Project Materials





Project Material Details
Pages: 75-90
Questionnaire: Yes
Chapters: 1 to 5
Reference and Abstract: Yes
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Chapter one


1.1 Background of the Study

Mosquitoes transmit a variety of diseases, posing serious health hazards worldwide. Understanding their breeding sites is critical for successful vector management and disease prevention. A larval survey of mosquito open habitats was conducted in the settlements of Awka, Isiagu, Nibo, and Umuawulu in Anambra State’s Awka South LGA.

The study was conducted during the wet season, May-July 2011, and the dry season, December 2011-February 2012. Mosquito larvae were collected using a dipper and pipette.

Nike Flyknit Air Max Heren The wet season survey discovered five mosquito larval habitats: ground pools, drains/gutters, used tyres, discarded domestic containers, and tree holes/leaf axils, while the dry season survey only identified one ground pool near a river bank.

A total of 343 mosquito larvae were collected and identified, representing three genera and five species. Aedes aegypti accounted for 43.4% (149/343), Culex quinquefasciatus 25.4% (87/343), Culex tigripes 15.5% (53/343), Anopheles gambiae 12.5% (43/343), and Anopheles funestus 3.2% (11/343).

Culex quinquefasciatus was the most prevalent in ground pools (36.7%), followed by Anopheles gambiae (33.7%). Culex tigripes showed the largest distribution in drains and gutters, accounting for 37.9%, followed by A. aegypti and other species. Only A. aegypti and C. larvae have been found in worn tires. Nike Darwin Goedkoop quinquefasciatus has been identified.

Nike Air Max 95 Premium Tape Dame A similar result was found from household trash containers containing A. aegypti and C. quinquefasciatus. The only mosquito larvae detected in tree holes and leaf axils were C. Nike Air Max 2016 Dame Tigripes. Nike Air Max Dame The findings also revealed that Anopheles gambiae and A. funestus bred only in ground pools and drains/gutters.

Only Anopheles gambiae and Culex quinquefasciatus larvae were found in a dry season study near a river bank in vegetable farms. Cheap Air Max 2015 Dark Blue Red Statistical study found no significant difference (p>0.05) between identified larval habitats and mosquito species in various larval habitats in the rainy season v There was a substantial (p<0.05) change in larval distribution between wet and dry seasons.

Adequate knowledge of mosquito larval habitats will aid in the development of better environmental management strategies for mosquito-borne disease control.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Despite efforts to eliminate mosquitoes, identifying and managing open larval environments remains difficult, contributing to persistent mosquito populations and disease transmission.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The primary goal of this study is to identify mosquito larval homes in open areas. Specific aims include:

i. To assess how environmental factors influence the distribution of mosquito larval habitats.

ii. Identify the species variety of mosquitos breeding in open larval environments.

iii. Determine seasonal fluctuations in the prevalence of mosquito larvae in open habitats.

1.4 Research Questions.

i. How do environmental factors such as temperature and humidity affect the distribution of mosquito larval habitats?

ii. What mosquito species live in open larval habitats?

iii. How does the prevalence of mosquito larvae vary by season in open habitats?

1.5 Significance of the Study

This project will provide critical insights into the unique circumstances that promote mosquito breeding, allowing for more targeted control methods and lowering disease transmission risks in impacted populations.

1.6 Scope of the Study

The study focusses on locating and characterising open larval habitats of mosquitos in a specific geographic area, taking into account environmental and seasonal fluctuations.

1.7 Limitations of the Study

Limitations may include sampling procedure limits, weather fluctuation that interferes with fieldwork, and potential biases in larval habitat identification.

1.8 Definition of Terms.

Open Larval Habitats: Accessible and unconfined breeding habitats for mosquitos, such as stagnant water bodies, puddles, and containers.


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