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Chapter one


1.1 Background of the Study

Land is a necessary input (component of production) for agriculture, which was by far the most important economic activity in preindustrial cultures. Industrialization brought in significant new uses for land, such as factories, warehouses, offices, and urban agglomerations.

Furthermore, the value of real property in the form of constructed structures and machinery rises relative to the value of land alone. The definition of real property gradually expands to include all types of tangible fixed capital.

With the advent of extractive industries, real property has evolved to include natural capital. As tourism and leisure grow in popularity, real estate values increasingly include scenic and other amenity features.

Beginning in the 1960s, as part of the developing area of law and economics, economists and legal scholars began to investigate the property rights held by tenants under the various estates, as well as the economic benefits and costs of the various estates.

Real estate has played an important part in human progress since its inception (Chika, 2006). Indeed, whether in ancient times or today’s modern system, land is a vital indicator of man’s wealth, and as economic activities have become more sophisticated throughout time, land has continued to play an important role in their evolution.

There is almost no business initiative that does not require some type of real estate or estate management, from the little business that needs real estate as offices to organise its operations to the large venture that needs it for its factory.

Economics and management studies have long shown that production is dependent on four components, one of which is land, the other three being labour, capital, and entrepreneur.

As a result, it stands to reason that every commercial/business lawyer, in order to fulfil his professional obligations, should have a thorough understanding of estate management practice or real estate law. The client requires advice in one form or another on land (Chika, 2006).

1.2 Statement of Problems

Many complications arise from the manual approach of handling activities in the real estate sector. It is regrettable that Nurabam Global Services, despite her vast service, still maintains her records manually.

The issues with this manual system include time waste, improper use of statistical data, and duplication of effort in record keeping. Decision-making delays, the need for extensive clerical work, and a difficulty to keep up with the daily burden.

Slow response to requests or enquires, rodent records, numerous human errors, file confidentiality issues, and expensive stationary costs.

1.3 Aim and Objectives of the Study

The goal of this project is to develop a user application for estate management practice.

The study’s aims are:

To bridge the gap and develop better awareness and adaptability in the use and maintenance of computer applications in real estate.

Design an application that will store information on property size, location, and owners.

Handle all aspects of property rentals and sales for clients.

Provide security for the client’s data

Handle various transactions with clients.

1.4 Methodology.

The design models for this system include Microsoft Visual C# and Microsoft Office Access.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The user application system has traditionally played an important role in the stability of real estate. Manually keeping information can impede some programmes and records, as well as cause information to be delayed before reaching the relevant body.

Manual documenting of information can expose the information, posing a hazard to the organization’s files and records. As a result, a user application system is required to ensure the preservation of all of this information.

1.6 Scope of the Study

This study will look at how computers are used in the real estate business. It will address the notion of a computer, the role of computers in real estate, the various areas of real estate practice, and the percentage of real estate firms that utilise computers and how they carry out their functions.

1.7 Limitations of the Study

The study will focus on landed property in real estate. In this context, landed property includes real estate, which refers to immovable property such as land and buildings.

1.8 Definition of Terms

Property: This includes actual property such as land, buildings, and estates. It is the collection of rights and benefits received from something possessed at the expense of all other people.

A market is a network of people who purchase and sell anything.

A computer is a device or calculating machine that performs a wide range of tasks based on a set of instructions (known as programmes) stored in its memory.

Estate: A legal entity that denotes the kind and quality of lighting that an owner possesses on a landed property.

Management is the science of organising and operating, or, in practice, the act of directing and conducting affairs.

Software is any programme or set of instructions that can be used to control a computer and its related hardware to perform tasks.

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