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utilization of language activities in the teaching and learning of English language in senior secondary in Obio Akpor LGA

utilization of language activities in the teaching and learning of English language in senior secondary in Obio Akpor LGA

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utilization of language activities in the teaching and learning of English language in senior secondary in Obio Akpor LGA


This study focused on the use of language activities in the teaching and learning of English in senior secondary schools in Obio Akpor LGA. The study’s entire population consists of 200 personnel from chosen secondary schools in Obio Akpor.

The researcher employed questionnaires to collect data. The descriptive survey research design was used for this investigation. The survey used 133 respondents, including principals, vice principals, administrators, senior personnel, and junior staff. The acquired data was organised into tables and analysed using simple percentages and frequencies.

Chapter one


1.1 Background of the Study

The English language has a high status in the nation’s educational system, as it is both a school topic and the medium of teaching from the final three (3) years of primary school to the postsecondary level.

The main goal is for every Nigerian citizen to have a fair level of competency and proficiency in English so that they may effectively fulfil national duties in the process of nation building.

In Nigeria, education is equated with good language skills. According to Banjo, if an educated man in Nigeria is defined as having completed at least secondary education, no Nigerian who does not speak English can be considered educated.

English confers some dignity to individuals who speak it fluently. The majority of Nigerians now recognise it as part of their linguistic property, rather than viewing it as a temporary borrowed language. We frequently employ it with originality and ebullience, stemming from a confident sense of ownership, despite the fact that it is not our native language.

The English language is the best linguistic contender for promoting national integration, unity, and identity. No Nigerian language can be regarded an effective tool for this monumental task. Nigeria, a huge country with over 520 languages, undoubtedly encompasses multiple nations.

However, in order to promote national cohesiveness, unity, and social stability, a common (national) language must be developed. Unfortunately, none of the indigenous languages has been able to properly harmonise or stabilise the country, and our linguistic diversity, instead of being a blessing, has been considered by many as a curse.

It is worth noting that, despite the large number of languages, only 65 have writing alphabets and only 120 have texts written in them. This means that most Nigerian languages lack the potential to meet the challenges provided by good language planning and engineering.

It’s simple to see why the English language bore the brunt of Nigeria’s language policy: it serves the needs of a multilingual society without an indigenous official language.

As admirable as the purpose of English language instruction is, it is not without hurdles and problems. Based on this, the researcher would like to explore the use of language activities in the teaching and learning of English in secondary school.

Statement of the Problem

Many writers have voiced disappointment with the kids’ language and communicative deficiencies. It’s no surprise that the supposedly low standard in our educational system is mostly due to linguistic failure, given that all education is language-based.

The two most essential aspects influencing English development in Nigeria and in any second language scenario are Nigeria’s linguistic contexts and the quality of education. The first factor comes from the interference of native languages and other languages in contact. Problems caused by this aspect are known as interlingual problems.

The second issue relates to the instructor, who is the pivot on which the teaching and learning processes rely for success. Whether the problem is inter-language or intra-language, a great responsibility revolves around Nigeria’s English instructors.

The objectives of the study

The study’s aims are:

To determine the obstacles of teaching and studying English language in secondary schools in Obio Akpor LGA.

To determine the factors that affect the growth of the English language in secondary of Obio Akpor LGA.

To determine if the use of language activities affects the teaching and learning of English in secondary school in Obio Akpor LGA.

Research Hypotheses

The following have been proposed for testing.

H0: There are no obstacles in teaching and learning English in secondary school in Obio Akpor Local Government Area.

H1: There are issues with teaching and learning English in secondary school in Obio Akpor LGA.

H0: There is no element that affects the development of English language in secondary schools of Obio Akpor LGA.

H2: There are factors that influence the development of English language in secondary schools in Obio Akpor LGA.

Significance of the Study

The findings will be extremely important to students, teachers, and policymakers. The study will provide a thorough understanding of the use of language activities in the teaching and learning of English in secondary schools in the Obio Akpor local government. The study will also act as a reference for other researchers who would engage on the relevant topic.

Scope and limitations of the study

The study’s scope includes the use of language activities in the teaching and learning of English in secondary schools in the Obio Akpor Local Government Area. The researcher faces certain constraints that limit the scope of the investigation, including:

The researcher has insufficient research material, which limits the investigation.

The study’s time frame does not allow for broader coverage because the researcher must integrate other academic activities and examinations with the investigation.

Insufficient funds tend to hamper the researcher’s efficiency in accessing important resources, literature, or information, as well as in data collecting (internet, questionnaire, and interview).

Definition of the Terms

Utilisation is the action of using something in a practical and successful manner.

Teaching is defined as engaging with students to help them grasp and apply knowledge, concepts, and procedures.

Learning: teaching consists of engaging pupils in the active development of knowledge.

English is a West Germanic language that originated in early mediaeval England and has since become the dominant language of international conversation in the modern world. It is called after the Angles, an ancient Germanic people that migrated to the area of Great Britain that became known as England.

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