.

More than half of poor families are headed by an unmarried mother who must balance employment (often in low-wage jobs) with child care and parenting responsibilities. To summarize, children from more economically affluent homes have an advantage in many areas of life, including education.

This study found that, despite the compelling importance of strong physical and mental health to students’ chances of academic success, access to quality services is frequently a function of family income. The child is less likely to receive regular medical care if his or her family is financially unstable.

Children who have health insurance are more likely to have better access to health care than children who do not. Uninsured students face significant risks, particularly for adolescent drug and alcohol use. Smoking cigarettes and using harder drugs, ranging from marijuana to cocaine, can cause significant long-term physical and mental health problems. In the short term, many of these substances can cause reduced school attendance and general inattention to school studies.


After gaining a thorough understanding of the role of parental status in students’ academic performance, it is critical to examine the problem statement precisely and concisely. The purpose of this study is to look into the role of parental status in the academic performance of some selected secondary school students in Edo State’s Oredo Local Government Area. The researcher, on the other hand, will look into this study in the following capacities.

To identify the various problems that students face as a result of their parental status, which causes the majority of them to drop out of school, perform poorly in academic work, and engage in social vices.


Based on the issues discussed thus far, the study will seek answers to the following questions.

1. What kind of family do the people of Oredo Local Government Area have?

2. Does a student’s parental background influence his or her academic performance?

3. Is there a difference between the children of high-income earners and those of low-income earners?

4. Does a student’s medical condition (health) affect his or her academic performance?

5. How do parental involvement and family size affect students’ education?


The researcher intends for this study to investigate and highlight the role of parental status in the academic performance of students in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State. Despite the fact that this study is limited to Oredo, the research findings may be applicable to other parts of Nigeria. As a result, the study’s goal is to supplement existing findings on the subject.

1. To investigate the role of parental status in academic performance among students in Edo State’s Oredo Local Government Area.

2. Determine the extent to which parental involvement in students’ academic performance improves or degrades their performance.

3. To determine how a good salary structure can improve or affect a student’s academic performance.

4. To identify the various factors to be considered in students’ academic performance in relation to parental status.


The significance of the study, the role of parental status in academic performance among students in Edo State’s Oredo Local Government Area, cannot be overstated. The study is not only important for Nigeria in general. Among the significance of this research work are the following:

1. It will be used as a reading text to learn about how parents’ socioeconomic status affects students’ performance.

2. It will be a valuable tool for seminars, public lecturers, and as a medium of awareness campaign on the role of parental status.

3. It will serve as an expository literature on parental involvement, regardless of occupational status, to all and sundry, not just secondary students.

4. It will assist in exposing the teacher to the impact of parental status on the academic performance of the student.

5. It also helps planners understand that children come from various family backgrounds.

It will be beneficial to educationalists.

Above all, this piece of work will provide very useful suggestions on the role of family and teachers in preventing low parental engagement in the academic performance of Oredo Locality students, as well as the need to rehabilitate the PTA (parents, teachers association) meeting.


The role of parental status in students’ academic performance tends to cover some selected recognized (private and government) secondary schools in Edo State’s Oredo Local Government Area.


Students are children (secondary school students) in Edo State’s Oredo Local Government Area.

In Oredo, a parent is the father and mother of a child (student).

Academics – a student’s educational study

The duties of a role

Performance – the act of carrying out or carrying out a task

Academic performance refers to how a student’s educational studies are affected, either negatively or positively.

Low income earners are parents whose salary structure is low due to their type of low occupation or no occupation at all, for example, the poor.

High-income earners are parents whose salary structures are determined by their occupation or business.

Socioeconomic status is determined by the parents’ occupation, moral standing, marital status, educational attainment, and level of knowledge.



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