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The Need For Guidance And Counselling Services Among Nigeria University Students

The Need For Guidance And Counselling Services Among Nigeria University Students

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The Need For Guidance And Counselling Services Among Nigeria University Students

Chapter one


Background for the Study

Guidance and counselling services at the institution encourage customised social planning and programming for students with unique learning needs.

Students must prepare themselves both academically and socially in order to be accepted into the new community.

It is also important to understand that, despite the fact that many students are adults, there is a need to guide them if the aim of their university education is to be fulfilled.

Furthermore, the majority of university students experience anxiety and tension; in order to cope with such situations, they require therapy.

The role of guidance and counselling in tertiary institutions is to ensure that university undergraduates are well advised and properly counselled in order to become tomorrow’s leaders, since the importance of advice and counselling cannot be overstated.

Most university administrators in Nigeria are looking for stability as a way to get out of crises and restore some long-term peace on campuses. Recently, there has been a tremendous increase in violence and revolutionary behaviour among students around the world. Guidance and counselling services are required to provide long-term answers to some of the issues that have plagued educational institutions for many years.

Students require counselling as a result of their disruptive behaviours. In other words, university students require assistance in resolving their family, social, academic, health, emotional, vocational, financial, and religious issues. Undergraduates at this level are taught the nature and complexity of their problems, as well as improved ways to solve them.

Fresh students appear to be tormented by self-defined questions about their current status in the community, their place within their peer group, and their academic performance in secondary school. Without a therapeutic programme/support, individuals would feel inadequate and defeated in their social identities.

New students may face difficulties when adjusting to their new environment, which they will find painful and chaotic. This could be related to the contrasts they experience in life while in secondary school.

Other students’ values include the social climate, course of study, study settings, and degree of freedom, and adjusting to these variations frequently results in some form of crisis. The crises can be avoided if advice and counselling services are made available to this group of students at the time of admission to university.

Counselling focusses at the whole development of the individual, therefore it also assists students in finding spiritual and ethical measures in life, as well as living in harmony with other members of the university community.

The instillation of ethnic values through guidance and counselling services will go a long way towards reducing illogical behaviour among university students.

Effective university counselling services will prevent students from rebelling against their school’s established norms and destroying school property.

The student’s aspirations should be balanced with the goals of their educational institutions and the community at large.

According to Denga (2003), the demand for guidance and counselling in our educational system is becoming more critical as educational, economic, technological, social, and ideological breakthroughs occur. Each student will require assistance in developing his own talents to make meaningful and realistic decisions, as well as to deal with societal issues.

According to Oladele (2007), no matter how smart or well-constructed an educational policy is, it would fail if advice and counselling are not prioritised and integrated into the system. Guidance and counselling services within the framework of education have the potential to assist an individual in realistically examining his or her beliefs and values within the comprehensive nature of the university setting.

Only good guidance and counselling services can assist the undergraduate through social adjustment to make the right decisions and understand himself and his surroundings.

The need of guiding and counselling services for undergraduates is obvious and unavoidable. The services are effective tools for academic and extracurricular achievement.

According to research undertaken by a number of Nigerian scholars, including Adugbo (2000), Denga (2003), Allolla (2004), and Bello (2007), guidance and counselling services in Nigerian schools have yet to take off effectively due to various issues that have yet to be handled correctly.

These issues include an insufficient number of personnel (counsellors), a lack of materials and facilities for effective guidance services, a lack of funding, insufficient time allocated to guidance and counselling services in schools, and a negative perception of the school principal, counsellor, students, and parents.

If Nigerian universities are to achieve their aims, they must provide advice and counselling services to their students. So it is critical for universities to appropriately establish counselling services that understand the aims of the constitution for students and their families in terms of their ability to meet students’ scholastic, vocational, social, and personal requirements. It is also vital for meeting academic goals and aspirations at university.

Statement of the Problem

The following are some of the issues that may cause university undergraduates a lot of anxiety:

Emotional Stress

Victimisation by lecturers.

Persons and Social Needs

Indecent clothing

Examination malpractice.

Examples of peer group influence include drinking, smoking, and cultism. Additionally, financial insecurity might be a factor.
Sexual harassment.

Addiction to social networks such as Facebook, 2go, and Twitter, to name a few.

These issues have permeated the institution’s fabric, having a negative impact on graduate standards. However, the researcher is concerned that this poor attitude is damaging the quality of university graduates in Nigeria, thus immediate care is required. This project will address the glaring shortage of research in this area.

The purpose of the study

The study’s overall goal is to identify the need for guidance and counselling services among students at Ambrose Alli University in Ekpoma.

The study’s particular aims are as follows:

To identify the need for university students who require guidance and counselling services.

To identify techniques for offering successful advice services to university students.

To assess the demand for guiding and counselling services in Nigerian universities.

Research Questions

What are the most common social vices among Ambrose Alli University students?

What are the unique issues that female Ambrose Alli University students face?

What are the special challenges that male Ambrose Alli University students face?

What are the special issues that male Ambrose Alli University students face.

Is there a need for advice and counselling services for Ambrose Alli University students?

Does Ambrose Alli University have a guiding and counselling service for its students?

Significance of the Study

The study will provide the most up-to-date and effective methods of guiding and counselling for university students.

It would assist university administrations in identifying areas of guidance and counselling services that require attention. The study will also assist curriculum designers in determining which necessary services should be provided in the university’s guidance and counselling unit.

Scope of the Study

This study will examine into the need for guidance and counselling services among Nigerian university students, specifically at Ambrose Alli University in Ekpoma, Edo State. The study’s scope also includes the three-year period from 2010 to 2012.

Limitations of the Study

The difficulty in obtaining appropriate materials is one of the study’s limitations. This study covers only a tiny geographical area. The tiny geographical area covered may limit national generalisation.

Definition of Terms:

Guidance is defined as advice or information given by someone in authority (counsellor) to resolve a problem or challenge. The word guide also means to direct, help, steer, instruct, and so on.

Counselling is about assisting people who desire to improve undesirable aspects of their behaviours. Counselling could also be defined as the act of exchanging perspectives and ideas; consulting, etc.

Counsellor: A person who counsels; an adviser counsellor may also be someone who has been trained to assist his or her clients with the issues they are experiencing.

Undergraduate: A student in a university or college who has not received a first, particularly a bachelor’s degree.

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