An evaluation of the role of the industrial union in handling employee complaints in the organization: a case study of the Ministry of Works in ENUGU State
This study evaluated the function of industrial unions in the management of employee complaints within the firm. The study population consists of 200 Enugu state Ministry of Works employees. The researcher utilized questionnaires as the data gathering instrument. Descriptive Utilizing a survey research design, this study was conducted. The study utilized 133 respondents, including directors, administrative personnel, senior staff, and junior staff. The acquired data were tabulated and evaluated using straightforward percentages and frequencies.
Chapter one
Background of the study
The Nigerian Labour Law defines an INDUSTRIAL UNION as any combination, whether temporary or permanent, whose primary purposes under its constitution are the regulation of the relations between workmen and workmen or between masters and masters, or the imposition of restrictive conditions on the conduct of any trade or business, and the provision of benefits to members (cited in Fajana, 1995: 132). This description appears to encompass a wide range of organizations and organisations as industrial union. A further definition of the term describes it as an association of wage or salary earners founded to safeguard and improve the wage and work conditions of its members and to promote the social standing and living standards of its members within the community (Fajana, 2000).
The above definition highlights the acquisition of labor as a production element. Industrial union is distinguished from other organizations or associations by its concentration on the improvement of members’ working conditions. The following are Sidney and Beatrice Webb’s (1920) definitions of industrial union: Continuous association of wage earners for the purpose of preserving or enhancing their working conditions. This concept highlights the continuing nature of an industrial union as an association of wage earners. Due to the fact that industrial unions are not just concerned with the betterment of working conditions, this definition may be deemed too restricted.
Beanc (1985) argued that industrial union is best defined as the institutional representation of workers’ interests within the labor movement and broader society, with an emphasis on the collective rather than individual power resources of employers. The radical school of thinking defines the concept differently. Industrial union is defined as the conveyor belt of the workers’ determination to abolish wage slavery and reform society drastically (Hyman, 1971). This definition views industrial union as the method to realize the impending working class revolution that, according to Marxist theory, is inevitable in every capitalist society.
The many definitions presented here reflect on the role of industrial unions in society.
– examining the practices of employers;
– arena for realizing the revolutionary potential of labor;
– safeguard members’ interest against management action or wrongdoing;
– rebellion against capitalist domination;
– giving employees the opportunity to be equal partners with management;
– granting employees a degree of collective strength;
– agent of revolutionary social transformation There have been numerous inquiries regarding the function of industrial unions.
Several of these jobs can be identified. The first objective is to strengthen the worker’s bargaining position vis-à-vis the employer. This can be accomplished through regular conversation with the employer and management over matters pertaining to the workers’ employment terms and general working conditions. The second objective is to safeguard workers from humiliating jobs, particularly with reference to how management treats labor. Industrial unions accomplish this objective by defending employees whenever company policy threatens to deteriorate their condition. Thirdly, the union provides workers with a sense of collective identity while also serving as a venue for collective bargaining. Fourthly, industrial unions act to influence government policies regarding worker-related programs. As worker’s representatives, industrial union becomes a powerful pressure organization in furthering members’ interests both in the workplace and in society at large.
Lastly, industrial unions serve a societal purpose by collaborating with other parts of society to enhance social and economic development and community progress. Therefore, this study tries to assess the function of labor unions in handling employee complaints.
The foundation of employee productivity and organizational advancement is a suitable and happy work environment. However, the obligation for attaining this falls on both the company and the employee. Recent trends indicate that industrial conflict between management and employees is a reoccurring occurrence caused by a number of unaddressed employee grievance issues. These are the most frequent types of employee and workplace complaints: Compensation and benefits: This is the most frequent source of employee complaints and concerns. These issues may concern the amount and eligibility for pay increases, pay parity for equivalent work within the firm, and the cost and scope of employee benefits. Workloads: Heavy workloads are a typical workplace and employee complaint. If you work for a company experiencing lean times, you may have been asked to take on additional responsibilities without a wage raise. Perhaps your company chooses not to fill a vacant position and instead assigns you and your coworkers new responsibilities. Such circumstances result in employee frustration and discontentment.
A safe and tidy workplace is essential for employee satisfaction and motivation. Extensive state and federal laws safeguard the health and safety of employees. Employees who believe their employer is not adhering to applicable rules and regulations may register a grievance. Union and Employer Relations: Both the union and management must avoid unfair labor practices when unions represent employees. These criminal behaviors involve threatening or forceful behavior on the side of either party in order to win the loyalty or cooperation of an employee. The National Labor Relations Act defines prohibited employer and union conduct. For instance, businesses cannot threaten to fire employees who vote for a union. Employees may register grievances when unfair labor practices are encountered. Businesses require efficient rules and procedures to address the many forms of employee complaints. Some employees will utilize grievance procedures simply to vent their dissatisfaction, while others will do so to influence future contract negotiations or oppose illegal behaviors. Managers should always seek for the most effective solutions feasible. It is crucial for the union to effectively represent the worker in resolving issues with management through collective bargaining in order to improve working conditions. Consequently, the objective of this study is to identify the role of industrial union in managing employee complaints within the firm.
The study’s aims are as follows:
To identify the nature of employee complaints
To identify the reasons and consequences of employee complaints.
Determine the nature and role of industrial union in employee grievance management in the Enugu state public service
Research Hypotheses
The researcher formulated the following research hypotheses for the successful completion of the study:
There is no nature and function of industrial unions in employee grievance management.
H1: the nature and function of industrial unions in employee grievance management.
There are no causes and effects of employee complaints, per H02.
H2: There are both causes and consequences of employee complaints.
Importance of the research
The study will provide a structural evaluation of the function of industrial union in employee grievance management within the firm. It will serve as a reliable source of information for managers, union leaders, and other industrial relations professionals.
Limitations and scope of the study
The scope of the study includes an evaluation of the function of industrial unions in the management of employee grievances inside the company, as well as a case study of the Ministry of Works in the Enugu State Civil Service. The researcher faces a constraint that restricts the study’s scope;
a) AVAILABILITY OF RESEARCH MATERIAL: The researcher has insufficient research material, consequently limiting the scope of the investigation.
b) TIME: The time allotted for the study does not allow for a broader scope because the researcher must mix it with other academic activities and examinations.
EMPLOYEE GRIEVANCE DEFINED What options are available to employees who are unsatisfied with their terms and conditions of employment? Have you ever believed that your employer violated the provisions of your employment contract? Perhaps you were not adequately reimbursed for your efforts, or you were exposed to hazardous working circumstances. You may choose to submit a formal complaint against your employer in this case. This is referred to as an employee complaint.
WILDCAT STRIKE: This type of strike violates the contract and is not approved by the union because the employer is not given a reason or prior notice.
SIT-DOWN STRIKE: This sort of strike involves workers being physically present but not performing any work.
This refers to acts that adhere to the method outlined in the collective bargaining agreement. Typically, the agreement defines the time and procedure for workers to undertake a strike.
This is a strike action that does not comply with the terms of the collective agreements or the applicable public policies.
This form of strike is typically not approved by the union’s leadership. This occurs because the membership has lost faith in the leaders and is therefore willing to exert direct pressure on the employer without the leaders’ authorisation.
OFFICIAL STRIKE: These are strikes that are often sanctioned by the union’s leadership.
An evaluation of the role of the industrial union in handling employee complaints in the organization: a case study of the Ministry of Works in ENUGU State
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