Project Material Details |
Pages: 75-90
Questionnaire: Yes
Chapters: 1 to 5
Reference and Abstract: Yes |
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Chapter One
1.1 Background of the Study
A store is a vital component of every organisation. It serves as the depository for all resources requested by the organisation and provides items as needed. It is vital to remember that the store represents a significant expenditure in the manufacturing and assembly facility.
It is true that the store function is a large cost centre, accounting for 70-75% of the firm’s annual budget (Dangana 2005), and hence it can have an impact on savings and thus contribute significantly to the organization’s profit.
However, in today’s increasingly competitive and globalised corporate environment, shop design is critical, as several examples illustrate that professionals charged with the function and duty of designing and managing the store receive little or no attention in the organisation.
This could be due to a lack of understanding about store design or its incorrect application. Furthermore, the variety of things in the store can be so enormous that a planned system is required to maintain it secure and organised. The stored objects should be located and addressed with minimal effort and time.
As a result, a store structure suited for carrying out diverse operations efficiently and productively is required, as well as the development of a system to ensure the safety of workers and materials.
Most of the time, the design of a storehouse determines the materials’ movement pattern and the limited type of handling equipment available.
since a result, most consumers’ demands for goods and services within and outside of the organisation are incremental in nature, since they prefer timely, convenient, and dependable delivery of materials and services.
However, the necessity to reduce waste and improve customer service inside such organisations has led to the introduction of the term “store design” and its impact on material handling.
It should also be mentioned at this point that any knowledge of how to construct a shop must include knowledge of how materials are moved. As a result, the study activity improves the effective utilisation of store design and its prospects in the organisation with the goal of improving and ensuring effective materials handling.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
One essential decision that organisations make is how to build and where situate their storage facilities. This choice has a significant impact on the firm’s ability to meet its objectives. That is, to deliver products and services to clients faster and at a lower cost to both the company and the customers.
Failure to manage operations properly can result in inefficiencies that outweigh gains or benefits from good management of such critical activities as transportation material handling, inventory management and maintenance, and information flow.
However, organisations confront a variety of challenges while designing a storehouse. Some of these issues may include construction costs, installation costs, site costs, local authority rates charged on new buildings, survey costs, and planning and design fees.
Other issues may include the cost of materials handling (equipment required to load and unload items as well as transport materials), the cost of necessary storage equipment, payment to the building contact, and other incidental costs.
As a result, poor storage design will result in poor performance, such as material damage and obsolescence, theft and pilfering, a poor communication network, difficulties in moving materials within and outside, and so on, regardless of the firm’s position in the industry or product acceptability in other locations.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
i. To investigate the impact of store design on material handling.
ii. To determine the issues connected with store design and material handling.
iii. Determine the appropriate solutions to alleviate these challenges.
iv. Determine the importance of locating a storage building in PHCN.
1.4 Significance of the Study
The research findings will benefit Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) Kaduna by enhancing or improving the store design system and processes in an effective and efficient manner.
Prospective researchers may find the researcher’s findings useful as a reference point, especially those who desire to conduct additional research in the linked topic under study.
To the general public who come across this research effort, it will offer them with information on how significant store design and material handling are to an organisation, as well as add value to their knowledge.
It will also serve as a prerequisite for obtaining a Higher National Diploma (HND) in Purchasing and Supply Management.
1.5 Scope of the Study
This study focusses on the influence of shop design on material handling at the Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) in Kaduna. Ali Akilu Road, Kaduna North Local Government.
The study will focus on the impact of shop design on material handling in the organisation, specifically for PHCN management and personnel.
The findings of this research will be mostly based on data from the stores, distribution, marketing, and production management of Nigeria’s power holding firm, which is located at Ali Akilu Road, Kaduna North, Local Government Kaduna.
1.6 Research Questions.
i. Does store design have an impact on material handling?
ii. What are the challenges connected with store design?
iii. What is the solution to these problems?
iv. How important is store building in PHCN?
1.7 Definition of Terms
A store is a location where objects can be accumulated or frequently stored. It is designed to accept, examine, hold, and issue all of an organization’s assets while also assisting in the maintenance of its original quality and material flow balance, as well as achieving the critical store function.
Design is the process of drawing or planning something that will be manufactured, done, or built in order to allow for smooth handling and storage of materials at the lowest possible cost.
Store design can be defined as the planning and layout of a storehouse structure to allow for smooth handling and storage of goods at the lowest cost achievable.
Material handling is defined as the operational activity of manually or automatically moving materials and other items from one location to another within an organisation or time period in excellent shape and efficiently.
Shelves: a board for laying things on, or pieces of wood or iron placed on the wall to store goods and other office items. In some regions, they are designed in cubes.
Pallets are a type of device that places mechanically controlled forks under a load so that it can be raised from the ground. They are typically made of wood.
Gangways are long and generally narrow passages in the storehouse and surroundings used to operate handling equipment and assist the circulation of materials in and out of the store.
In other terms, a stockyard is an open storage area that has been organised. It is a form of store that is not housed but is specifically designed for the storage of non-perishable items.
Receipt is the process of accepting all materials and parts utilised in the organisation, including suppliers for production, plant maintenance officers, capital installation, and final products.
Effect: a change caused by an activity or the result of the combination of two or more variables.
Organisations are artificially continuous structures with procedures and objectives that define duties and highlight who does what in terms of work tasks.
Dispatch: the process of selecting terms from stock, marshalling them, documenting them, loading them, and then delivering them to their intended location.
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