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The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the environmental cleanliness campaign on the residents of Oredo Local Government Area in Edo State, Nigeria. Through self-help and self-initiative, the local government has recently adopted a dynamic approach to the issue of environmental health problems.

It is envisaged that such a self-initiative will help to reduce the cost of health care delivery and make health care more accessible to the public. It is also expected that such a plan would have a substantial impact on the physical, psychological, sociological, and economic development of the community in which it operates.

Three hundred (300) people from fifteen (15) distinct regions in Benin city of the local sanitation task force in different areas were used for the study to investigate these statements. For data collection, at least twenty (20) respondents were chosen at random from each sub-area.

Questionnaires, oral interviews, documentary evidence, and participant observation were used to collect data. Percentage scores were used to analyse the data. The study’s findings indicate that a vibrant new environmental sanitation project exists in Benin City.

It was also discovered that the plan had made a substantial contribution to the community’s physical, psychological, sociological, and economic growth. According to the study’s findings, it was suggested, among other things, that:

1. Every community should mimic the urban experiment in which environmental health care delivery is the duty of everyone.


The first chapter


Problem assertion

The goal of the research

Basic assumption/hypothesis

The significance of the research



Term definitions

The second chapter

Examine the relevant literature

The third chapter


Population under investigation

Techniques for collecting samples

Instruments for research

Instrument administration

Techniques for data analysis

the fourth chapter

Data examination

Discussions and findings

5th chapter









It is thought that God created man to be in charge of the environment and to make the best of it. But, in his pursuit of daily food, education, and material gain, man has polluted the beautiful environment. Man has attempted to manipulate the environment from the dawn of time.

However, as previously stated, man owns his health and life. That is how he escaped the dragon-headed issues he had created for himself in recent times. Environmental sanitation has become a hot concern on the world, national, state, and local levels.

The goal is to initiate action to halt the rapidly deteriorating environmental health status around the world. In Nigeria today, the concentration of industrial establishments, the concentration of people in metropolitan areas, and the rapid increase in population have made environmental protection important and equally tough.

Improving the general environmental sanitation of major towns in Nigeria has always been a serious concern for both individuals and governments, resulting in the town/cities being strangled by things made by the inhabitant. The end effect of this situation is environmental pollution in all of its forms.

Pollution has also made its way into the political arena, and every community in every state has been confronted with environmental challenges. Man’s concern about pollution is the negative impact it has on people’s health. The problems of poor sanitation and unsanitary behaviour among the majority of Nigerians are so terrible that the federal military administration was forced to intervene in order to achieve the world health organisation’s goal of “health for all by the year 2013.” (WHO).

To attain this goal, the federal government (the military regime) devised and implemented a number of policies in 2013. As a result, environmental sanitation campaigns were implemented throughout the federation. This was followed by the formation of a “task force on environmental sanitation” at both the state and local levels to oversee this extensive effort.

Environmental sanitation committees were formed, with members drawn from a variety of backgrounds. Individuals, public and private establishments, or corporate organisations who failed to meet the expected government criteria on environmental sanitation or health habits and practises were subjected to severe sanitation. For example, unclean private premises dumping rubbish in unauthorised locations.

Urinating or defecating in public areas was penalised by a fine ranging from N 100 to 1000, or punishment, depending on the circumstances.

Food hygiene, street dealing, and unauthorised car parking were all areas of concern that were incorporated into the WAI “War Against Indiscipline” in order to instill in people correct healthful living habits, attitudes, and practises. Later, incentives were added, and the scheme became competitive among the various state and local government districts of Nigeria’s federal republic.

Most of our towns and cities were given a makeover, whether consciously or unwittingly. The aims of the environmental cleanliness plan are sometimes misconstrued to their “statuquo” when they are no longer closely supervised because of their poor health habits and practises.

In fact, despite the many punishments or rigorous measures adopted by governments and other health organisations to force a change of attitude among the people, the problem of poor environmental sanitation and unsanitary behaviour among the majority of Nigerians has remained.

It is also worth noting that, while much has been made of the rural population or communities that contribute significantly to the urban population, it stands to reason that an individual’s home orientation would be unconsciously displayed in a new environment. As a result of the neglect of the sanitation fight at the grassroots level, most of our towns and cities’ sanitation efforts have failed.


The primary goal of the research is to identify, explore, and discover solutions to the following subproblems.

1. The psychological impact of the programme on the residents of Edo State’s Oredo Local Government Area.

2. The sociological impact of the environmental sanitation campaign on the population of Oredo LGA.

3. The programme’s effectiveness in terms of the community’s economic development.

4. The impact of the Oredo experiment on the physical development of the aforementioned community.



The study’s main goal is to look into the efficiency of environmental sanitation programmes in the studied areas. The primary goal of the research is to;

Examine how environmental sanitation is implemented.
Look at the variables that are working against the effectiveness of environmental sanitation.
Provide information on how to enhance environmental sanitation.
to probe government officials’ roles in environmental sanitation

How is environmental sanitation handled in the research area?
What are the variables that work against environmental sanitation’s effectiveness?
What can be done to improve environmental sanitation?
What role do government officials play in environmental sanitation?

The “Oredo experiment” is a one-of-a-kind initiative in recent history and in the history of urban environmental sanitation. The study’s conclusions would thus be beneficial not just to the government, but also to individuals, the general public, and the society.

It could assist the government in assessing previous policies with the goal of delivering health for all at a low or no major cost. The findings and recommendations may inspire health challenges in other rural/urban communities to instill and maintain healthy habits and practices, thereby creating a long-term solution to the world’s rapid environmental degradation.

To the community, the study might be a source of motivation that could immortalise the initiative of the people, making this health practise part of the people’s culture. The investigation’s findings could also spark more research in the health field, with the goal of creating a more dynamic health culture for the world at large.


The environmental sanitation plan is being implemented at the national, state, and municipal government levels throughout the country. The impact of this curriculum on people’s life is also specific to each of the above units.

For the purposes of this study, the researcher focused on the physical, psychological, social, and economic well-being of the residents of Oredo LGA in Edo State.


Certain operational technical phrases were unavoidably utilised in the course of this study to communicate various viewpoints in the write-up. Those concepts, however, have been defined for the reader’s ease of understanding.

1. Catch them young- The act of enrolling children of an early age in sanitation activities with the goal of teaching them good/correct health habits, attitudes, and practises.

2. Environmental sanitation-the regulation of all aspects in man’s environment that have or may have a delectable effect on his physical growth, health, and survival.

3. Influence- The impact that something has through intangible or invisible means.

4. Mass-community Action-A collaborative cooperative and coordinating initiative engaging all community members.

5. Mass-Mobilization-involvement of all capable citizens in carrying out a programme.

6. Modus-operand-The mode in which an action was carried out.

7. Pollution- Contamination or adverse changes in physical, chemical, or biological factors in the environment that may have a negative impact on the quality of human existence. This includes the effects on other animals, plants, industries, and cultural and aesthetic treasures.

8. Population- A group of members of the same species living in the same region.

9. Status Quo- The initial state of affairs/habits.

10. Task force- A temporary grouping of units or personnel under one command with the goal of completing a specific mission or solving a specific problem.

11th. World Health Organization (WHO) This is the most powerful global health organisation. It was established in 1942. Following World War II. It is an arm of the United Nations Organization (UNO), and its members are all independent nations.

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