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This study looked at the causes and effects of voting behaviour. Three objectives were proposed: determine the causes of election voting behaviour in Jigawa Gubernatorial election 2019,

determine the effect of voting behaviour in Jigawa Gubernatorial election 2019, and determine the factors that discourage voters from participating in Jigawa Gubernatorial election 2019.

The study’s overall population is 75 people of Jigawa state’s Auyo local government. The researcher collected data using questionnaires as the instrument.

This study used a descriptive survey research approach. The acquired data was organised into tables and analysed using simple percentages and frequencies.

Chapter One


1.1 Background of The Study

One of the most intriguing questions about elections is not usually who wins, but how the voting population makes political judgements to vote for the candidates (Antwi, 2018). The installation of direct elections is part of the post-reform democratisation process. One of the primary prerequisites for a democratic political system government,

according to Diamond, Linz, and Lipset (1990), is political engagement that involves as many people as possible in fair and equitable elections. Verba, Schlozman, and Brady (1995) in Mujani (2007) also state that public involvement is at the heart of democracy,

which is consistent with what Diamond, Linz, and Lipset teach about the importance of political participation in democracy. According to these experts, public participation is critical to the preservation of democracy.

Voters play a crucial role in determining election outcomes and the direction of the future government in a direct election. The election serves as a catalyst for people to decide whether a government will change or not, as do policies in other government areas.

According to Larry Diamond (in Friedman, 2010), if you don’t obtain the right government, it’s very difficult to get other government truths. As a result, studying how voters make decisions during an election’s momentum is intriguing.


Few behaviours a person might exhibit in his or her lifetime have as many ramifications as voting for a political party in an election. By voting, an individual person, either directly or indirectly, establishes a course of action for parliaments and administrations, and thus for the sociopolitical and physical organisation of the country in which he or she lives.

Elections have brought to power leaders who have drastically altered the direction of global affairs and implemented policies that touch the everyday lives of millions. While voting behaviour is socially relevant, it has rarely been studied from a behaviour analytical standpoint (Lamal & Greenspoon, 1992 being an example).

For a long time, normative considerations dominated the study of voting, ascribing to the average voter a strong sense of rationality in political matters. The first psychological studies of electoral behaviour quickly shattered this optimistic vision,

but they were quickly replaced by a form of semi-rationality in which the voter’s choices at the polling booths are determined by a more or less stable set of mental constructs (political beliefs, attitudes, values, and so on) (Visser, 1994a).

Although political scientists dispute on the precise nature and number of these mental dispositions, semi-rational models have survived to the present (Visser, 1994b).

Voting behaviour is defined as a collection of personal electoral behaviours that includes participation in political campaigns, turnout at the polls, and deciding who to vote for (Bratton: 2013). In this light, efforts have been undertaken to comprehend national voting behaviour and the numerous aspects that impact voters in making their decision.


Work has been done on the issue of having free and fair elections, factors influencing voter choices such as ethnic religious identification, voting simulation models, and voting patterns and trends. There are three types of voters:

i) Regular Voters, who participate in election-related activities and vote on a regular basis;

ii) Intermittent Voters, who participate in election-related activities and vote on a less frequent basis than regular voters; and

iii) Non-Casting Voters, who do not participate in election-related activities and do not vote. In general, roughly more than 80% of people cast ballots in the jigawa Gubernatorial election 2019, while the remainder did not.

This figure (80%) is consistent with a functioning democracy. Nonetheless, a riddle persists: while voter turnout is adequate in comparison to national elections, why do some voters cast their ballots while a segment of the voters, no matter how small or large, does not?

What reasons motivate one significant segment of voters to vote, and what factors prevent another segment of voters from participating in electoral activities and voting? The study intends to analyse the causes and effects of voting behaviour based on this. Case Study of the 2019 Jigawa Gobernatorial Election

Aim of the study

The study’s aims are as follows:

To investigate the factors of election voting behaviour in the 2019 Jigawa Gubernatorial election.

To investigate the impact of voting behaviour in the 2019 Jigawa Gubernatorial election

To identify the reasons that deter voters from participating in election activities. 2019 Jigawa Gubernatorial Election

Research Question

What factors influence election voting behaviour in the 2019 Jigawa Gubernatorial election?

What is the impact of voting behaviour in the 2019 Jigawa Gubernatorial election?

What are the things that deter voters from participating in the Jigawa Gubernatorial election 2019?

research Hypotheses

The researcher developed the following research hypotheses in order to successfully complete the study:

H0: There are no factors of Jigawa Gubernatorial election voting behaviour in 2019.

H1: There are reasons for election voting behaviour in the 2019 Jigawa Gubernatorial election.


H02: Voting behaviour has no effect in the 2019 Jigawa Gubernatorial election.


H2: Voting behaviour has an effect in the 2019 Jigawa Gubernatorial election.


H03: There are no elements that deter voters from participating in election activities. 2019 Jigawa Gubernatorial Election


H3: There are elements that deter voters from participating in election activities. 2019 Jigawa Gubernatorial Election


The significance of the research

This study will provide a clear understanding of the causes and effects of voting behaviour in the 2019 Jigawa Gubernatorial election. The study’s findings will inform the public about the issues that dissuade voters from voting and how this affects the state’s democracy. The study will also be used as a resource for other researchers who will be working on a similar topic.


The scope and limitations of the study

The study’s scope includes the reasons and effects of voting behaviour in the 2019 Jigawa Gubernatorial election. The research will be limited to the 2019 Jigawa gubernatorial election.

The researcher comes upon a constraint that limits the scope of the investigation;

a) RESEARCH MATERIAL AVAILABILITY: The researcher’s research material is insufficient, restricting the scope of the investigation.

b) TIME: The study’s time frame does not allow for broader coverage because the researcher must balance other academic activities and examinations with the study.

Definition of Terms

Voting habits:

Voting is a type of electoral behaviour. Understanding voter behaviour can help explain how and why decisions are made, whether by public decision-makers or by the electorate, which has been a major focus for political scientists.

Causes: a person or thing that causes an action, phenomenon, or circumstance to occur.

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