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The Role of Digital Literacy for the Teaching and Learning of Adult Learners in Ovia East Local Government

The Role of Digital Literacy for the Teaching and Learning of Adult Learners in Ovia East Local Government

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The Role of Digital Literacy for the Teaching and Learning of Adult Learners in Ovia East Local Government



This study looked into the impact of digital literacy on adult learners in Ovia East Local Government, specifically in rural areas. A quantitative survey research design was used to elicit information from a sample of 120 respondents. A structured questionnaire was developed to collect important data on several areas of digital literacy and its impact on adult education.

The acquired data was analysed using SPSS27, which made the findings easier to present and explain. Hypotheses were developed and tested using the t-test to determine the importance of the correlations between digital literacy and various educational outcomes in adult learners.

The findings demonstrated strong links between digital literacy and improved learning experiences, access to educational resources, and overall academic success. Additionally, difficulties such as restricted access to digital devices and insufficient training were recognised as impediments to improving digital literacy abilities among adult learners.

Based on the findings, it was concluded that digital literacy has a significant impact on adult learners’ educational experiences and outcomes, particularly in rural locations.

As a result, efforts to develop digital literacy should be prioritised in adult education programs to ensure equal access to educational opportunities and resources.

Recommendations include creating comprehensive digital literacy training programs, providing appropriate digital infrastructure, and encouraging cooperation between educational institutions and community organisations to assist adult learners in obtaining key digital skills.

By implementing these guidelines, stakeholders can help to enhance digital literacy and promote socioeconomic development in rural communities.

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