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Chapter one


1.1 Introduction

Prior to the arrival of computers, Nigerian industrial enterprises, like other sectors of society, relied on manual methods of operation. This means that all operations, including production, transactions, customer registration, stock system, and account balance, were done manually. Without a doubt, this manual way of operation is extremely slow and unreliable, as well as prone to errors and mistakes.

As a result, several organisations and higher education institutions have made numerous attempts and efforts to improve or become more formidable in the everyday application of new technology in day-to-day tasks.

In March 1995, a secretariat administration student at Kwara State Polytechnic in Ilorin conducted a research project titled “IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGY ON THE OFFICE”. A project that elaborates on the use of machines such as photocopiers and typewriters in the efficient operation of an organisation.

In December 2000, a student of accounting at Kwara State College of Education in Ilorin conducted research on a “DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR A MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY”.

Project work includes aspects such as the organization’s production, sales, and accounting sectors, however it is done manually and using a manufacturing industry decision-making process.

In light of this, I declared to create it at and enhance the previous attempt made by others in the application of technology and a decision, support through the use of a specific computer programming language in “DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR A MANUFACTURING SYSTEM” A case study of International Tobacco Company Plc, Ilorin.

1.2 Aims and Objectives

The reality that the existing system has a large amount of stock and balances of accounts that no one, even management, knows about. And the majority of the faults are in the stock system, customer registration, and balance of account, which cannot be fixed within a year of it being postponed, delaying some specific choice to be made by the company’s management.

Thus, there is a need for reform in the company’s decision support system. A decision support system is an interactive system that can help users make better decisions, increase sales, and solve their problems.

The general goal of the decision support system is to assist decision making while also providing an accurate customer registration and stock system so that combined lost, holding stock, and stock put costs are kept to a minimal.

This is accomplished by determining the following factors. How to generate a customer registration and stock system report, how to record credit sales, how to calculate total turn over allowance and withdrawals of items from stock, and when to release goods.

It becomes tiresome and complex when done manually. This is why it is believed that the current system should be analysed and feasibility assessed.

The project will be carried out in such a way that it achieves up to one of the objectives given below, which will serve as guide for the project activity.

To define the existing system and devise a formidable solution to the numerous problems that they envision for the system.
Eliminate manual repair operations to the greatest extent practicable.

To improve the updating, modification, and presentation of various reports.

1.3 Significance of the Study

The decision reports system is a continuous decision-making operation that distributes to customers so that the stock system is adequate to fulfil the current role of demands in relation to the economy.

In general, since the introduction of computers into the world, there has been a steady increase in public awareness of their potential as beneficial tools.

This growth has presented itself in a variety of ways and forms. Nowadays, computers can be found practically wherever, and there is no human activity that is not valuable.

Most businesses face a large volume of data to process, and most of this data must be processed quickly and accurately in order to provide useful information to the officer concerned and used in decision making.

For example, if a supervisor officer needs to know how much money has been received, how much has been spent on salaries, and how many goods are in stock.

The computer conducts operations at high speeds, processes information with accuracy, and reduces paper work and sitting costs. And these facts go a long way towards improving patronage and profit while decreasing losses and productivity.

1.4 Methodology.

Before collecting any data, it is critical to understand exactly what the collection is about. As a result, one must determine whether data will be collected from the entire population or just a subset of the phenomena mentioned above.

In this research, however, the sample where the information is expected to be collected is International Tobacco Company Plc, Ilorin

However, given the multitude of production locations across the country, it would be difficult for a researcher to obtain precise information from them. As a result, the sampling technique is used, with the sample selected based on reasonable reasoning.

For the purposes of this study, the Head of Office of International Tobacco Company Plc in Ilorin is considered.

The Company’s concerned officers were interviewed, and the researcher reached the sub-segment conclusion based on these interviews and observations.


The day-to-day decisions made by the stock system of the account controller determine in a very direct manner the investment in stocks and services given to customers.

Thus, the study’s scope is limited to the company’s client registration and stock system departments. The department, which has a significant impact on decision making and the system, involves the following process:

Assessing the quantity of items to be supplied to the consumer.

Choosing how much inventory to keep on hand on a daily basis.

Regulations include limiting the number of goods produced in a single plant and controlling the distribution of store stock.
Although this project work is done under strict supervision and with sufficient research

the goal is to alleviate the challenges associated with data entry processing of client orders at International Tobacco Company Plc in Ilorin.

It is only limited to the Head Office, but it can be later enhanced to include a networking system; nonetheless, it does support associated calculation, which changes based on the rate. However, it can still be used to make future improvements.

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