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The Relationship Between Parental Role And Early Childhood Education And Its’ Development

The Relationship Between Parental Role And Early Childhood Education And Its’ Development

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The Relationship Between Parental Role And Early Childhood Education And Its’ Development


The study investigated the link between parental roles and early childhood education and development. A thorough literature review was conducted under pertinent subheadings. The descriptive study design was utilised to assess the opinions of respondents via a questionnaire and sampling technique.

A total of 300 (Three Hundred) respondents (150 males and 150 females) were chosen and used as the study’s sample, representing the complete population. Four research questions were posed in the study and analysed alongside the respondents’ bio-data using simple percentage frequency counts

while four null hypotheses were formulated and tested using both the Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient and the independent t-test statistical tools at the 0.05 level of significance.

At the end of the data analyses, the following results emerged: there is a significant relationship between parental role and children’s academic performance; there is a significant difference between the academic performance of children reared by intact parents and those reared by single parents;

there is a significant gender difference in the academic performance of children reared by intact parents and those reared by single parents; and finally, there is a significant difference The aforementioned statistics indicate that there is a positive association between parental role and children’s academic achievement.

Based on the findings of this study, the researcher advised a number of actions to parents, the government, teachers, and society to help promote an early childhood education program that will produce a healthy future leader of the nation.


Chapter one


1.1 Background for the Study

The first few years of life have a significant impact on a child’s quality of life and the contributions he or she makes to society as an adult. A child grows and changes dramatically between birth and the age of five.

If this time of life includes assistance for cognitive, verbal, motor, adaptive, and social-emotional development, the kid is more likely to succeed in school and subsequently make important contributions to society.

A good early childhood care and education program provides intervention programmes that support children’s survival, growth, development, and learning, including health, nutrition, and hygiene, as well as cognitive, social, physical, and emotional development from birth to primary school entry in formal, informal, and non-formal settings, according to the United Nations Educational and Scientific Cultural Organisation (UNESCO, 2007).

According to Anyakogu (2010), early childhood education and development take place mostly at home. This is because the house is the child’s initial point of contact, allowing them to effectively engage with both parents and siblings. The child’s learning begins at home. A place where children learn to respect their parents and to

imitate and recognise those around him. Traditionally, child care in Nigeria, as in other parts of Africa, has been the responsibility of extended family and the community.

These members of society help to raise the child by giving him or her with a variety of stimulating contacts that will have a favourable impact on the child’s development, particularly in psychosocial terms.

In recent decades, growing urbanisation has destroyed this traditional child-care system. According to Hodges (2009): “‘for the approximately one third of families who now live in the cities, the mutual support that was a prominent nature of rural life has given way to situation where each household is to a large extent responsible on its own for the care of children” .

Living in cities indicates that many moms spend the majority of their days working outside the home, which has implications for child rearing in the family (Adeleke, 2009).

This is because many parents’ love and burning desires for a paid work and monetary reward, in order to make the family more comfortable and pay other household costs, have taken precedence over their love and care for their children.

This has led to many parents abandoning their children in the hands of immature housekeepers and nannies, resulting in poor social and academic growth and development.

Parental involvement in early childhood development are diverse. The quality of care provided to early children influences their growth. Parents, particularly women, are responsible for feeding, household hygiene, and responding to illnesses in early children. For newborns, breast milk is the healthiest and most complete nutritional source.

Breast milk contains antibodies that can protect babies from sickness (Leon, 2011). Parents, particularly moms who work in normal employment, do not have time to give their babies with adequate breast milk.

Furthermore, due to education and civilisation, most mothers assume that breast feeding the infant will influence their breasts, making them appear older than their ages

thus they fail to breastfeed their babies during the appropriate period. This has resulted in poor growth and social development for the majority of children, as well as poor academic attainment.

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