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Utilization Of Community Mobilization Strategies In The Implementation Of Community Development Projects In South-East States, Nigeria

Utilization Of Community Mobilization Strategies In The Implementation Of Community Development Projects In South-East States, Nigeria

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Utilization Of Community Mobilization Strategies In The Implementation Of Community Development Projects In South-East States, Nigeria


Chapter One: Introduction
Background Of  the Study

Community development encompasses all types of development efforts in a community.

It aims to enhance people as individuals, groups, or society as a whole, as well as their

Living scenario. It also aims to ensure the active participation and cooperation of the

People in every community program that is aimed to increase their standard of living

Encourage their development in all forms. Omoruyi (2001) reported that community development

was first used in 1948 at the Cambridge Conference on African Administration which was organised.

By the British Colonial Office. Then, community development was understood to mean the same thing.

as mass education. Community development was thus viewed as a movement aiming to

Promote improved life for the entire community by active participation and, if feasible, on the

Obetta (2014) describes a community initiative.

Community development is universally regarded as the process by which

in which the people’s efforts are linked with those of the government.

authority to enhance the economic, social, and cultural conditions of communities.

incorporate these groups into the life of the nation and allow them to fully contribute.

to national progress (Hyman and Obetta, 2004). Community development is consequently a process.

It aims to empower individuals and groups of people by providing them with the

Skills need to effect change in their local communities. These skills are frequently concentrated.

around gaining political power by forming large social groups that collaborate for

A common agenda.


Anyanwu (1999) describes community development as a stage in the lives of

a community in which people organise and act together to satisfy their felt needs.

through programme development and implementation. The programmes of community



Development usually results from concerted efforts to bring about societal change.

communities. Adequacy of community amenities and services; opportunity for

Employment and the quality of the neighbourhood environment are essential components of any

community. According to Lee (2003), community development is based on a wide understanding

of citizenship that views people as having the right to influence and participate in decisions that

affect them, and to have their experiences and opinions heard and acted upon. It has the potential to

mechanism or process by which persons can obtain such a privilege. This can lead to

Participation in decision-making and collaborative action leads to a social inclusion agenda.

and alleviation of poverty. Essentially, delivering community development and social

Welfare services are a human right that is enshrined in the United Nations Charter (1995).

Over the last three decades, the strategy of providing community development and social welfare

Services have been changing throughout time. Currently, a bottom-up service delivery model

Approach is popular. The idea indicates that the recipients of a service are assisted in

Understand their concerns and participate in recommending and delivering potential interventions.

towards tackling that specific problem. In other words, the bottom-up service delivery strategy.

is a demand-driven strategy that demonstrates how communities are helped to identify an issue.

hurting them, and thus the desire to resolve it (Twebaze, 2003).

The bottom-top technique contrasts dramatically with the top-bottom approach, with

Bureaucrats analysed community problems and proposed interventions to address them.

behalf. The top-bottom strategy assumes that communities lack the capacity to

grasp their difficulties, nor do they have any capacity to propose any meaningful

intervention to resolve their issues (Obetta & Okide, 2011). This kind of approach became

So popular during the colonial and post-colonial periods until the 1980s (Cinara, 2004). Top to bottom

The strategy had flaws since its services did not align with the requirements of the communities.

Furthermore, the communities have to view the operations as foreign and imposed on them.

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