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This study examines the relationship between secondary school teachers’ job productivity and school infrastructure. The study’s 200 participants are the staff members of a few Uyo secondary schools.

Questionnaires were utilised by the researcher as the instrument for gathering data. This study used a descriptive survey research approach.

The survey used a total of 133 respondents, including principals, teachers, senior employees, and junior personnel. Simple percentages and frequencies were used to analyse the data, which were presented in tables.




For the goal of teaching and learning, schools are created. To aid the main goal of teaching and learning, it is crucial that teachers and students are given the right accommodations. (Alimi, 2004).

According to Isaiah (2013), educators are being held more and more responsible for students’ growth and accomplishment as shown by a variety of tests and statistics, but less is acknowledged about the structures and learning environments that house the educational process.

He continued by saying that instructors and educators are ordered to ensure that no youngster falls behind intellectually. The physical settings and quality of the buildings were disregarded as the teachers were urged not to leave the kids behind.

The situations and surrounds that teachers and students find themselves in can undoubtedly have an impact on how they teach and learn.

There are signs that the learning settings in which people take classes do, in fact, have a real impact on how well children learn and develop in terms of their affective, behavioural, and cognitive traits.

Owoeye and Yara (2011) claimed that school facilities have been observed as a significant contributor to high-quality education in light of this. In Owoeye and Yara’s (2011) article, Oni claims that amenities play a strategic role in how well organisations operate.

This is the case because they greatly influence how well any system or organisation, including education, operates. He went on to say that their suitability, sufficiency, and relevance have an impact on production and efficiency.

According to Farombi (2008), a society’s wealth can influence the quality of education in that country. He emphasised that a wealthy society will establish good schools with quality teachers and learning infrastructures so that students can learn easily and achieve well in school.

No good science education programme can exist without equipment for teaching, according to Belogun (2002), who wrote on the role/influence of facilities in the teaching and learning process. This is so that the student can acquire problem-solving abilities and a scientific mindset.

Students will not only have access to the reference materials mentioned by the teacher when facilities are provided to meet the relative needs of a school system,

but individual students will also be able to learn at their own rates when facilities are provided by Ajaji and Ogun Yemi in Owoeye and Yara (2011). The next result of this is an improvement in all kids’ academic performance.

Observations have demonstrated that there are fundamental amenities at every level of education, whether at the primary, secondary, or tertiary level, which enable the school to fulfil the management’s objectives.

To ensure a safe and high-quality output from any educational facility, school facilities relate to the school buildings, which are thought of as one of the fundamental educational prerequisites.

School facilities, as defined by Costaldi in Apagu and Wakili (2015), are those educational resources that allow a talented teacher to deliver lessons more effectively than is feasible without them.

They continued by stating that educational facilities have a wide variety of materials. They claimed that school facilities included any equipment or support services that made teaching and learning easier.

They claim that school facilities include the following: land, buildings, play areas, school farms, libraries, laboratories, assembly halls, assembly grounds, classrooms, teaching aids such as audio cassettes, radio sets,

television sets, slide flips, cartoons, projectors, graphics; charts, posters, pictures, photographs, graphs, maps, and displaying materials like chalkboards, white boards, flannel boards, billboards, magnetic boards, and electric whiteboards.

The following are among Nigeria’s educational objectives, according to the National Policy on Education (2004):

the development of the mind’s capacity for interpreting the outside environment.
the development of one’s mental, physical, and social skills as necessary tools for living in and making contributions to one’s society.

Without the availability of school infrastructure (facilities), the aforementioned educational objectives cannot be met. Bamidele (2006) and Ofodu (2007) noted that radio, television, computers, overhead projectors, optical fibres, fax machines,

CD-ROM, internet, electronic notice boards, slides, digital multimedia, video/VCD machines, and other devices are among the information and communication technologies (ICTs)/computer facilities used in secondary schools and technical colleges’ teaching and learning processes.

