Project Materials


The Significance of Ethics and Social Responsibilities in Business Organisations.

The Significance of Ethics and Social Responsibilities in Business Organisations.

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The Significance of Ethics and Social Responsibilities in Business Organisations.

This study discovered the significance of ethics and social responsibility in a corporate organisation, specifically the – Union Enugu state.

As research instruments for this study, a questionnaire, interview questions, and a review of related literature were used. After displaying some of the data on a table, the acquired data was analysed using the frequency and percentage methods.

The study emphasised the relevance of ethics and social responsibility in one organisation, with the following significant conclusions among others:

– The employees are ethical and socially responsible in their interactions with the organisation.

– The personnel complains about various shortcomings that prevent them from being ethically and socially responsible.

– Unethical behaviour on the part of some management personnel.

Finally, the researcher considered some key suggestions that could aid in the resolution of unethical practises in the organisation.

– The management should convene a panel to investigate and resolve the issues of unethical practises.

– The panel’s work should be allowed to be done independently by the management.

– The organisation should broaden its ethical and social responsibility inside the organisation, the community in which it operates, and to certain rural areas.


1.1 Background of the research

The ethics and social duties of a business and its organisation are critical to every community and Nigeria in general. Every civilization ensures that persons who operate in any type of business maintain high moral standards in their everyday actions. Ethics and social obligations are two linked concepts that focus on the moral consciousness of business.

The concept of ethical obligations is concerned with the issues and problems that people in business face, as well as their loyalty to their organisation and to its consumers. Every society’s interest and need is in social duties and their problems.

Every profession is governed by established regulations. To help us grasp what “ethics” genuinely implies, we’ll take a quick look at the following phenomena, which could easily be misinterpreted as ethics. We’re talking about things like law and morality:

Laws are norms established by administrations, communities, and governments, among others. And the primary goals of these regulations are to govern or check disparities or wrongdoing in human character or behaviour. To summarise, laws develop human character, and their absence can lead to instability and disaster.

Morality, on the other hand, is concerned with the principle of good and evil as it affects human behaviour. It is the mind that distinguishes between good and evil. Morals can also be defined as love and ethical virtues. Finally, morals is concerned with individual character as judged by the winning standard of moral honesty.

The American Heritage Dictionary (second college edition) defines ethics as the principle of good and bad behaviour. It is also the general study of the entire nature of morals and the specific moral decisions made by an individual as they affect his connection with others.

Those employed in an organisation to achieve its goals comprise the workforce of that organisation, as well as the competency of any organisational objectives.

The employees must achieve an extremely high level of performance and efficiency: Efficiency is determined by a variety of elements, including political, social, sociological, and economic considerations, to name a few. Staff are a crucial aspect of production in any given organisation because their proficiency and contributions can either improve or degrade an establishment’s efficiency.

A staff, in the eyes of the average person, is a collection of individuals or persons who work together in an establishment to achieve a common goal. They also do accounting, managerial, and clerical duties.

A good employee is one who uses his knowledge and positive thoughts to make appropriate decisions that are not outside the realm of accepted governance and are also morally sound.

Members of all professions, including lawyers, doctors, and customs officers, are governed by codes of behaviour. Some ethical behaviours are put down on paper, while others are verbal or unwritten.

The rules are communicated to members of a specific profession. To be ethical means to follow these principles in your interactions with your coworkers, whereas to be unethical means to disregard these rules.

Social and ethical obligations are concepts that focus on the conscience of business managers as image-makers for their companies in the outside world. This is usually accomplished by the prudent use of telephones, faxes, letters, and so on. Depending on the moral character of the workforce, this can inspire a favourable public reception to the organisation.

It is consequently of interest that, because the staff is involved in numerous forms of business administration spanning from agriculture to production and manufacturing, they should be socially and morally responsible to the community in order to flourish in their operations.


Office staff should serve as a mirror through which an organization’s tasks and functions might be restructured. This indicates that the personnel should project a positive image of the organisation, as substantial social duties and moral demands are placed on them.

The atmosphere in which the employee operates can have an impact on the quality of services provided. The environmental situation can be modified if the morale is low, but if the morale is high, the personnel should be encouraged to conform to the environmental requirements.

As a result, an organisation should have a dynamic social duty in order to positively affect its surroundings for profitability and stability. Every organization’s goal should be to preserve a respectable inter-relationship between its personnel, the organise person, and its surroundings in order to improve pleasant outcomes. Finally, there is the organisation.


This project is intended to serve some beneficial purposes, and everything possible will be done to guarantee that these goals are met.

The following are the benefits of this project that make it clearly necessary:

To aid in the enhancement of productivity, particularly where business ethics are adhered to in order to meet our organisational motive.

To alert controlling authorities to critical areas and deficiencies that require action.

This work will aid in the education of all senior management in the desired ethics.


The purpose of this research is to determine the level of social responsibility and ethics among the employees of a bank, for example. These are some examples:

1. To learn if there is evidence that a bank is ethically and socially responsible.

2. If the bank has any shortcomings that prevent it from being ethically and socially responsible.

3. Determine whether these issues have a negative impact on worker productivity.

4. to learn whether there have been any complaints about unethical practises by your bank’s employees.

5. Whether the bank benefits from being ethically and socially responsible.

6. to learn if ethics training is provided for top management, middle management, supervisors, and other staff, and if the training is critical to the business’s operation or function.


1. Is there any evidence that the bank is ethically and socially responsible?

2. Does your organisation have any shortcomings that prevent it from being morally and socially responsible?

3. Do these issues have a negative impact on the bank’s worker productivity?

4. Have there been any complaints about unethical practises by your bank’s employees?

5. How does your bank profit from being ethical and socially responsible?

6. Is ethical training provided for top management, middle management, supervisors, and other employees if it is critical to the operation or function of the business?


Productivity is defined as the projected rate of work.

Organisation: A location where commerce is conducted.

Law: a rule established by a society, group, or individual.

Morality is the principle of right and wrong judgement.

PRODUCTIVITY: This is an estimated rate of work. It also refers to the rate at which commodities are created in relation to the amount of labour, time, and money required to manufacture them.

ORGANISATION: A group created for a specific purpose, such as a club or a corporation. It also refers to the act of successfully planning and arranging things.

LAW: A set of regulations that citizens of a country, an organisation, or a specific community must obey and follow.

MORALITY is concerned with the principles of right and bad action. It includes all behaviour that complies to a society’s social standards and is performed willingly by the individual.

MANAGEMENT: The act or skill of efficiently guiding and organising the work or performance of a corporation or organisation.

COMPETENCE: This is the ability and skill to properly execute a job or the skill required to complete a specific assignment.

ENVIRONMENT: This refers to all of the settings, circumstances, events, people, and so on that influence how individuals live, work, and operate.


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