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This project work was focus on the sale promotion and brand loyalty for Coca-Cola soft drink in Enugu state with a special reference to Nigeria Bottling Plc, the challenge the researcher tackled were to find out if the customers of Nigeria Bottling Plc help to generate awareness of the brand.


Background of the study

The Nigerian Coco-Cola Bottling Company originally arrived in Nigeria in 1953, establishing its first bottling factory in Lagos. This marked the beginning of expansion and development in 1956,

when two further facilities were created in Kano and Jos. The Ibadan facility opened in 1961, followed by Benin’s in 1970. Source: Body Company. http/Google /2F%/cocoa-cola.

The Enugu factory at 9th Mile Corner Ngwo was constructed in 1975; there are approximately 21 Coca-Cola bottling plants in various parts of the country.

In several states where Coca-Cola bottling operations do not exist, big depots are always maintained to meet the brand’s expanding demand among consumers in those locations.

The Nigerian Coca-Cola Company is the sole manufacturer of many brands of self-soft drinks in Nigeria. Coca-cola, Fanta Orange, Fanta Tonic Water, Fanta Ginger Ale, Fanta Chapman, Fanta Lemon, Fanta Soda Water, spirits, and Krest Bitter Lemon are among the brands available.

Coca-Cola brought about the creation of a number of associated establishments, all of which contributed to the nation’s growth. Some of the establishments include the Delta Glass Company in Ugheli,

Delta state, which supplies the Nigeria Coca-Cola Company with the millions of bottles it uses, and the Crown Products Factory in Ijebu-Ode, Ogun and Kano, which manufactures the plastic company that makes the containers for carrying the product.

Coca-Cola Bottling Company, the leader in soft drink production in Nigeria, employs over 60,000 Nigerians in all aspects of its operations. The corporation has contributed significantly to the development of sports and sporting activities, primarily through sponsorships.

Sales promotion is something extra that can pique clients’ curiosity, stimulate a desire to buy, and elicit an immediate response from middlemen or the company’s sales force. It is the label given to specific types of sales acceleration activities that are not always classified as personal selling efforts.

It comprises of short-term rewards intended to increase purchasing behaviour. Sales promotions are geared at consumers, middlemen, or the company’s own sales team.

Sales promotional incentives are often short-term in nature, with the goal of increasing a specific brand’s sales over its current level. Sales would increase if more customers were drawn to the store, if non-brand users were drawn in, and if brand users were urged to buy more. Customer promotions simply attract more price sensitive or premium aware buyers.

The impact varies depending on the sort of promotion, the magnitude of the incentives, the likelihood of receiving the offer, and the level of awareness generated for the offer. It is widely assumed that sales promotional activities are intended to weaken brand loyalty, whereas advertising is intended to strengthen brand loyalty.

This is because, unlike advertising, sales promotion does not build long-term consumer franchises. They mostly attract deal-seeking consumers who are constantly eager to switch brands when incentives become available.

Sales promotional devices are typically the sole promotional materials provided at the time of purchase. This adds to its effectiveness in igniting the prospect. Prospects are frequently in a purchasing mindset; otherwise, they would not be present at the point of sale.

A brand is a name, logo, slogan, and design scheme that corresponds to a certain product or service. Brand recognition and other reactions are caused by the consumption of products or services, as well as the effect of advertising design and media opinion.

A brand is a symbol that represents all of the information associated with a product and serves to generate association and expectation. A brand frequently comprises a logo,

fonts, colour scheme, symbols, and music that can be designed to reflect implicit values, beliefs, and even personality.Promote its product, stimulate and arouse positive client behaviour towards the firm and its product.

The primary goals of sales promotion were

1. Determine the extent to which sales advertising by various soft drink firms has resulted in desirable customer exposure to various brands of Coca-Cola soft drinks.


2. To examine consumer brand switching behaviour in the context of exposure sales promotional programmes.

3. Determine the effect of sales promotions on consumer patronage of various brands.

4. Determine whether sales recorded for various Coca-Cola soft drink brands justify investments in sales promotion by the various corporations.

Based on the study’s aims, four hypotheses were proposed. The study’s population consisted of Coco-Cola soft drink users in Enugu State. Burley’s formula was used to estimate the sample size.

Questionnaires and personal interviews were utilised to collect data from respondents, and basic tables and percentages were employed to analyse the information gathered.

Based on the analysis, the following conclusions were reached.

1. The majority of consumers are affected by Nigerian Bottling Plc’s sales promotions.

2. Nigerian Bottling Plc’s sales promotion messages influence their merchandise.

3. Middlemen confirmed that they sold more during Nigeria bottling promotional efforts.

4. Sales marketing by Nigeria Bottling Plc contributes to increased consumer knowledge of their products.

5. Nigeria Bottling Plc’s sales push has encouraged customers to buy their product. The researcher then offered the following recommendations.

1. The company should continue and improve its sales promotion strategy.

2. Additional sales promotion efforts should be combined with other promotional instruments. In conclusion, the researcher may state that Nigeira Bottling Plc’s sales promotions inspire customers to buy more of their products, as well as distributors to buy more of them.

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