The provision of some of these facilities for teaching and learning in the classrooms in the schools, it seems, is insufficient. This could explain why teachers aren’t utilising them in their lessons.

The usage of these facilities entails a variety of techniques, including systematised feedback systems, computer-based operation/networks, video conferencing, and audio conferencing; internet/global websites, and computer-assisted training, according to Ajayi (2008).

It should be emphasised that the availability of these facilities and the teachers’ proficiency in using them are necessary for the successful use of the various facilities in teaching and learning.

It is impossible to overstate the impact of these educational facilities on students’ performance and instructor effectiveness.

This is as a result of the fact that a school’s condition is one reliable indicator of both student accomplishment and a teacher’s level of job satisfaction or unhappiness (Mpho, 2013).

Building condition has an impact on a teacher’s self-esteem, interactions with peers and students, parental participation, discipline, motivation, and interpersonal relationships.

More elements that influence these aspects are becoming apparent as teacher retention and effectiveness receive more attention.


Investigations have shown that secondary school students do poorly. Exams conducted both internally and externally reveal this inadequate performance.

This might be due to insufficient or nonexistent school facilities. In schools, it can be challenging for teachers to deliver effective instruction.

They have trouble implementing continuous assessment, which may be related to the issue with the facilities in the schools.

The absence of school facilities and the poor condition of those that are present present the administrators with numerous difficulties in running the school as a whole.


The study’s objectives are;

Determine the connection between school infrastructure and secondary school teachers’ employment productivity

To determine the effect of school infrastructure on students’ academic performance

To determine whether school facilities have an impact on the school’s overall management.


The researcher developed the following research hypotheses in order to successfully complete the study:

H0: There is no association between secondary school teachers’ job productivity and school facilities.

H1: There is a connection between secondary school teachers’ job productivity and school facilities.

H02: School amenities have no bearing on students’ academic success.

H2: The effect of school amenities on students’ academic performance


The results of this study will be helpful to the Federal Ministry of Education, which will be able to use them to budget for the provision of school facilities in our secondary schools, which will in turn raise the quality of the country’s education and its output.

They will also give them insight into the impact of school facilities on teaching and learning in our secondary schools. The study’s findings will be of great use to parents because, if put into practise, they will improve secondary education generally,

both in private and public schools. When schools have adequate facilities, parents can expect to see improvements in their children’s performance in both internal and external exams as well as in their ability to function and succeed in future endeavours.

The teachers will gain a great deal from this study because it will make their jobs easier and better position them to get the pupils ready to achieve their expectations.

Musibau and Johnson (2010) noted that parents, teachers, and the general public have always taken a keen interest in how well kids perform on any given academic activity.

Because of this, the ability to predict properly and swiftly whether a candidate will succeed or fail should be the top priority of every educator tasked with choosing pupils for any advanced training programme in a particular profession.

When a teacher has made his teaching highly efficient and practical focused with the right use of the school facilities at his disposal, he or she feels quite hopeful about the success of his or her candidates in any external or internal examination.

When used by the pupils, the study’s conclusions will significantly boost their performance on any test. In addition to making their teachers more productive, useful, and satisfied with their jobs,

the school facilities that will be offered to their various schools will also enable the students to learn at their own pace and enhance their performance in both internal and external exams.


The study’s scope includes the relationship between school infrastructure and secondary school teachers’ labour productivity. The study’s scope was constrained due to a constraint the researcher encountered;

a) AVAILABILITY OF RESEARCH MATERIAL: The researcher’s access to suitable research material limits the investigation.

b) TIME: Because the researcher must juggle the study with other academic obligations and exams, the time allotted for the investigation does not improve wider coverage.


Academic performance refers to a student’s level of achievement in an examination as measured by their academic performance.

All necessary instructional tools and equipment for the teaching and learning process are referred to as school facilities.

School building: Describes physical buildings that provide a foundation for educational activity.

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